only in America...
2006-07-17 21:14:03
answer #1
answered by salforddude 5
In regards to the other answers so far... LMAO!!! You guys are nuts!!
Now, seriously...
NO, you cannot get a "negative" IQ score. The lowest possible score is a 1 (as in... you're breathing).
It is not a "linear" number like on a ruler. It is a ratio...a comparison of your ability to other people of the same age and (hopefully) cultural backgrounds.
The "average" IQ is 100. This means your answers = the average answers for your age group.
Anything between 85 and 114 is considered "average."
Anything below 70 is considered "mentally retarded."
Anything above 130 is considered "gifted/genius."
2006-07-18 03:54:58
answer #2
answered by spedusource 7
L like toiletbowl.martini's answer, and would tend to agree, but an IQ score or 0 means you literally have no intelligence, a rock has an IQ of 0. Now somebody could have no intelligence, and behave less intelligent than a rock, but this would be a matter of chance, seeing as the rock doesnt move. I have an IQ of 184
2006-07-17 21:19:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
the mind is in Tabularasa when we are still young.. which mean we all have an empty brain but through experience we tend to learn about things in this world, the moment we first walk, talk, run, play, read, write, schooled, do the gimmicks on bars, clubs, meeting friends, acquaintances that cannot be forgotten, falling in love and out of love, being bitter, moving on, finding job, losing one, growing old... what's the question again... ;-$
2006-07-17 21:37:57
answer #4
answered by Creine_Athena 2
For every positive, there is a negative (sigh). I now know it is possible...and I don't care to explain to you how I know this. Intelligence comes in many different forms and can't always be measured by a test. Many highly educated people lack basic common sense or people skills, for example. You have a talent...find it and use it.
2006-07-17 21:14:29
answer #5
answered by riverhawthorne 5
No...the way they set up the scoring, I think the lowest you can get is a zero, but of course that makes you an idiot...literally
2006-07-17 21:13:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I bet this fella called Justin Bieber is you
2016-03-26 22:25:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
That's a very lofty question. Why thank this "god" thinging anyway?
2006-07-17 21:13:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
A negative would mean that the subject is brain dead.
2006-07-17 21:13:35
answer #9
answered by expatturk 4
Good job, with spell checks you still manage to spell "spell" incorrectly.
2006-07-17 21:13:45
answer #10
answered by Genius 2
I don't think so,lol. But it would be pretty awesome if you could, cuz then you'd have something cool to brag about,lol.
2006-07-17 21:12:50
answer #11
answered by Anonymous