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I would honestly like to know WHY you can think it is okay to kill a human but not a whale? It baffles me.

2006-07-15 17:58:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

I am not ignorant. That is just a word deviants use when people don't find their behavior as acceptable as they would like us to. I am not tolerant. I do judge people by their actions. Love the sinner - hate the sin. I love animals AND babies/fetuses, etc.

2006-07-15 18:09:25 · update #1

In the case of rape and incest I would not judge...it's using abortion as birth control (I know someone who had 4 abortions just because...)that I have a problem with.

2006-07-15 18:14:23 · update #2

ladybug - lol
the blue olive - we are fighting the bad guys over THERE so they won't come here. We unfortunately have to blow up their villages because the bad people hide there. They play off of our decency by hiding behind their women and children. They do not value them as we in America value our families. It is a sad fact of this war. Republicans do not WANT this war. It is through a chow of might that we may stop future attacks. What do you do to a bully - stand up to them. They perceive niceness as a weakness. America IS nice but we are not weak. God Bless America and our soldiers! Thank you.

2006-07-15 18:24:03 · update #3

20 answers

Actually, it baffles me, too. Contrary to popular belief, a fetus is still a human being. To me, the only reason that really should be used for an abortion is if it will endanger the life of the mother-to-be. Otherwise there are always options such as adoption. But seeing as this is not what we are arguing... the only answer i can truly see is this: Liberals want to preserve our world as best they can. If a woman wants to terminate her pregnancy, it saves resources rather than having another human being using up our world's resources at an alarming rate, and the animal saved may provide food for someone in need or help to keep the ecosystem balanced.

2006-07-15 18:10:09 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 7 5

Frankly, I think this is a huge simplification along the lines
of "What do the conservatives have against the environment"?

First off, it requires that you give a fetus the same standing
as a baby, but you give no reason for why it should other than
it is human. Calling it "human" is, at best, a genetic
simplification - it has all the genes required to create a human.

However, it has no ability to think in any sense that we can
differentiate from other animals, etc. It grows to look like
a human, but certainly your average gorilla looks more like
a human than a fetus does. However, a gorilla would not enjoy
the same protected status as abolishing all abortion would
give fetuses.

So ... you're left with some sort of quasi religious statement
about it having some sort of soul - with no offer of proof when
it obtained it, what form it has or that all fetuses have them.

What makes you sure that a soul doesn't enter the baby
at the time of its birth? For that matter, what is the state of
the soul of babies born without brains, or any of the other
complex, fascinating and frequently horrifying things that happen
during the process of getting from gametes to a baby?

This is not to say that I am "FOR" abortion. Generally, I avoid
killing things in all forms - but I frequently differentiate between
them, mostly on the basis of potential and ACTUAL
contribution. Haphazard willy nilly abortion is probably a
bad idea, but it will always be difficult to know when it is
acceptable and when it is unacceptable.

I would prefer that people take the attitude that "I would rather
not have an abortion, but I don't know what you are going
through and what issues you are facing so I will not prevent
you from controlling your own body".

None of which has anything to do with Whales, etc.
Well, maybe it does: We protect the environment. Generally
we protect classes of things (not individuals of a class)
because we might need 'em some day or they have some
integral part to play with the food chain.

In the case where a species is so limited that the removal
of an individual truly threatens the species as a whole, people
get concerned.

No, removing a fetus does not so obviously threaten the
species as a whole. With over 6 billion and counting, the
human species is in no threat of destruction through removal
of individuals.

Please don't oversimplify a position. It potentially makes you
look silly and it lessons the entire debate. Consider the
number of conservatives who promote the death penalty
but would outlaw abortion - presumably because they
are willing to stand in judgement that one life is worth
preserving and another is not.

Tell me: If one aborts a potential human to save the life
of another (the mother), has one committed murder?
If one knowingly allows the birth to come to term which
would predictably kill the mother, is that murder?

None of these things are good - they are all horrible
events, but never-the-less, real people are put in the
position of having to try to figure out what best preserves

We have a nice bright line at the time of birth.

