It's actually called Moses in the Bullrushes
below is a place to purchase them on line
2006-07-16 12:00:29
answer #1
answered by msjudy58 3
The Latin name for this plant is Rhoeo spathacaea. It is from the Commelinacaea family. An herb common in Mexico.
It is commonly known as Moses in a boat,Moses in the BUllrushes, Moses in a cradle, Boat Lily, Moses in a basket, or Oyster plant. Sometimes you will see it referred to as Rhoeo discolor too.
I have seen these in local home and garden centers, usually in early spring to early summer. The only one I found online was listed at $24.95 and I know they aren't that costly.
I have 3 of them, gifts from a dear friend. Keep looking! My best suggestion is to call or stop by your local Lowe's--they can special order it for you.
Tip: I would not buy any plant online that did not show a picture--not a drawing--of the actual plants.
Good luck!
2006-07-16 13:08:39
answer #3
answered by geisha girl 4
go to 'moses in a boat/ or something like that
HEY-I did go to
and it gave
2006-07-16 11:46:16
answer #4
answered by bettyboop 6