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whats the worst movie youve seen and why?
whos the worst actor/tres and why?

2006-07-17 11:21:27 · 11 answers · asked by kamajamom 1 in Entertainment & Music Movies

11 answers

worst movie: Bodyguard with Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner.

why: Whitney Houston- and what was Costner thinking???

worst actress: guess?

2006-07-17 11:27:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Battlefield Earth w/John Travolta.

Try this for an unbelievable plot hole:

Aliens have taken over earth and the humans that are left are regarded as stupid pets; John Travolta (alien) gets the idea that humans can be used to work in mines. The other aliens laugh at the very idea. So Travolta takes a bunch of humans to a mine and tells them he'll be back in a week and expects them to have some gold waiting for him.

The humans find some 500 year old American fighter jets (which apparently still work and have fuel), teach themselves how to fly them, fly to Fort Knox (how did they even know there was such a place), and bring back bars and bars of perfectly smelted gold - all in a week.

When Travolta's alien character returns asks how the gold got into bars, the humans explain that because they had some extra time they went ahead and smelted the gold, an explanation which is readily accepted by the alien.

This movie is so so so bad, that with a few beers and some goofy friends, it is well worth watching - as a comedy!

2006-07-23 08:18:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are a lot of really dumb movies so it's hard to pick but Charlies Angels Full Throttle comes to mind quick. I got to the part where one of them was free falling trying to catch up to a free falling helicopter and does. That's when I just couldn't watch anymore. Keaneau Reeves has some very bad acting in quite a few movies but I thought he redeemed himself in the first Matrix movie.

2006-07-17 11:31:24 · answer #3 · answered by Windseeker_1 6 · 0 0

Worse movie - Chairman of the Board. One word - CarrotTop
Worse actor - Anybody Wayans
Worse actress - Tara Reid

2006-07-17 11:31:39 · answer #4 · answered by Ana 2 · 0 0

The Animal with Rob Schnider he is the worst actor he really sucks

2006-07-17 11:35:20 · answer #5 · answered by shasha 3 · 0 0

ive seen too many bad movies...but the worst actor is tom cruise...i cant think of even think of one good movie he made!and not enuogh that he is a bad actor, he is also kind of freaky...im sorry for his child!and worst actress must be madonna!!! i do like her music but she really sucks as an actress, she should just give it up!!

2006-07-17 11:29:05 · answer #6 · answered by simi1808 3 · 0 0

scary movie 3 and 4 they suck they weren't even close as the other 1 and 2

2006-07-17 11:26:44 · answer #7 · answered by tesarina2003 2 · 0 0

Underworld 2 was pretty sad.
So was Lilo and Stitch

2006-07-17 13:36:06 · answer #8 · answered by ashcatash 5 · 0 0

spider man 2 ....why is it the worst movie.?!? cz it sux that's why...n cameron diaz is the worst actress along with brittany murphy...ben stiller, cusak ..they both suck

2006-07-17 11:27:09 · answer #9 · answered by J Q 2 · 0 0

hi KamAJAmom!!!!
de worst movie i hav ever seen was THE RING 2...y cuz its sooooo borin ....o man u cant even understand wat de end was.....n ya ma worst actress is JuLia RoBERts. n SaLmA HAyEk......i simply hate them man...they overact a lot....

*****HoPe u liKeD my aNs*****

2006-07-17 11:36:41 · answer #10 · answered by $@LLu 5 · 0 0

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