With all of the bizarre things that can happen during
gestation, I cannot envision any line that makes sense
before then. I certainly cannot envision enforcing it with
the full force of the law.

2006-07-15 18:25:38 · answer #2 · answered by Elana 7 · 1 2

Because we have too many people and not enough whales. Unborn fetuses are now viewed as something like a commodity. It only has value if the mother wants it. Pro choice people get uncomfortable in situations like the Scott Peterson double murder trial because this view is exposed. I think he ended up only being convicted of manslaughter on his unborn son. Had Lacy been planning an abortion, maybe Scott is only convicted of killing Lacy.
The reason people want abortion to be legal is because it solves a lot of problems. One, the population of the world is growing exponentially, so lowering our birth rates is one way to address that. Second, a lot of people that aren't committed to each other are having sex. Sometimes this results in a pregnancy, which most of the time is unwanted by either the man or the woman or both. For this reason, they want to get an abortion. Since nobody wants to do something wrong, they are faced with the task of figuring out how this doesnt violate their moral code.
It's probably not that hard for most people because our popular society is telling us it's okay, it's only a fetus, not a person. It's your body. Nobody can tell you what to do with your body.
For those that think about it for themselves it's much more difficult to rationalize. Let's examine this issue.
I'm going to assume that most people agree that it's wrong to kill an innocent human being if you can avoid it. Therefore, if a fetus is a human being, it's also wrong to kill a fetus.
What are the indisputable facts about a fetus.
1. A human fetus is definitely human. That's not the same a saying a human being, but it's not a rat or fish or something. But you could say the same thing about your right leg.
2. The human fetus is definitely alive (before the abortion). It's growing and developing.
3. The human fetus has unique complete human DNA. This is easily established by comparing the DNA of the mother and the fetus. They both have complete human DNA, but they are, while related, distinctly different.
So the fetus is a unique human living thing with DNA of the same structure as any human child or adult (I think the term is "diploid"). Sperm and eggs have haploid DNA, or DNA that has only half of what is needed to make a human. Human sperm and egg DNA will not grow and develop until they get together and make complete human DNA. At that point it begins to form the organism we call a human being.
The debate over abortion has to start here; knowing that a fetus is a unique living human.
Let me end with this thought. Most of us try to rationalize the things that we want. That is, we try to figure out why what we want to do is ok, instead of figuring out what's really right or wrong, true or false.
In those cases it's good to imagine that you want the opposite. In this case, if you're pro choice imagine that you are pro life, and vice versa. Try to imagine that you would benefit from the opposite view. Then see which argument is easier to make. The one that's easier to make is probably the right one.
Conversely, if the argument starts running into contradictions and you have to do mental gymnastics to keep it afloat or have to start attacking the people on the other side of the argument or bring up other subjects (like capital punishment, for example), then your argument is in trouble and your probably trying to defend a side that is logically and morally indefensible.
Finally, I know we all tend to get emotional and passionate about abortion. I think we would all benefit from speaking the truth, but doing it in a way that doesn't make the other side feel personally attacked (as much as possible). Although it may feel good to vent our frustrations by using inflammatory language, keep in mind the goal is to persuade each other with the merits of our arguments. Having the best one liner or attack doesnt make anyone right.
Thanks for reading.

2006-07-15 19:44:39 · answer #3 · answered by Chapin 3 · 0 1

is not about killing human is about choice, they simple support the right of woman to have an abortion, and regarding animals you are probably talking about animals that are becoming extint. is not OK to kill a human being but what would do if someone rape your daughter and she got pregnant should she keep the reminder of her rape. or have an abortion. Think. I'm not a liberal but I have three sisters and if they want to have an abortion i would not tell them that they are wrong is their life and their body not my life or my body.
and in the issue of animals some animals need to be protected otherwise they will no longer exist and human will always exist unless the earth explodes or something like that.

2006-07-15 18:09:22 · answer #4 · answered by ybzcarlos1 4 · 0 2

Liberals think a baby is nothing more than a fingernail or a hair.
Sad but true.

