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After everything that's happened over the years, its still going on. Do you think it will ever end?

2006-07-15 17:57:58 · 50 answers · asked by Brown.Eyed.Model 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

50 answers

no because people will always try to find a way to be better than others and have a reason to hate others. Even if everyone in America was white they would hate each other for their religious views or their political views so racism is a form of hate and hate will never end

2006-07-15 18:02:28 · answer #1 · answered by meanblacktiger 5 · 1 0

Every new generation seems to be a little more tolerant of each other concerning many things, race, homosexuality, etc. The issue now seems to be religion. My kids were all raised see everyone as a person, not a skin color or anything other than that. As a result, when my oldest son was in second grade, he raced in the door one day and breathlessly explained how he'd learned in school how african americans were once seen as less than whites, how they had to drink out of different fountains and such. After he explained all of this he said, "Wow, everyone was sure stupid back then!". It was one of the proudest moments I've had as a mother. Another of my sons was recently dating an african american girl, I thought my parents might have issues with it, my father is a republican and a bit on the prejudice side, but surprisingly even they were good with it and they've accepted my third sons gayness as being the way he was born. So even old dogs can learn! Thank God.

2006-07-15 18:04:38 · answer #2 · answered by Hillaryforpresident 5 · 0 0

I am a white man,my fiance is a morena ( dark skin ) Filipino who is beautiful. I personally don't care for Japanese as what they did during WW11 in torturing and burning alive American soldiers by the hundreds, so in that regard I think I am not a racist, but a Jap would say I am because I view their history too.I traveled to Charleston SC for example and rode the tour trolleys there and all I saw were black drivers,that were rude to me, looked at me with comtempt and I am thinking, where did this come from.So I assumed it's either because a day full of white people with more money they think than them and they have to drive them around or the feeling of a slave because in most cases just whites and foreigners on their trolley.How do you think that made me feel? So that was 3 years back and I still recall that instance that made me feel I had no business being there by a stare or words spoken.Do I think it will end? No, memories of the past prevent it, but I do think it is and will get better..

2006-07-15 18:15:15 · answer #3 · answered by AJ 4 · 0 0

I think that one day, at the current rate of inter-marriage all races as we know it will not exist. perhaps for a time racism will end but human variation will never end, the human race will separate again over time and new races will form. even if racism ends there will always be prejudice based on religion, language, culture, regional origin ect. we all make snap judgments based on appearance and race is a factor in that, but a person can still be open minded enough to try and look past that and try not to judge until they know the individual, but in a sense, we are all racists.

2006-07-15 18:33:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please don't be stupid. What's going on in America is ignorant racism. That's different from other countries where the racism is downright tribal, cliqueish and a matter of survival. In other words, you'll be treated well, probably ok, but you'll know your place. With America, some people are just so stupid they'll hate you without knowing you. People in Australia are racist, but not to the point they'll treat you badly without knowing you. It's weird, kind of hard to explain. However, in America, people will treat you badly for totally random reasons because of your race. I'm a nice person and never give any reason to expect that sort of treatment. It's just ignorant. But overseas, like I said, it's more kind of like a tribal thing...people can coexist, but just don't overstep your bounds...you know your place.

In other words, we'll always have racism...and poverty. Don't let some of these celebrity liberal morons tell you it can be eliminated. Some of these people need to get out more. Just learn to live with it, I'll bet everyone in this world is racist in some way...please don't lie...we all have stereotypes of what different people do...

2006-07-15 18:06:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. Sure, there may be some day when people don't make fun of, say, "pollacks". But so many people create negative images towards themselves, like rappers, calling themselves "******". I know a lot of really racist people, and they're racist because of the few rappers that think they "represent." It would be better if they'd shut their mouths and let the majority of black people who are strong, dedicated, earnest, and hard-working to represent.

Also, with all the wars in the Middle East (which will probably never end, by the way), there will never be an end to racism.

2006-07-15 18:04:19 · answer #6 · answered by plasmasphinx 2 · 0 0

Probably not. Even in other countries, there is prejudice against other races/cultures. The Chinese have a nasty tendency to look down on ppl from other provinces and also minority tribes- even though the only difference may be in some of their food and their dress. African blacks don't like American blacks. The Rwandian massacre of 1995 was genocide fueled by racism between Hutus and Tsutus. And in South America, there's often trouble between Hispanics and Indians. Heck, some blacks don't even like other blacks because they have darker or lighter skin tones!
Racism may be wiped out almost entirely in one area, but it'll pop up in other areas. And in a double-standard feature, the media can aggravate it by promoting stereotypes- brainy Asians, black women with attitude, single Hispanic moms, whatever. And "affirmative action" certainly doesn't help.

2006-07-15 18:10:14 · answer #7 · answered by ATWolf 5 · 0 0

Billy Graham was asked what he thought the no#1 problem was facing society today,he said racism.Education is the solution to ending it.Our leaders are not leading us in the right direction.And I am talking about leaders of all races.If people were as concerned about ending racism as they are about being politically correct it may help.I find extreme prejudice everyday.It goes back to the ten commandments "thou shall not covet they neighbors goods"Everybody wants something they don't have,including a different skin color.They think they can speak it into exsistance!Or they can do what Micheal Jackson did LOL!!

2006-07-15 18:12:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To stop racism, you'll have to eliminate hate which is impossible. We can have all the Anti-racist rally in the world but still hatred will go on. This is the power of Satan to cause division among people. And for others to believe they are superior. We have to remember that Racism is Hatred, Hatred is Sin, Sin belongs to the Devil (Satan). Can we really stop Hatred? NO! Not in this world.

2006-07-15 18:10:45 · answer #9 · answered by Reidi 3 · 0 0

Racism will always be around. So will class distinctions based on one's economic, educational & social status. It's learned behaviour that gets taught to us by family, specifically parents. Humans have been this way since we left the caves, & it will probably not change until, perhaps, the coming of the Kingdom. Humans can change human nature, but we seldom REALLY TRY to.

2006-07-15 18:12:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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