Sir, I would like to suggest that for a more meaningful, UNBIASE, approach, why not associate your question with the proper noun HUMANS/PEOPLE, not just a tiny segment of the human race.
After all, when talking about Family Values, that entails ALL of us!
I have lived in Europe for many years, spent two and a half in Vietnam and a couple in Korea, and I can say that all the family issues/values, where ever, were/are no different than here in America.
In no land is it taught that it is OK for children not to respect their parents and elders. In no land do they teach that it is OK to Lie, Steal, Cheat, Rape, Murder, or use deceit to gain anything!
In the many countries that I have visited/lived in, helping ones neighbor was the same as breathing air. In fact, while living in Germany, a person that I had only known for less than three weeks helped me to build my home, by hand, and it took us more than two years because I did not have the money to buy all the material at once, too, all the floors are poured concrete and that takes time to dry! Still, he came every Saturday for two years and would not accept any thing that could equate to payment.
Christian Values are reflected in Christ’s commanding peoples to LOVE one another as HE loved us, which is no different from the Ten Commandments, because when you LOVE, all of the commandments are fulfilled.
That is why Christ said that when you love you are free from Laws! There are no laws to tell you how much you must love, Laws only tell you what you may not do when you do not love!
There are no people on earth that are not in persuite of liberty and justice!
2006-07-16 10:30:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think that the terms "American Values", "Family Values" and "Christian Values" are hackneyed phrases that do not acknowledge individuality. People should use caution when using the terms. I think most people believe in ideals such as REAL liberty, REAL justice and REAL equal opportunity. No one sector has a monopoly on such values. However, a wide space exists between reality and ideals. I personally think that when the United States allegedly was founded on the "ideal" of freedom, that freedom may have been the freedom to rob (given that the nation's constitution was founded by Freemasons).
I am not an American, but I value the principles you have mentioned in the real sense of the words.
2006-07-16 10:02:38
answer #2
answered by spanner 6
I don't think that values have anything to do with religion as our values are that we are all created equal and as such are free to pursue the meaning of life, liberty and happiness for ourselves. That we are free to choose where we live, work and if we want religion in our lives. All men are created equal means that we are no better or no less for our beliefs than anyone else and that we shouldn't look down on anyone who doesn't share our personal beliefs because we are all the same, but we do have different values, and should respect that.
2006-07-16 09:52:20
answer #3
answered by Justsyd 7
The in-your-face Christians would have you believe that these stated 'family values' are theirs alone, but they continually demonstrate that they believe just the opposite. Here is their version of our core values:
Liberty: Only for believers.
Justice: Only for laws they like. Laws they don't like are enforced by 'activist' judges, which they would like to remove from office and replace with religious judges.
Equal opportunity: Only for men. Women and minorities should know their places.
These are -American- values and we should take them back from the religious supremacists who have hijacked them from us. Moderate Christians and people of other and no faith should stand up to the religious bullies and take back our country.
2006-07-16 09:57:12
answer #4
answered by sunfell2001 3
In a very basic way morals or values are directly related not only to christianity but to all religions. however equality is rarely a value sought by religions Who want to dominate women and people who do not believe as they do.
2006-07-16 10:00:39
answer #5
answered by CuriousCat 2
Christian values, particularly those of love, respect and compassion are important for families because families,and people in general, function better under Christian values.
2006-07-16 10:27:13
answer #6
answered by liker_of_minnesota 4
It really depends on who you ask.
Most people who talk about "family values" are refering to both christian beliefs and the "traditional" american nuclear family.
"Family values" are not related to american values - it's really a catch-phrase used by a small segment of the population to describe their subjective world view.
2006-07-16 09:55:06
answer #7
answered by extton 5
te idea of equality is not christian,
the Bible says women are less then men, and should never be in a position of authority over them
2006-07-16 09:52:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous