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Does this happen to other people, like it happens to me in all my dreams i can feel everything and it feels the same as it does in real life, from like falling down something to kissing, being cut by something, and breaking bones, like this on dream i snappen my arm the other way at the elbow and it was excrciating pain, also can anyone imagine pain and feel it in real life?, Can i only do this because my mind realizes its only an impluse, and my brain imagine it and does something to my nevrve cells to make me feel it even though its not really happening

2006-07-17 09:18:15 · 8 answers · asked by ghser99 1 in Social Science Psychology

8 answers

No, can feel in the dream is not a lucid dream.. Lucid dream is one which a person is concious and aware that he is dreaming. So this is a different issue.
I had similar dreams like yours before, but i do not really feel the pain. That's why when i had lucid dreams, i normally do whatever i want to do, like jumping off the cliff delibrately.. If i can feel the pain i would never do that!
I don't know whether other people feel the pain in the dream. For me, i don't really feel the pain. But i feel the feelings, like sadness, happiness, etc.. I cried in my dreams and felt really really sad, and when i woke up sometimes i will find me really cried!

2006-07-17 16:40:08 · answer #1 · answered by a V a 4 · 1 0

I have not experienced extreme pain in my dreams, however, I haven't had a ton of painful experiences either. I do feel other sensations though. I think our senses are very powerful in remembering events. My sense of smell and touch can trigger a memory immediately. I dream about my deceased Grandmother who was very close to me and no matter what is happening in the dream, I can always sense how her skin feels (she had very soft skin). I think we are able to imagine how something may feel based on what each individual's sensory experiences have been which then can make it feel real.

2006-07-17 16:37:26 · answer #2 · answered by LB 1 · 0 0

This happens to me. I feel like my arm is being cut off at the wrist and it is because I have pain. When I wake up, I realize the pain is real. When I was a kid, went swimming in my dreams, peed the bed every night.

2006-07-17 16:26:34 · answer #3 · answered by kriend 7 · 0 0

One could argue that its a psychosomatic process but there are elements of reality in the dreamstate, I once dreamt I was being crushed in a dream and wont is my way I woke up to find I was lying upon my arm across my chest in the precise place I'd dreamt was the crush point.

The sunconscious plays many tricks like that and part of the fun is unravelling them to find just whats what.

Peoples imaginations are in actuality limited to their experiences in this temporal frame, seeing as we all share a common experience, viz birth, its quite a perplexing matter when you come to realise just how deep the mind is capable of travelling and is food for the very thought of ourselves.

Sleep with a pad and pencil next to you and jot down as many details of your dreams as you can when you first awake, its amazing how you can relate them in hindsight and they might even serve a purpose for your future...

Happy Sleeps.

2006-07-17 16:34:18 · answer #4 · answered by Paul Dalby 2 · 0 0

oh yeah,...and sometimes you can be aware that you are dreaming! Its called a lucid dream. Those are the best to have because everything looks and feels real but you are dreaming!! You want to take advantage of this event before waking up, and fly throught the city!! Every time the King lucid dreams, I fly, its so damn realistic and fun!!

2006-07-17 16:23:04 · answer #5 · answered by The King 6 · 0 0

Yes I can feel things in my dreams ... I wonder if that's strange...

2006-07-17 16:34:53 · answer #6 · answered by Am 4 · 0 0


2006-07-17 16:21:23 · answer #7 · answered by Sydney M 1 · 0 0

yes, it happens to me.

2006-07-17 16:22:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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