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I think they are full of baloney and abuse this freedom talk for their own agenda. People are prosecuted and harassed in the news media and in everyday life for matters which should be protected under the Bill of Rights. There is more and more "fine print" that completely usurps the rights clearly stated in the Constitution. Then our country goes overseas and tries to tell other nations what to do. We selectively involve ourselves in the affairs we can profit from, while others like Darfur we ignore. What's worse is, the news gets involved and fans the flames!

Since when did stupid North Korea become a huge problem to us? Iran? What the hell are these people going to do to America, send their fishing boats...which will probably run out of gas near Fiji anyways?

My most important question is...when is the United States government going to start caring about United States citizens? That's what I want to know...peace...

2006-07-15 19:31:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

you should notice that the only places that they care about have something the big machines in the United States need,OIL GAS. Where are they when Africa was fighting,where were they when Katrina hit New Orleans????

2006-07-15 19:34:32 · answer #1 · answered by gr8leaf 3 · 3 0

Some believe that you can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom.

Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.
-- Frederick Douglass, 1857

I don't always agree with the route the US takes to be the world's 'peacemaker' ... and we have done this since the beginning of our nation's birth. It's important to us. What you're saying, I believe, is that you disagree with the endeavors of congress, the president, and the politicians. I don't blame you. But remember 9-11? Terrorist threats on our lands was thought an impossible feat. Well, look again ...

Right now our military is spread thin due to our men & women fighting around the world to help keep OUR shores and other nations free. I know it isn't the answer, but it is partly why our people are fighting. Don't undersell our nation. Leaders have always made both good and bad choices/decisions for America. And you're within your rights to voice your opinions - I applaud and admire you for it. I do hope you temper that with the reality of what it really takes to rule a nation.

Remember, the United States is the world's third largest country, and the second largest democracy after India. If we do not aid in the world's efforts for peace, we will be hurting our people. Yet if we do not assist other nations, we hurt our own shores by allowing terrorists and others the ability to create nuclear weapons, germ warfare etc and use it upon the US and other nations.

I personally do not admire some leaders, but I do know that this nation is the only place I want to live. And if I had to, would fight for. I hope you share that. Let's hope Americans can resolve its problems at home first, and hope to help others who need and want our help.

Nothing is ever black and white. There are many shades of gray, many things we do not know that are national secrets. It is not a perfect world, or nation. We can only have faith, and use what we personally can to change the way we do things in this nation. You have freedoms, remember, to change the way things are and you have the wisdom to know the difference between what we can and cannot do. Utilize it.

Bless you - and this nation.

2006-07-15 19:57:37 · answer #2 · answered by shepardj2005 5 · 0 0

For what it's worth, I think Kennedy did give a $hit. But they shot his a$$ dead. The USA's govt sucks to be sure, but the land and many of its people are great. I think the USA is just terrified of backing down on what it has already created in terms of its world rep. It's like there's no turning back now and no admission of guilt. At least many of the people living here are getting it. By that I mean that the current system sucks and it's dirty, and/or that it's useless to get all worked up and vote for who would be good to lead this country.
Interestingly, there are still those who taunt the US gov't. I think Hugo Chavez is a freakin riot in terms of how he approaches Bush, even tho his country is an absolute mess. Chile, on the other hand, has it pretty much together and so it courts the US.
I need to just simmer down. Sorry.

2006-07-15 20:32:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sadly all Governments care about is the bottom line. They can put on a good front for the people and make them think we are doing x,y and z for you the people but it is a sham.
Even in Australlia now we have workplace agreements that are not in the best interests of the workers. We have workers from different countries allowed visas to work here cheaply, which puts Australians out of work.
We are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for Bush, the people of North Korea need our help right now in my opinion.
No Government acts for the people or for what the people want.

2006-07-15 19:44:36 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

as for the comment above, it is not the duty of the usa to "win friends".....it is better to be feared than loved.

how does dafur affect us???...exactly. it doesnt, however n.korea and iran both have nuclear capablities and are within striking distance of US interests.

look to history to find out how something seemingly insignificant can grow out of control if left unchecked in a matter of only a few years. hitler could have been stopped before WW2 began, but everyone wanted diplomacy, and second chances. if not for the usa entering the war, all of europe would have been controlled by nazis and it would only be a short time before we had a war on our continent.

apply those historical facts to the world situation today, and you will see why taking pre-emptive and proactive measures to protect american interests worldwide will help ensure a free society for years to come.

if you dont like it, it is easier to move away to a more passive and isolationist country than it is to try and screw up a great country like the United States of America.

2006-07-15 19:38:52 · answer #5 · answered by hotrod9230 2 · 0 0

The US government cares about protecting the profits of its corporate masters period. War is a means of using our soldiers blood as a tax subsidy for its corporate masters. Government has adopted the predatory relationship on we the people that corporations have.

Who murders more, governments or "terrorist". The answer is governments--it always has been. Large centralized power is always hijacked by special interest be it centralized religion, media or government. Thats why decentralized self government is so important.

No government has ever created a single liberty or freedom, governments can only take them away. Governments cannot create democracy, and cannot do it by war. Democracy and freedom can only come from people, governments can only take it away.

2006-07-15 19:54:41 · answer #6 · answered by Zatoichi 1 · 0 1

I think the only way is when the people in this country start dictating to bush and Congress this is unacceptable. Lower socio-economic people HAVE to stop fighting each other (Blacks, Hispanics, and poor Whites) and get together to tell the government this has to stop. Then, and only then, will changes be made. This country is still by the people and for the people. We have to let them know that....

2006-07-15 19:40:03 · answer #7 · answered by linus_van_pelt68 4 · 0 0

while an isolationist policy is never a smart idea, the overuse of military intervention is f*ucking up the ability of the USA to negotiate with countries without it looking like a threat.

the USA should export teachers, technology and art to win friends, not bombs guns and lawyers to force them.

2006-07-15 19:38:20 · answer #8 · answered by Mac Momma 5 · 0 0

The US government has always been a plutocracy. It acts for the rich who control it and has never given a $hit about anyone else

2006-07-15 19:34:24 · answer #9 · answered by Vermin 5 · 0 0

tha US doesnt care about the worlds freedom. it only cares about its own interest.
there is nothing wrong with that. just please do not sugarcoat the ugly truth and tell people u care about theier freedoms. its really insulting.

2006-07-15 19:42:51 · answer #10 · answered by agh78 2 · 0 0

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