You are both proud, vibrant, warm, but rather self-centred individuals. You both want to be the centre of attention, and you may not want to share the starring role with your partner. Neither of you can dominate in this relationship – you must cooperate, which isn't something that comes naturally to either of you.
Although it may not be obvious to others, both of you are very self-conscious individuals, and you are very concerned with your own personal creativity, personal recognition, and personal performance. Both of you are best suited to work that is very personal and creative – being one inconspicuous part of a large corporation is not for you.
Your relationship is likely to be either extraordinarily happy and fulfilling or else disastrous – with no middle ground. You tend to either adore each other or despise each other. You are both very loyal, but you must respect and believe in your partner. If you ever feel that your partner lacks integrity or honesty, or is competing with you, or does not appreciate or understand your creative work and motivations, then the love and admiration that you have for each other turns sour quickly.
Both of you love to be made to feel that you are very special and important, the favourite, the best! Proud and somewhat egotistical, you are sensitive to being ignored, slighted, or put in the background. You need personal recognition, appreciation, and respect very much, and you also want to be associated only with people you admire and respect.
You both have a warm, sunny disposition, and you don't want to acknowledge your own problems or weaknesses, so you generally show only your bright face to the world.
Both of you are also rather theatrical, dramatising or exaggerating your own feelings or emotional responses. (If you like something, you ADORE it. You're not just irritated, your ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS, etc). This is one way that you dominate, overpower, or try to control (in a subtle way) the people closest to you.
You are both strong individuals and the obvious problem you will face together is: Who's the boss? If either or both of you are too insecure to be able to share the limelight with someone else, you will not be very happy together. On the other hand, if you are secure in your own worth, you are likely to admire one another enormously.
Your feelings for each other are so dreamy and idealised that it is doubtful that you have a very realistic view of each other. Enjoy the dreamy romance while it lasts but be ready also for times of disillusionment when the fog lifts and you see your partner in a clearer light.
You evoke in each other a greater sensitivity to music, art, and poetry, as well as feelings of compassion and sympathy. You find each other fascinating and interesting and you love exploring new dimensions of feeling and sensitivity through music, art, poetry, or religion. There is also a dreamy, romantic quality to the love that you have for each other.
You will experience the heights and depths, love and hate, attraction and repulsion, agony and ecstasy in this relationship. A powerful, compelling fascination and irresistible sexual attraction draws the two of you together like magnets. You love each other with a depth of feeling that is surprising even to yourselves. The powerful charismatic power that you have over each other can be used to manipulate one another, and dominance, control, or jealousy easily become hot issues between you. Whether this is a brief passionate encounter or a lifelong attachment, you will change one another profoundly.
Romantic and sexual attraction is very powerful, but is likely to have an intense, obsessive quality as well. Leo, in particular, may feel that Leo comes on too strong or is too insatiable and demanding. Jealousy, sexual manipulation, or unrestrained emotional fervour are strong potentials between the two of you. An almost fated, love-hate kind of relationship is very possible.
Between you there is considerable confusion and struggle over two particular issues: healthy self-assertion and sexuality. Regarding the first: when you are together one or both of you lacks directness and direction, and you may feel increasingly weaker and more dependent because you surrender your right to act on your own behalf and assert yourself forthrightly. Rather than openly and directly going for what you want, you may try to obtain your desires in an underhanded, less obvious way. Anger and aggressiveness are diluted or expressed only indirectly. Instead of open confrontation, subtle attacks on the other person's self-esteem and an erosion of that person's confidence occurs.
No matter how practical and well-grounded the two of you are as individuals, together you have some real blind spots, things which you don't see clearly at all, or which you see through a haze of fantasy and hope. Deception and/or self-deception can undermined this relationship if you are not as clear, precise, and honest with one another as you can be. It would be extremely helpful if you can find an objective third party to give you some realistic feedback about one another or any problems that may come up between you. Financial business or other practical affairs which are joint endeavours should also be checked by a competent outside party.
2006-07-17 05:18:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Two leos together will be a sight to see. Leos by nature are very, very strong minded people. Leos tend to be the leaders in the group no matter what. I always say that Leos need a balance for their strong character. A leo woman has the same strong traits as her leo male. I think that the two will butt heads all the time because you both can be very arrogant and proud at times. This doesn't mean that you and your wife will not be together, it is simply up to the couple to get through whatever arises in their relationship. If you two are destined to stay married you will no matter what your signs are. But sometimes these traits do play a huge part and they are real despite if people think that sun signs are not . I have a leo boyfriend and i'm a sagittarius.
2006-07-21 05:17:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Oh dear you should have read the books first! Leos like to run things so you may have huge power struggles. Someone will always have to give in. If you can compromise, you might survive. You would have really been better off with Sagitarius. USUALLY the only times when two Same signs should get together is with two Pisces or with two Libras. Two Tauruses will be way too bored.
