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13 answers

Israel is not just a land - it's a people - and it's those people that much of the world has hated for thousands of years. The ancient Israelis would live in the land of Egypt - first as invited guests of Pharoah, then after his death, when the reigning pharoah saw how the population of Israel was growing - He put them into slavery. They were there for 400 yrs. They were the people God first called for His purposes, the people that 3000 yrs later would give birth to the One - namely Jesus - who came to save the people of the world. But as surely as Jesus existed then, and exists now, there is an enemy - Satan - who hates Him and all He stands for. As a result, Satan wants all people dead - but He has a special hatred for the Jewish people. All throughout the Bible, Israel is spoken of as God's special land. Satan hates that -and he wants to take as many people along with him as he can - therefore, most nations hate the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. What you are seeing, is simply prophecy, written thousands of years ago, in motion. But God is not going to allow Israel to be completely destroyed. When all is said and done, Jerusalem will become the city of God. There are many books out on this subject - go to any christian bookstore - or website - and look some of them up. The whole story is pretty clearly spelled out in the Bible as well.

2006-07-15 19:17:23 · answer #1 · answered by Becky H 1 · 13 14

Possibly because of:

A) Israel is the Jewish state and there is a long history of religious disagreement and holy wars in the area.

B) Israel was established as the Jewish state following World War II leading to disputes with other groups who feel the land was wrongfully taken from them and claimed for someone else.

2006-07-15 18:49:46 · answer #2 · answered by musikurt 4 · 1 0

Because israel is a newly created (1949) colonial-settler state, where millions of Europeans and other non-Middle-Eastern Jews have slowly but surely occupied a land that belonged to the indigenous people, Palestinians. In order to do so, they've oppressed the Palestinian people, stolen their culture and history, and have continued to steal their ancestral homeland, murdering them through genocidal practices, using the guise of "defense" and "self-preservation" to do so, suppressing reports of their vast human rights violations. In addition, the Zionist state of israel uses mass propaganda, as well as monetary and political influence, specifically in the U.S., to convince people that it is a helpless, peaceful state with legitimate. The U.S. is their most major ally, often acting as a dog on a leash, ensuring their survival and lack of challenge, especially from the rest of the global community.

Finally, to answer your question, all of these things, and much, much more, makes most nations and peoples of the world resent the Zionist state of israel, as it is often seen as a major symbol of the general oppression and domination of the world by the west and, specially, by the U.S.. Western neo-imperialism and colonialism is something a lot of people and nations hate and see as the root source of many of the worlds problems today, including their own. They sympathize with the indigenous, true owners of the land and culture, the Palestinians, and see themselves in them, often being unable to do anything to aid the Palestinians, as the U.S. has a strong hold around the world, and the Zionists an even stronger hold around the U.S. While people in the U.S. are completely blinded by Zionist Jew propoganda, through strong Zionist control of media and news in the U.S., the rest of the world is not. So, if you're suprirsed by this, if you find it shocking that israel is hated by so many, then you probably either live in the U.S., or are a Zionist yourself and, either way, have been blinded by the false tale spun to attempt to legitimize a fake country with face citizens.

2016-08-31 17:30:03 · answer #3 · answered by Saint Jimmy 1 · 3 0

Israel carved out a part of the country and allowed the Palestinians to have it so they would STFU.

I think you got it wrong, COUNTRIES don't hate Israel, terrorist groups do. Like Iran, it acts more a terrorist group than a country based on their actions and goals to eliminate Israel.

There are millions of uneducated, poor people simply raised that they should live & die to eliminate Israel. I doubt they even have a comprehension of their reasoning as lunatic fanatics.

Some people are just not happy unless they vent hatred at someone and Israel, being a reasonable country is a target for rage.

Kinda like the nice kid who gets crapped on by the mean kid on the playground...

(I am not affiliated by the way and
this is the very short answer).

2006-07-15 19:01:24 · answer #4 · answered by Jen N. 1 · 4 6

Israel and USA are the only two terrorist regimes in the world but more people hate Israel because USA has better propaganda machine in the form of corporate media. Israel is artificially created by British imperialists to control and subdue the Arab Muslims into submission.

2006-07-15 18:52:07 · answer #5 · answered by Dr MK Khaishagi 2 · 6 8

Because they hate everyone and believe they are better than everyone, and they buy what they need, media, politician's in every country in the world, Money they get from Countries, funneled to Israel and funneled back to buy what they need. to try and rule and influence public opinion. If you do not believe look at the people in high positions in Govt, and Media and Wall Street. They are mainly Jewish
see for yourself. its more than 10 jewish to one non jewish.

2014-09-01 07:50:12 · answer #6 · answered by Sam 1 · 3 2

Because Israel was created in the land that belonged to the Palestinians.

How would you feel if a coallition of countries built a country for your enemies within your country?

2006-07-15 18:49:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 10 1

I believe that you are asking a "set up" question so other member of Hasbara can provide you with pre-written, scripted answers. I believe you, yourself, are a member of Hasbara and that you are using these boards for pro-Israel propaganda.

2006-07-15 19:49:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Because the jews there are killers of nations..

Muslims don't hate jews as some people wrote, Jewdism is a religion, we don't hate it, but we hate the jews who occupied Palestine and took by force from its legitimate owners.

We hate zionists, we hate baby killers.

Don't you watch the news? Oh yes, your news is made for you by zionists, you watch the things they want you to see.

Now jews will call me "anti-Semitic" because they think that they are better than we are.

2006-07-15 20:09:06 · answer #9 · answered by fadi_sh 2 · 7 6

Because unfortunately many muslims (and others too) cannot stand the fact that they are a defiant brave country inspite of being a minority religion.

2006-07-15 18:54:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

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