Birth Name: Gandhi, Mohandas
Birth Date: 10/02/1869 (Oct. 02, 1869)
Birth Time: 07:11:48 (07:11:48 AM) LMT (-4:38)
Birth Place: Porbandar, India
Latitude / Longitude: 21 N 38 / 69 E 36
Rodden Rating / Source: C / Caution
Source Notes: Fagan in AFA 3/l948 gives "Shake 1791, Bhadrapad Vadya 12th, three Ghatis and 12 Palas after sunrise, from Yeshawant K. Pradhan in "Voice of India," 2/24, confirmed by Ramon, who nonetheless gave 7:56 AM IST as his translation." Much later, in American Astrology 10/1976, Fagan gave 2:29:48 AM GMT which equals 7:08:12 AM LMT of Porbandar.
Various other times were given for around sunrise. Wemyss Famous Nativities No.63 gives "one hour, 16 minutes 48 seconds after sunrise." Notable Nativities No.242 gives 7:09 AM LMT. Huggins gives 7:45 AM LMT in "The Astrology Magazine," 1/1970. Sabian Symbols No.367 gives 7:33 AM. Bordoni quotes Barbault for 11:00 AM.(Thiruvenkatacharya gives 11:00 PM,
2006-07-16 19:43:20
answer #1
answered by Bolan 6
Yes it is the same as above . He was born on the 2nd of october 1869 at porbandar, gujrat India.
2006-07-17 02:46:30
answer #3
answered by geoff 2
Porbander, Gujarat state..
2006-07-17 02:39:20
answer #5
answered by salapan 3