such a shame! a bunch of cell that could save life and give hope being held hostage by a bunch of pseudo religious idiots
2006-07-16 04:56:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Because the public are too dumb to know what's good for them, that's why we have elected representatives to do their thinking for them. The TV media are constantly carrying out mini referenda on all sorts of subjects: as though trying to set up an alternative type of government. Too much democracy is a bad thing, and can destabilise governments, possibly causing anarchy. There is nothing more mindless and ugly than the mob.
Asking the public about stem research, is a little like trying to discuss the theory of relativity with monkeys.
2006-07-27 10:11:27
answer #2
answered by Veritas 7
The majority of people in America are in favor of stem cell research if it is done ethically. Bush and company are still equating it with abortion, which is far from the truth. The 2 main problems with most of the people in Washington is that they are removed from reality and have forgotten that they work for "We The People" and not the other way around.
Bush sees the term "stem cell research" and sees "killing a fetus". For years, researchers have been trying to get access to blastocysts from fertility clinics that would otherwise be discarded. Thousands of blastocysts are destroyed every year at fertility clinics instead of being used in possibly life-saving research because of the short-sighted misinformation of the Christian Right.
Is it more ethical to allow these blastocysts to be used, or to continue to throw them in the trash? If the Reagans can support it, why can't other Republicans?
Someone else brought it up, so I'll discuss it briefly:
-Adult stem cells are unipotent, meaning they can produce only one cell type
-Cord Blood stem cells are multipotent, meaning they can produce only cells of a closely related family of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets etc.).
-Blastocyst stem cells are pluripotent , which means they can differentiate into any cell type except for totipotent stem cells
-Totipotent stem cells are produced by the first few divisions of the fertilized egg cell. These cells can differentiate into any type of cell without exception.
I'll repeat this because it is important: Blastocysts, used by fertility clinics for in vitro fertilization, are destroyed after a couple conceives a child.
2006-07-16 04:43:29
answer #3
answered by john_stolworthy 6
Take no notice of the ignorant bunch that thought you made typing errors.
You expressed yourself well and I assume you might benefit from the stem cell research.
Unfortunately in US these things tend to be political decisions,so you will have to look to other parts of the world for the hope you want.
Ethics come at a price - but ethics are made by man, not sent from God -that's the difference.
Good wishes to you
2006-07-25 12:56:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Thomas Jefferson wrote a lil something that pertains to that:
"A little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the polital world as storms are in the physical."
If you disagree with the President, then take a stand and become active in the political.
Those that oppse a tyrant only have themselves to blame for allowing and or electing the tryant to effectively assume power.
2006-07-16 04:35:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
it is not a veto against stemcell research it is a vote against embryonic stemcell research.It is a veto against another form of abortion.They are wanting to abort children they deem will be medically handicap or mentally while that child is still in the womb.Adult stemcell research is perfectly legal and these people have already lived their lives and passed on.Also i believe embryonic stemcell research has already been happening even though it is illegal.You can hear it and read it in the politicians doublespeak speeches.2/3's of the public also supported the iraq war where are they now when needed most?
2006-07-16 04:33:22
answer #6
answered by jbinkc 1
Veto is insort the savage law "Might is Right".It has become out of date.Veto has made UN ineffective.UN has become Useless Notional Organisation.UNO protects only interests of super 5.
2006-07-25 23:22:52
answer #7
answered by leowin1948 7
He is badly misinformed.. that is he has been led to believe that stem cell materials are obtained from abortion where as in truth it is obtained from the umbilical cord during child birth which is currently being wasted.
2006-07-27 01:54:23
answer #8
answered by Vishartan N 2
Because Bush doesn't, and never has, listened to what the majority of people want. Have a look at his past actions, and you can see that they are ruled by what he wants as opposed to what the people want.
2006-07-16 04:21:59
answer #9
answered by wolf_marsten 2
How do you know 2 thirds of the population want it?? They did a poll in Rwanda, etc.?
Get real.
You trying to sound educated with spelling like that?
2006-07-16 04:23:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous