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This is the second time i am asking because i did not get anyone answering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People, specially the Indian citizens,seriously need to face this question!!!!!?
The whole INDIA is aware of the mumbai bomb blast incident. I am feeling totally angry and wild at the system in INDIA.Though this incident has taken place in mumbai it kind of influences INDIA in general. I dont stay in mumbai. Most of the people in my city are like totally neutral. They just dont wanna give a head for this issue .Reason 4 this????????? IThe people have a mindset like" Its not a part of my business.Its not happened in my city.Why should i BOTHER?????
Basically more than just blaming the governament or whatevr SHOULD WE BLAME OURSELEVES FOR BEING SUCH PASSIVE CITIZENS??????????????????????

2006-07-15 22:58:41 · 6 answers · asked by ATHeisT 1 in News & Events Current Events

6 answers

No you can't blame yourself or anyone else for being passive. India has had an extremely long peaceful relationship with the world. To act in any fashion towards any group such as the people who set the bomb would only cause an escalation of violence.
These people thrive off of the retaliation. When you do anything back to them they use that to promote more violence.

Also, YOU cannot take the problems of the entire country onto your shoulders and carry them around with you. It is sad that those people got bombed but they have to deal with it, not you. Your fire dept and police did not go running to Mumbai and neither should you.

You must control yourself before you can control others.

2006-07-15 23:09:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Isolationist attitudes when it comes to tragedies is a common form of denial---sometimes people are just so shocked and in so much questioning about what has happened that they appear to not be interested at all because they will go to any extreme to carry on as if nothing has occured
What this does is allows the incident to boil unattended under the surface though and when it does come out--it usually is not good because then it becomes a reactionary thing that starts lashing out at everything resembling the reasons
What you are doing here with your questioning of this though is a good thing---time to call people to out with their feelings and their views and what they think and how they feel about all the things involved here---and it may not seem that your call is being answered but if you reach two and each of them reach two and so on---you can be an instrument of change----Good Luck to You and God's blesings on your land and your peoples

2006-07-16 06:15:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

how do you stop a rivulet in a delta? can you just dam it up? will that work? no - you have to go back a long way right up the river, and see where you can divert the river into another channel, perhaps blast or tunnel through a mountain so the river can go elsewhere - then and only then will your rivulet stop

the mumbai bombing is a rivulet in a big river delta - you have to go way back to the origin of this great river if you are going to stop this little rivulet - but you will also stop the whole river of evils

where does this river start? it starts with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer - that is, the many work harder and harder and get less and less and the few do less and less work and get more and more money

everyone knows this happens - it is theft, injustice - it is theft of the most important thing in people's lives, money, which translates into all basic needs and millions of wants, from taps to tennis rackets

work on the rivulet and you will get nowhere - work on the river and you can get somewhere - quite easily

limit fortunes to the just maximum, so that no one is taking out more than they are putting in, and no one will be taking out less than they are putting in by their work, and the root cause of all these violences will be destroyed - all the rivulets of violence and problems and troubles will dry up

going and bombing the terrorist camps, for instance, is just trying to dam the rivulet - the anger and frustration at injustice is still there, sending the water down the river into the delta of problems - the terrorists will just get more angry - and if you do nothing, the terrorists will continue

so it is possible to solve the whole problem, and impossible to solve the little problems one by one

1% get 90% of world income - they dont do 90% of the work, so it is theft, injustice, robbery, slavery - but 99% of people are paid less than the average, so 99% will be better paid if you make laws limiting fortunes to the just limit [US$2 million] and spreading the overfortunes around equally among all people in the world

money is best when spread - the work is spread among all people, so justice requires the money to be spread - injustice will always make violence, and violence is endlessly escalative, as both sides try to win - and weaponry has grown to the point where we can end all life 60 times over - block out the sun permanently - perpetual snowstorm everywhere - even in india

so it is important - vital - that we succeed, and we can succeed only if we tackle the river not the rivulet

since 99% of people will be better paid with justice [everyone on US$15 an hour including housewives] it should be easy to get 99% of people to support this move

also, all people can be taught these points quickly just by word of mouth if everyone just teaches them to two people - in just 31 times the time it takes to teach two people, all adults will be taught

to solve a problem you must go to the cause - nothing else will work - and this cause affects the lives of everyone very much, so everyone can get interested

money drifts automatically ceaselessly from earners to nonearners, from underpaid to overpaid - and this has gone on a long long time, so the injustice [and violence] are now extreme

fortnightly pay is from $1 to $1 billion - it is like sand has blown off the beach and is piled up against a wall - it has to be spread back, or the violence will continue, and continue to escalate

90% of people are paid from a 10th to a 1000th of the world average pay - extreme theft, suffering, extreme anger

we simply cannot afford to have such superwealth and superpoverty - the violence is more than human society can absorb or pay for - the weapons are now too big

working on rivulets is not only ineffective, but also now soon fatal to everyone and everything - we must turn to the root problem, which is solvable - tell people, explain to them, the necessity, the enormous benefits, so that they understand the vital importance of telling two people - then very quickly everyone will understand, and when everyone is clear that it is essential, it will be easy to get the laws

and if one person does not want to give up the money he legally owns, that is overpay, that has been earned by others' labour, there will be 99 people to convince him that it is better to give up other-earned money than to perish in ww3 and nuclear universal death

[overpay is actually of negative benefit, since danger increases directly with overpay, and pleasure increase is very small, because fairpay satisfies all needs and almost all wants - so to get rid of overpay will greatly increase the happiness and safety and security of the overpaid - besides saving them from extinction by ww3]

many more points covered in the book and papers at

2006-07-16 09:12:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its bad for citizens to become passive but I don’t think every citizen is passive. As a citizen we can be more vigilant and should share information (if we get) to police or intelligence agencies.
But I think this is not complete solution of problem. To solve this problem of terrorism we must bomb terrorist’s camps, which are running in pak, occupied Kashmir.

This is a big task. Does our leaders have enough will power and courage to this task, or they will just believe in talking. We have a recent example of Israel –Palestine-Hezbollah conflict. Israel is taking action. We will have to take this type of action or otherwise we will be just covering a wound.

2006-07-16 06:48:04 · answer #4 · answered by flori 4 · 0 0

We Indians Don't Care for Each Other at All. I even doubt whether we love our motherland India.
We say & teach Britishers who ruled India used ' Divide & Rule policy.' Basically, our politically system & politically parties divide us people into religions, castes, languages etc to gain political power.
In BJP ruled states Christians are being harrassed, They bring Anti Conversion Laws and harass people. Muslims are butchered for no apparent reason.
In Muslim dominted state of J & K , both Muslims & Hindus are slaughtered daily by muslim militants.
Do we care as Indians about fellow Indians in those states who are being tortured for there faith, language, caste etc??
Indian Embassies in foreign countries : Don't even know whats happening with their citizens in that country. They only care about their Job & Salary.
In foreign firms , I have heard that in case you want to get rid of a Indian bring another Indian from his/ her state & then they will fight it out and get rid of themselves.
We are only Good at Robbering from Each other.
In Short : Each Indian only cares about his Own Well Being, His Status, His Wealth.

2006-07-16 06:35:27 · answer #5 · answered by leaping_sheep 2 · 0 0

Blame the (unts that blew up the trains!

2006-07-16 06:03:09 · answer #6 · answered by honky550 3 · 0 0

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