omg! i was going to ask this question! i loe britney im not going 2 lie! i hate it when people talk about her like shes nothing going around making fun of her oops.i did it again! but guess wat those haterz have been listening 2 her song though! i love britney spears and cant wait for her come back! dont be afraid to meet her, shes just a little country getto! lol!
2006-07-17 11:43:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
She is a classless whore...who can't raise a child...She married a trashy man...and she sets the example for a generation of Stupid Females...She pretends to know what she is talking about but she doesnt. She looks like hell now and she has absolutely no talent...why not try to get an Idol who actually has done something for the progression of women..not make all women look like dumbasses...I bet you adore paris hilton too dont ya?
2006-07-17 11:33:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Way too much valuable time has been spent on Ms. Spears. Her fifteen minutes of fame are over and done with. She needs to get along with her life, have her babies, raise her babies and get her husband out of the limelight. I assume you are a young person..... please, on behalf of the rest of your fellow mankind, focus on someone smarter, someone who is concerned about global warming as this is affecting us now and will affect you for the remainder of your life on this earth. Don't idolize these pop stars who no one will remember in twenty years. Worry about our world and see what you can do to help stop global warming.
2006-07-17 12:25:04
answer #3
answered by wanninonni 6
i feel sorry for her a little. I mean, in 2000 she was on top of the world and she was innocent and fresh,, in just 6 short years her whole life ,and im sure her attitude about life has changed. i just think she grew up way to fast for her own good,, am afraid to see how she will be 10 years from now
2006-07-17 11:47:35
answer #4
answered by rn491964 3
OMG give the girl a brake she is a first time mother pregnant with another and people are hollering at every thing she does! they hollered at her because she tripped and because her baby accidentally fell out of the high chair it was an accident every mother makes mistakes! Shes a good mother! its the paparazzi they find one little thing wrong then tern it into a big story! she not fat shes pregnant well i wasn't disappointed she was really sweet!♥
2006-07-17 11:41:05
answer #5
answered by ♥KaTeLyN♥ Geaux Tigers 4
You might be right in your fear of being disappointed. But really, I think her popularity has only gone down since, oh I'd say, 1999.
2006-07-17 11:33:48
answer #6
answered by sakareri 3
In my eyes she's appears that she tries to stay out of the media, she hasn't done any crazy stunts lately...sooner or later the media realize she a ordinary person just like the rest of us and leave her alone...
2006-07-17 12:11:26
answer #7
answered by The Urban Princess 1
I think she's beautiful and she had a lot going for her. It must be hard to live in the public eye for so long and it seems like now it has gotten to her and she has lost a lot of her charm.
2006-07-17 11:35:57
answer #8
answered by graybear 4
I think you should keep it to that length .. if you meet her now you will be very very disappointed .. she is not like what she use to be .. i loved her too but not anymore
2006-07-17 12:13:36
answer #9
answered by Azul 6
Have you BEEN around tabloids for the last 3 years?
2006-07-17 11:32:54
answer #10
answered by Ava 2
You need to expand your interests and find someone to idolize who has ANY worthy qualities; She's a talentless skank.
2006-07-17 11:35:52
answer #11
answered by answer annie 5