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my ex wife is makeing life hell for me and my kids i got custudy of the kids 4 years ago. she only see the like 4 are 5 times a year and every time she see them she make life hell for us. she does thing like calling dcfs when ever she can. and every time she does this they find nothing wrong will guess i am tired of it and ready to stand up for my self anyone got any good ideas how i can make her life hell like she has made my life and the kids life hell

2006-07-15 17:36:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

11 answers

Tempting as it is, don't give in to the impulse to make her life hell. Remember you are setting an example for the kids. Hard as it is, take the high road. How old are the kids? Remember they probably love their mother in spite of her treatment. If they are old enough, talk to them honestly about the situation. They'll form their own opinions and if you act like her, they'll hate you too. Be strong and take the high road.

2006-07-15 17:45:48 · answer #1 · answered by Kat 4 · 1 0

start keeping a journal of the things she does and then if you absolutely have too, take her to court to get her to stop the harrassment. You also need to try and not talk to her unless you absolutely have too. If she calls hand the phone over to the kids, you don't need to get stressed out in front of the kids.

But making her life hell will not help matters any. She's the one with the problem and ignoring her will make you all better off.

2006-07-16 00:42:35 · answer #2 · answered by rdhedhottie 5 · 0 0

Yeah , the perfect revenge is living a happy life.. shes just so miserable with herself that she's trying to make your life miserable.. just let her keep playing her games eventually she'll give up when she sees she cant get to u.. dont even let on to her anything about whats going on like when she pulls this stuff its going to mess with her more not knowing shes getting to u.. Shes obviously a poor role model for your children so they need you to be the upstanding non waivering role model for them.. if u stoop down to her level then ur children are stuck between 2 parents that are now actting like imature back bitting twits.. why would u want to put your children through this over a woman who is obviously dumb as a rock? Do ur kids a favor.. show them that being a man means doing whats right even if it doesnt feel good.. show them that people dont have to stoop to other peoples levels.... Your kids need atleast one stable parent dont let your x push u over the deep end do what ur kids need for someone to be a mature adult.. Good luck..

2006-07-16 01:00:31 · answer #3 · answered by preciosa 2 · 0 0

Remember......the children are the orphans of the war...
They love their Mother, EVEN if they say otherwise...
Also, it is so hard on Moms to lose their children. You have taken her joy from her already.
She will prob never forgive you...her problem. BUT, YOU CAN forgive her, turn her over to G-d to fight the battle and try to go on.
If she is not abusive, allow more time for her w/children. Let her know YOU know she misses them.

Please, please try not to put her down to your children. They already know how she is. But you must be respectful to her as she is THE MOTHER of YOUR children. They will not respect her if you don't. It will affect them their whole lives.

As a Christian, you need to remember G-d told children ONE THING.......honor and obey parents as unto the L-rd.

Do NOT talk her down to the children, take them aside and tell them you are sorry, if you have and why you decided otherwise.....(as above)

You are going to be Grandparents together no matter what so you may as well try to start getting along.
Tell her if she doesn't then you WILL get a restraining order on her/ you WILL have closed visitations (thru welfare) and she will not be so free to give you "HELL"/ or see her children.

Remember who's battle it is.........Satan is out to destroy families and he is doing a good job at your house........IF YOU let him.

2006-07-20 16:26:55 · answer #4 · answered by deed 5 · 0 0

Dude, I hear yah. I dont even have kids, and my exwife still finds ways to try and make my life hard. I don't know if it is this way for you, but my exwife was the one that left me, probably cheated, caused the divorced, etc...not me. Exwives can be horrible, huh?

I can only imagine what kind of piece of work your ex is. A woman has to almost be in prison before the courts will give a man full custody of the kids...UNLESS, this is what she wanted...which, what kind of mother would agree to give up her kids?...sounds like that isnt the case since she calls dfs.

I am like you dude. I am nearly at the breaking point with my exwife as well. I am trying to fight off the urge for a little revenge as well. I'm guessing you put this question out there because you know revenge is wrong; you are trying to talk yourself out of it; and you need some encouragement from someone who understands. Well, I am here to tell you, that I am the same way as you. I am responding to your question for the same reasons. I am trying to reassure myself that revenge is not the way to go.

You and I both know that revenge is not the right answer. If a dude came to you and said that he was going to get some revenge, you would tell him not to, right? Well, I am that dude for you.

Man, you dont want to stoop to her level. She is a piece, not you. Although we will never know, (because exwives emotions, mental state, reactions, behaviors, etc. make no logical sense), not reacting back to her probably bothers her more than getting revenge would. Plus, you dont want to do anything that would possibly compromise your child custody.

You stood up taller for yourself than anything you will ever do when you got custody of your kids. Anyone who has anything to do with the legal system knows that a mother without custody of her children is "questionable" at best. As long as you are on the up and up, what she does is laughable. (I know that is easier said than actually dealing with)

Dude, I know it doesnt make it feel any better, but just know that you arent the only one who has to deal with an extremely ridiculously crazy exwife. It is more common than anyone cares to admit. No one deserves it. Keep your head. Do the right thing. Whenever she goes crazy, talk to someone, write, be thankful for custody, get with family or friends...if the kids are with family or with her, get with the fellas for some brews....heck, I even enjoy just hitting up some drinks around the house while watching a game, fight, concert, listening to tunes, etc. by myself. Whatever, do your best to blow it off as best you can and get past the boiling point, cause I know it lingers, and dont do anything you would regret later.

Stay Up Playa! I wish you the best!

2006-07-16 01:03:55 · answer #5 · answered by Cing 4 · 0 0

Don't bring yourself down to her level it's not worth it. Plus she sounds like a nut job and will probably just retaliate w/ worse things. However, document everything she does and says no matter how inconsequential and if you have to take her back to court and take all her rights away -- this might take awhile but it works. A friend of mine did this and it was two years but she got full custody w/ no visitation for him.

2006-07-16 00:46:42 · answer #6 · answered by lola 1 · 0 0

Two words - Restraining order

Please note that if you do get disturbing calls, record them and you will have basis for the lawsuit and associate penalties. She needs to understand that for the sake of those kids she should watch her actions and modify her behavior accordingly.

2006-07-16 00:43:01 · answer #7 · answered by gudrun077 4 · 0 0

Next time she is scheduled to visit, don't be home. You can act like she told you the wrong date or you forgot.

Or how about getting caller id and stop answering the phone when she calls.

2006-07-16 00:48:57 · answer #8 · answered by ManOfTheHour 5 · 0 0

seek legal counsel and obtain records showing she is calling DCF and get her fo harrassment Make her pay child support through the court if she don't already

2006-07-16 01:00:43 · answer #9 · answered by sashaaspen 4 · 0 0

I'm sorry to hear this! I'd record her! Place tape recorders and video recorders whwrever it is that they might show her for the problem that she is!

2006-07-16 00:41:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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