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22 answers

The difference between god and gays is that gays exist.

2006-07-15 21:03:30 · answer #1 · answered by nvr10pts 3 · 3 0

I don't believe in any gods, so I cannot answer your question directly. However, I believe that a truly omniscient god would encourage its followers to embrace their own nature, and that of those around them; this would include acceptance of all sexual orientations.

Incidentally, changing an individual person's sexual orientation sounds like an illogical task for a god to take on. Any god with a few billion years experience would quickly learn that micro-management of 6 billion people is impractical and boring. If a god created a universe that necessitated constant alterations, then they would have failed in the process of creating a self-sustaining environment. Homosexuality is just one possible state; in itself it is not destructive and does not need to be "changed".

2006-07-16 04:26:39 · answer #2 · answered by 876 3 · 0 0

Please, for your own safety, be very careful. A mind is a terrible thing to loose, but a life is even more dramatic. Change all your movement patterns, work routes, etc....you are being followed and set up to be "removed." I just picked this up about 5 minutes ago on the "Pipeline." I am very glad I am not in your shoes. IF you have a gun, I strongly suggest keeping it loaded and very handy..you are going to need it. I would be happy to prove the knowledge of who you are and where you live, but that would put me on the hit list, and I have seen far too much of what that means. Be VERY careful.

2006-07-16 11:50:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God doesn't turn a person from one thing to an other,You have freedom of will,in order for a person to make a life style change that person has to taken it up on them self to change,and then the person can ask God for strength and support in withholding to their life style change decision.

2006-07-16 04:13:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In that God loves gay people why would he be turning anyone straight?

2006-07-16 08:44:01 · answer #5 · answered by michael941260 5 · 0 0

Since if you believe in God to start with you believe he creates everything -- then he created gays -- why would he change them?

More seriously, no one changes from gay to straight or straight to gay -- only bisexuals have choice, and that choice does not eliminate their attraction to the unchosen sex, it only means that they choose to only act on attraction to the chosen sex.

The ex-gay groups are a joke.


Reynolds Jones

2006-07-16 12:00:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

GOD can do ANYTHING. if its his will. and he states we can move mountains through feverent prayer. i personally have seen this power at work. he took a mountain of anger from me in an instant. i nursed this anger my life long till i was 25. my mom threw me out of her house when i was 10. i never knew my dad and had no one to turn to. i was living off the streets, learning that life.she threw me out cuz her 5th husband hated me. i'm an only child. my anger was all i had to keep me strong. then i realized it only hurt me. i asked god in all sincerity to please lift the hurt, i literally felt the wieght of my anger leave. i've been happier ever since. now i pity her. the key is your heart. are you seeking HIM truely and honostly, or you just want a quick fix any way that works. HE won't let you down when you earnestly seek redemption.

2006-07-16 10:59:28 · answer #7 · answered by kitty o 2 · 0 0

Orientation never changes. If the ex-gay groups advertised what they were, that is: groups to help people change their BEHAVIOR, I wouldn't mind them so much. But, they give people false hope, and most of them once you get in admit that they're not going to change someone's orientation because that can't happen.

2006-07-18 01:29:04 · answer #8 · answered by Atropis 5 · 0 0

god has created u as a human being with noble soul,it ur very choice what u want to be,u may be gay with in fraction of second, u r the cause,not HE,since HE has already given u prudence for ur deeds,which decide ur way to hell or heaven,happiness or misery,choice is truely urs.

2006-07-16 04:06:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well of course that's a trick question ... if he wanted him straight, he'd have made him that way in the first place. God doesn't make mistakes.

Of course, when it comes to bible-thumpers, it shows he has a sense of humor.

2006-07-17 05:24:27 · answer #10 · answered by Luis 4 · 0 0

If a gay person believes in God, he/she should simply come to terms with the fact that God makes some people gay... rather than listening to a bunch of pretend-Christians about the dangerous and harmful lie called reparative therapy.

As psychoanalysis developed in the 19th century, medicine began classifying a whole range of behaviors that were socially unacceptable. These behaviors were moved from the realm of sin to the realm of illness. So drunkenness became alcoholism, possession became insanity and sodomy became homosexuality. Homosexuality was labeled a mental illness for no other reason then people were uncomfortable with this natural human difference.

The move towards labeling gay people sick was greatly exacerbated during World War II when the Nazis persecuted psychoanalysis. The Nazi’s forced the center of psychoanalysis to move from Freud’s more liberal Vienna to London and eventually to New York City, which was firmly established as the epicenter for the discipline by the early 1950’s. As a result, psychoanalysis no longer reflected the tolerant worldview of Vienna, but the conservative values of 1950’s Leave it to Beaver America.

Heavily influenced by the conservative Cold War era, psychoanalysis slowly became the defender of the political and cultural status quo. This led to a plethora of bizarre “scientific” theories about homosexuality that were almost never challenged because gays were explicitly barred from practicing psychoanalysis.

Adding to the perception that homosexuals were sick were studies that used unrepresentative samples of gay people. Because there were very few out homosexuals, most studies relied on gays who were committed to psychiatric institutions or were being treated for numerous psychological disorders.

For example, Dr. Irving Bieber’s 1962 study, Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study of Male Homosexuals is often used by today’s anti-gay “reparative therapists”. What these therapists won’t tell you is that in Bieber’s study sample of 106 homosexuals used to represent ALL gay people, 28 of 106 were schizophrenic, 31 were neurotic and 42 had character disorders.

By the late 1960’s and early 1970’s the morally vacant and unscientific labeling of gays as mentally ill was being challenged by doctors such as Evelyn Hooker, who proved that homosexuals were psychologically no different than heterosexuals. By 1973, a landslide of modern research that relied on science, not stereotypes, vanquished the backward theories of those who said gay people were sick. Presented with this new evidence, the American Psychiatric Association voted to remove homosexuality as an illness from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Suddenly, gay people were no longer considered mentally ill.

Much like the humiliated fundamentalists after the Scopes Monkey trial in the 1920’s, proponents of labeling gays sick, like Drs.’ Bieber and Charles Socarides, retreated in shame. Embattled and increasingly marginalized, they withdrew further and further from mainstream psychiatry. But in their exile they found new allies that had both political and moral stakes in keeping their disgraced work alive.

In the early 90’s an unholy alliance forged between embittered psychiatrists, the religious right, self-loathing gays and culturally conservative politicians. This new politically motivated coalition eventually morphed into what is now known as the “reparative therapy” movement, led by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi and his group, the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH). What NARTH does is repackage the outdated and disproved theories of the past and present them as new “research.”

While NARTH tries to present itself as reputable, its work is rejected by every mainstream medical and mental health organization in America. The more people learn about the bizarre techniques of NARTH, the more the group is relegated to the fringes of the psychiatric community.

2006-07-16 04:17:30 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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