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American dominance has proved extremly violant for the world and its fast decline may usher the world into a peaceful and prosperous future. Hence there is a need to give serious thought to the means to achieve fast American decline, by peaceful means for the welfare of the whole world.

2006-07-15 19:04:40 · 8 answers · asked by Dr MK Khaishagi 2 in Politics & Government Politics

8 answers

You are hilarious!

Hope you don't live in America, or federal agents may wish to speak with you!

I think America makes poor decisions, and anything it loses is a fault of their own. You can't put money ahead of the people. Look at healthcare, it's crazy how many people don't have the insurance or the money to pay the bills. How long can that keep happening? It's abuse on all sides from everyone...frivolous lawsuits, greedy hospitals, greedy drug companies, the illusion that treatment is getting better therefore costs must go up...it's insanity.

Somehow along the way, people forgot how to maintain a stable society...this may be America, but trust me, the situation here is on shaky ground. This country has some of the most unhappy people in the world...I came from a third-world country where people were content...what's going on here? Things cannot be as good as the "propaganda" makes it seem...

2006-07-15 19:20:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

YOu are an idiot.

Also your question is totally scientifically unverifiable. To contrast two separate situations you actually have to have two separate situations. Your question involves the assumption that there would have been less war without an American presence. The only way you could ever demonstrate that is to go back in time and not have America and then see what happens, of course you can't do that so you are only claiming that you know what is best without any real evidence.

Also, historically the United States has caused the fewest wars, because it has been the least colonial of all developed nations.

Most of the wars in which you see America involved in the twentieth century were the result of civil war after the decline of European colonialism.

Vietnam was a prime example of this.

Europe for centuries wreaked havoc in the world through aggressive colonial expansion.

As democratic ideals began to pervade the world these imperial structures became less and less viable.

At one time or another most of the world was under European domination and countless violent world wars ensued as a result of this.

America was the first group of colonies to win independence from a colonial power, largely, because rather than being a colonized people, they were Europeans who had emigrated.

There were all kinds of wars in the middle east after the fall of the British empire and wars throughout Africa and the Far east also as a result of French Imperialism.

German Nationalism was the cause of both world wars.

Almost all of the wars in which America has been involved have been because of some ideological support for a faction in a civil war or for some nation escaping European colonialism.

Do you know about the Spanish American war.

Are you not truly a complete and utter f*cking retard???

Before the United States was even around there were tremendous wars in Europe, even world wars spreading from the continent out across the world to European Colonies.

The history of China is one of very violent wars between various tribes and factions, and Russia had been one of the most belligerent nations on the planet long before the Cold War.

There were two major wars between China and Russia and also between Russia and Japan at the early part of the twentieth century that had nothing to do with the U.S.

Without American intervention the First nor the Second World Wars would have ended as quickly as they did.

Even Vietnam was a Civil War that began in response to French Colonial Presence and was going strong long before American involvement.

In Ancient history there were several Wars between Persia and Greece, campaigns that Alexander conducted, Roman wars and Roman Imperialism, Babylonian Imperialism, Assyrian Imperialism, Egyptian Imperialism, there were wars between Germany and France in the 19th century that had nothing to do with the U.S. there was Napoleon's campaigns, there were wars between Indian tribes on the American Continent long before Europeans arrived, there have been wars upon wars upon wars upon wars in Africa for thousands of years,

WAR is not an American invention nor has it by any means increased the total state of warfare in the world. If anything, American presence has historically encouraged peace.

Do you know how violent would have been the aftermath of WW II without American presence in Europe and China, and all around the globe.

The Korean war?? Once again, a war begun by Koreans that Americans became involved in in order to promote the cause of freedom.

Surely this is the stupidest question I have ever read and you are one of the world's premier examples of a complete sh*thead.

2006-07-16 02:19:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It would be extremely easy to remove the USA's power.

Here is a simple recipe:

1. Have all nations stop sponging off the USA - no more free monies, free military protections, free food, etc, etc, etc.

2. Con all Americans into believing all of us are horribly evil people that should cease to exist.

Good luck. The rest of the world seems unable or unwilling to sleep in the beds they make for themselves - and us Americans are a rightfully proud people.


2006-07-16 03:03:45 · answer #3 · answered by Houstonian 3 · 0 0

You are asking a very interesting and pertinent question to pave the way to an new world order ,post unipolarity self commissioned by USA ;especiallly after the cold war had ended .

I see it as the eventuality of US coming to term of the emerging reality of a new world order in the name of peace and stability ,and to rebuild new found prosperity on a level playing field in politics ,economy and culture etc ;Sooner or later, US had to be integrated thru engagement (to engage and to be engaged) into the world, not the other way round ,as the US aproach and system to tackle global issues have failed the world after half a century of imposeing 'his way and his will".

Wars,conflicts,poverty ,pollution .global warming are destroying the earth ,our only world of 6 billion inhabitants ,the US had failed its leadership to shape a better world prospect, instead the worldly conditions are getting worse if not out of hands,before it becomes irreversible and condemned ,perhaps the time has come for US to relinquish its unilateralism style based on
its sole superpower imposition ,the mindset of the US administrations are provened to be the source and root cause of countless contentious issues iclduing the wars Iraq ,the situation of Iran ,and the looming threat of a full-blown open war between Israel and the Arab states .

It is with this understanding and apprehension holisitcally that the US should make way for multi-lateralism and multi-polarity
to replace its falied leadership, and allow the sidelined UN to revitalise and revamp its structures in a benign and effecctive way ,taking over from a over -growned US who has outlived its giant shadow .After all ,all the stakeholders(nations) of the world irrespect of their sizes and power should have a say on how their fate should be determined not solely on the palms of the super power or powers, in newly and fast emerging globalised reality .

The boat has come the the jetty ,and are in the pivitol moment waiting to pick the bride for the wedding ceremony ,is the US a relunctant bride who cannot make up her mind to be or not to be ,to be integrated or not ?for the betterment of the future of ours and more important the future of generations to come !

What next ?

2006-07-16 02:58:45 · answer #4 · answered by meaa 2 · 0 0

We need serious political and economic resistance to USA, It has to be mass based and all thoughtful and decent individuals must engage in it voluntarily through boycott and peaceful protest. I think it is naturally building up and just a matter of time... I don't think humanity is ready to live with such sheer arrogance and mutton-headedness for too long. People are losing patience.

2006-07-16 02:17:15 · answer #5 · answered by boogie man 4 · 0 0

Like it or not, America is still the most powerful country in the world.

2006-07-16 02:07:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The surest way to speed it up is to elect another Bush. I hear Neal is looking for a gig.

2006-07-16 03:36:07 · answer #7 · answered by GrandPoobaah 2 · 0 0

Uhh it is impossible. The US is so extremely powerful and influencial that no one is even close. But no country is as fair as the US.

2006-07-16 02:09:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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