The human mind gets real twisted and lost in ideas like this when they have no belief in God. The godless people don't love their fellow man; and at the same time they over compensate with animals and the environment

2006-07-15 18:01:29 · answer #5 · answered by Ronald Reagan 2 · 7 1

The better question would be: Why do conservative, right wing, republicans want to kill young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan? Surly the lives of those who have already lived a good 18 or so years are as important as ones who have yet to be born. Or is it that they are afraid that abortions and birth control will greatly reduce the number of soldiers they can kill off in the future?

2006-07-15 18:57:13 · answer #6 · answered by miki m 2 · 1 4

Well first off Human aren't exactly an endangered species, and second NO one has the right to tell a women what she can and cannot do with her body. And besides that a fetus isn't really considered alive in the first several weeks after conception before that its just simply a collection of cells.Science defines something as being alive when it consumes energy (which a fetus does), when it grows (which a fetus does) and when it exhibits conciseness (and a fetus doesn't experience conciseness until much later), I do agree however that their should be a cut off for which after a certain time in the pregnancy abortion shouldn't be an option.

2006-07-15 18:14:43 · answer #7 · answered by The Prez. 4 · 2 4


Don't be so sure about the saving animals part.

Liberals are all about killing. They want as many babies aborted as possible (up to 1 in 4 pregnancies now) and do everything they can to prevent the United States from intervening in various genocides all over the world. Currently, they are working very hard to convince the various leaders of the world that Israel has no right to defend itself from acts of war. Quite literally, they want another holocaust.

Liberalism comes out of marxist thought. Just like naszism (National SOCIALISM), communism, socialism etc. Each of these instituted genocide. Hundreds of millions of innocent people were murdered in cold blood.

Why are you so surprised that liberals continue the tradition of murder?

2006-07-15 18:06:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Liberals don't set out to kill babies, they fight for the freedom to make that decision. I know that I could never have an abortion, because that's just me, but I don't think it's fair that the government should retain the right over what women do with their bodies. A lot of people who are pro choice look at it like this, is it killing a living thing, yes. Is it sad, yes. But, would it be better that the child be born to a person who couldn't or worse, wouldn't look after it. Adopt it out you say? Have you any idea how many children are wasting away their youth and innocence in the governmental system. There are so many kids who should have been adopted ages ago, but aren't, who are shuffled from one foster home to the other like a peice of property, a burden for one to bear for a paycheck. Is that better? Is it better that a child be born to a crack-headed mother, one who would sell it if she could, one that she knows she can't care for? I couldn't ever abort a part of me, but I am also a stable and responsible adult, I'd be more than able to care for a child and I have the love in my heart to raise one properly, but so many people out there don't. It's kind of selfish that you should expect a baby to have to be born, into a world without enough room, without enough resources, without the warm arms of somebody to love it. Bear a child just for principle, although you know after it's born it will go into the system and simply become a case number, not a child anymore. Im sure there are plenty of people who will agree with you, and plenty who won't, but remember this, the point remains that while you are entitled to your opinion it is unfair that it should hold sway over what another person is entitled to. Do I think it's right to abort babies, well, I couldn't do it. But what I know is that it is wrong for somebody else (mostly men) telling us what we are and are not allowed to do with our bodies. It is a decision for a mother to make, and if she opts to abort then that is a decision she will have to live with for the rest of her life, but it's nobody elses decision to make. I have a question for you, why is it okay for the Republicans to blow up entire villages of innocent people so that their government feels bigger and more powerful. Why is it okay to take the life of one who is innocent and already living, learning, and growing, but it's murder to abort a feotus that doesn't know what it'll be missing? It sounds really crass to say, but think about it. Why is it better to kill those that already have life than those that don't?

2006-07-15 18:16:30 · answer #9 · answered by the blue olive 3 · 1 2

Get off your high horse. If we outlaw abortion, abortion is still going to be a fact of life. Its not about prochoice or anti abortion. Lets work together instead at educating people, distributing condoms, motivating young woman to want more from life.

2006-07-15 18:03:20 · answer #10 · answered by shannon d 4 · 2 3

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