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11 answers

It is very effective throughout the teen years and beyond. It is very embarrassing, especially for those past puberty, but that only adds to its effectiveness.

2006-07-21 09:01:50 · answer #1 · answered by Sprinter 5 · 2 0

I don't believe it's effective at all...especially for a teenager. There are many more forms of discipline that you could use. Taking away privileges would be better then a spanking. All a spanking does is cause resentment and disrespect between the child and parent. You aren't necessarily teaching a lesson that will stick with them...you're teaching them that it's not okay to hit...unless you get really angry then it's okay as long as you call it a spanking. Not the message you want to put out there. Show them and teach them that their actions have consequences...and that isn't taught with spankings.

2006-07-15 18:27:45 · answer #2 · answered by jncsquared 1 · 0 1

u can spank a guy till age of 14 atleast. after this age u can get angry on him, warn him but keep on telling him what is good and what is bad giving reasons. sometimes be rough with him and sometimes very loving, caring and even funny just like friends. so he should not take your scolding and anger in wrong way but knows that u love him and want him to see as a gentleman.
building the characters, parents and teachers play an important role. some kids are easy going and u can handle them with love and slight warnings but some really gives u tough time. with that type of kids you should go very carefuly. only love can not solve the problem, so only anger and spanking can make the problem wrose. make a balance between both extremes and try to take your boy in confidence. so he can share this fears and problems with u.

2006-07-15 18:42:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Teens are too old for spankings. Fit the punishment to the behavior. Grounding or taking away privileges might be a better solution. Ex. TV time, computer game time, phone calls, etc. can be withheld. Don't be too strict if the offense is minor. Talk to your child, tell him how his actions made you feel, how it effects others, what other ways he can express himself to without misbehaving.

2006-07-15 18:32:35 · answer #4 · answered by tree nut 1 · 0 1

my son is 12 if he messes up really badly i still spank him but it's not the most effective punishment it just hurts his feelings... if he was any older i wouldn't spank him at all in fact i seldom do now i suggest taking away things like mine hates to be grounded from the x box 360 or the TV in his room with satellite... the ipod is also something good when they get that old they are more into possessions and it hurts more and more of a lesson is learned when they are deprived of such items... good luck

2006-07-15 18:20:40 · answer #5 · answered by Amy M 5 · 0 0

for a teenager? not sure but you may be crossing a legal and moral line there. i am a firm believer in punishment when deserved and if that entails corporal punishment then so be it. but thinking by the time a kid reaches his/her teenage years.. spanking may be over the top and might not even be legal. find something your son truely loves... video games, bike, skateboard, car (if he is old enough), $$$$, -- whatever is his reason (this week anyway) for living and wellbasically take it away from him. And don't cave in when he whines. Make the punishment you impose stick.
Either way good luck.

2006-07-15 18:22:46 · answer #6 · answered by purple dove 5 · 0 1

it was thought to be an effective way to discipline kids but i think that kids now a days are more likely to rebel and try to be the way they are no matter what. the little kids are learning things some adults dont know yet. it may work, or it may not. it probably wont though!

2006-07-15 18:20:40 · answer #7 · answered by Nick 1 · 0 1

The teen years are a little old to be still spanking. It can hurt his self-esteem. Ground him instead.

2006-07-15 18:20:34 · answer #8 · answered by Bobby G 1 · 0 1

I'd say it is a stupid punishment. Something more effective like a grounding would probably be more effective.

2006-07-15 18:20:53 · answer #9 · answered by LilMikey 3 · 0 1

Teenagers are way to old to be spanked.You should stop at 8 years old.

2006-07-15 18:25:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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