2006-07-17 05:54:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A couple's astrological compatibility is based on more than just your sun signs. (Which in your case are Leo) Pick up a few relationship astrology books that deal with more extensive parts of your charts to see how they match up. Or just buy some cheap astrology software and learn there ;)
2006-07-17 11:40:41
answer #4
answered by color_spiral 1
Your marriage will be a total failure if you believe in any astrology crap. You and your wife need to grow up and THINK.
2006-07-17 05:20:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Leo individuals are renowned for their strong and dominating character traits. Here, the Leo/Leo combination would probably not get along as well as other identical Zodiac Signs since both partners would likely be totally inflexible and troubles would undoubtedly ensue before the relationship had gone very far. Leo likes to assume the role of leader but would have to fight any Leo partner for that right, since obviously the other Leo individual would also wish to lead and be the boss. Consequently, it would be virtually impossible for either mate to take orders from the other, thus aggravating what is probably an already tense situation. Career is important to a Leo native, which could result in much competition between these two...particularly in the male/female pairing since Leo males prefer women to be traditionally feminine and would view such ambition as somewhat unnatural. Although no other Sign is as warm-hearted and giving, Leo will always strive to be the center of attention. Unfortunately, there is only ever one center and two people cannot occupy it at the same time. Still, it is in the Leo nature to love with his or her entire heart and this trait alone could go a long way in overcoming some of the more negative aspects of this union. In addition, the shared love of flamboyance could result in a home that is a showplace for friends and family to admire. In general, Leo individuals are prone to gamble with life and enterprises. Hence, their monetary affairs are apt to be somewhat unstable. However, that is why two careers are so necessary in this one partner will stand a chance of paying off in case the other falls. Leo thoroughly enjoys the romantically physical side of a relationship, so there should be no problem in that area, but there is a danger that such could develop into an overactive life of intimacy that could branch out into a rather perverse that may become totally devoid of love unless kept in check and confined within boundaries. The intense relationship between this couple could develop into a lifelong love affair or a lifetime of hate. Basically, it is not generally considered to be the most recommended union.
Without doubt, this pairing will draw a great deal of attention and much notice. Two such stunning, creative and gregarious individuals appear to deserve each other to such a degree that those around them may actually hold their breath at the glorious sight. In terms of socializing, heading a group or even inspiring others in the ways of romance, this is an unbeatable combination. Initially, each partner was probably instantly attracted to the good looks of the other and neither would have been shy in manifesting their desires. The Leo/Leo relationship overflows with the energy and enthusiasm typified by a pair of natural born leaders. However, it is this passion and domination that each mate must learn to tame in order to remain compatible. Great lovers of pleasure, Leo natives enjoy the finer things life has to offer and this couple would never think twice about showing each other a good time. Still, things can become dramatic and each will feed off the other's need for constant attention.
Leo is ruled by the Sun. It is the perfect symbol of Leo's perception of self, being positioned at the center of the Planets. The Sun emantes tremendous light, power and strength. In addition, like the star that illuminates the Earth, the heat from the Sun can be deeply felt by those closest to it, guiding them on their journeys. Alternatively, it can scorch those in its path...their sense of dramatics, exaggeration and self-centeredness...making them at times burdensome for a partner, or others who are around them. Leo is governed by the element of Fire. Thus, the red hot passion created by the coupling of two individuals who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo is unstoppable. Here, the Fire...combined with reliance on physical action rather than emotional or intellectual...makes for a highly dynamic union. This intense energy can be magnificent provided it can avoid catastrophe. In short, it will either be the "best of times" or the "worst of times," as the relationship swings between absolute love and total dismissal. It will take a concerted effort on the part of both individuals to give this partnership any type of fluidity...but the Leo need for constant attention and admiration will doubtless draw this couple together. Leo is Fixed in quality. There is invariably a struggle for power when two Fixed personalties are joined. The rational and social side of Leo will allow this pair to resolve their differences...if the desire is sufficiently strong to do so. Each will be willing to make concessions, but only occasionally. The fiery temper associated with this Sign can explode very quickly and very often, but clashes are also quickly forgotten making it easy for the good times to continue. Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Leo match is the amazing fun-loving capacity the two share, coupled with their wealth of creativity. Socializing, entertaining and amusing one another can make this union something of a knock-out under favorable circumstances.
In essence, this combination has the potential to be a good match. It is inherent in the personality of Leo to be positive and its natives love to bask in the spotlight. Those ruled by this Sign also want to be at the head of social groups. However, both individuals would be competing for leadership here and over time, unhappiness could be the result of such a situation. In order for this relationship to achieve any degree of longevity, it will be necessary for one partner to rule the househeld and the other to rule the business and social aspects of life.
2006-07-17 10:36:18
answer #6
answered by Pent Up Princess 4
You will die in a suicide pact, but after she cuts your throat, she will just mock you and then go be with the Genini of her dreams.
2006-07-21 05:20:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
ummmmm horoscopes dont matter dont listen to that listen to your heart
2006-07-17 11:49:09
answer #8
answered by juana v 2
Bad, it won't work if you believe this stuff
2006-07-17 05:30:09
answer #9
answered by gillmoni13 2
A virgo baby!!!! LoL
2006-07-17 10:28:44
answer #10
answered by GirlVirgo♥ 2