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They live here but they hate our nation.
How pathetic is that?
Move your sorry asses to China or England. We don't need your in our beloved nation.

2006-07-15 16:19:52 · 27 answers · asked by surfer_dude 1 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

27 answers

Is your name Paul or Saul?
bigkahuna and the rest of that crap.
Get a job.

2006-07-15 16:27:23 · answer #1 · answered by Subterfuge 3 · 0 1

Great question. There are many sides to this issue. Let's start with the fact that the Libs (IE: Liberals, Democrats for the person who asked) think that America is undeserving of her place as the lone super power. They have a warped view of history and feel that America is only the big boy on the block because we have exploited others (ie American Indians, Africans, etc). Also Libs by in large are non Christian. They think that America's propensity to be a nation "under God" is oppressive to the rest of the world. Basically it's a guilt complex. We ARE rich and we ARE powerful, and the average lib feels pretty damn guilty about it. Self loathing at it's finest. Also keep in mind that Communism and Socialism, and those who believe in them have been forced from the main stream. The modern liberal movement IS the home for the modern day Communist and Socialist. I can go on for days on end, this is a great topic. Libs seem to feel that America is just sticking our nose into the world's troubles and that we have no right to "impose" freedom on the rest of the world. I love that one...Freedom is no something one FORCES on another, It's a gift. Do you think that the women in Iraq who can now VOTE and OWN BUSINESSES for the FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD feel "imposed" upon? It's laughable. Anyone wishing to talk about this topic (pro OR con my point of view) can email me at vbgore@yahoo.com

2006-07-15 23:31:26 · answer #2 · answered by vbgore 2 · 0 0

First of all, let me refresh your mind they don't hate America, they hate the government.

Second of all they live in America and they are Americans.

There was, is, will be opposition in any kind of government. US is the most democratic country in the world, that's why you can see how libs acting, in other countries like u said up there China, come you will get a shot into your head.

That's why you think other libs in other part of the world not like ours, simply cause the other countries does not have democracy.

And they don't hate they love the American nation, that's why they are concerned about its future and offering their methods and ways of solution of current problems.

2006-07-16 00:17:30 · answer #3 · answered by confusion_d 2 · 0 0

Puahahahaha, since when do people call Liberals "Libs"? And where's the proof that they hate America?
Eh, why China or England?

It's discriminating and ignorant idiots like you that think yourselves as patriots that ruin our country. Without the liberals, our nation would have never progressed. Without the liberals, we would still be in the dark ages. We would still pray for a cure instead of going to a doctor. We would still think that storms and illnessed and caused by the Devil. We would still think that whites are the supreme race. The world will still be covered with spite, hatred, malice, bigotry, and racism. It is us Liberals that progress society and bring in the tides of change. We bring in the tides of peace, freedom, and prosperity.

Haha, so screw you.

2006-07-15 23:43:13 · answer #4 · answered by emmetier 1 · 0 0

Surfer dude, The liberals of today were taught by the communists who after the 2nd world war infiltrated America. One of their prim targets was the education system in this land of ours. President Eisenhower didn't like the fact that the top educators in the U.S. had enspoused such a philosophy that goes against the human spirit. So, my man this is where alot of the problem lies. They also got into hollywood and President Reagan rammed them in court to drive them out. When they threatened to do damage to him he never backed down. Its the communists who are at work to disarm america without fireing a shot. I saw kruschev in 62 on tv slam his shoe on the podium and declair that they would take america without fireing a shot! I was a kid then and guess what... the cheese eating surrender monkeys here(like the french) are letting them do it.
I hope this helps in answer your question, Ammo

2006-07-15 23:29:32 · answer #5 · answered by ammoconfidential 3 · 0 0

I'm a Liberal and I don't hate America. If I did, I'd move elsewhere. I'm here because this is the country of my birth and because there is a huge amount of opportunity here. We, as a nation, have an incredible amount of potential. I just want to help us live up to that.

2006-07-15 23:23:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What are you on man, Wacky weed?? Get in touch with "Collegedebt" sounds like he needs another hit ....

Bill Clinton cut the our military to the bone,when he was in office .. left us with a weak Armed Services and now, when we need a strong Army our reserves have to be called up.. Reserves are back up for active duty. not front line soldiers .. Bill Clinton stuffed the Treasury with money he saved by cutting the military and left us weak. that's where your money came from "Collagedebt" a lot of experienced solders was forced out during this time to fill the Clinton crockers . So Yes we are using the money to fight this war... To protect us all !!!

2006-07-16 00:31:19 · answer #7 · answered by ralphtheartist 3 · 0 0

Hmmm... Why do Republicans hate poor people?
Why do they hate gays?
Why do they hate the environment?
Why do they hate Iraqis?
and Why do they love blowing things up so much?

See how nice generalizations are?

*Note: This comment is sarcastic and only directed towards the question asker, not any real Republicans. I don't actually believe Republicans hate all of these things. No offense meant.

2006-07-16 00:03:25 · answer #8 · answered by Pendergast 2 · 0 0

They don't hate America. They love America...and hate what is happening to it. Some people (conservatives) define patriotism as having blind faith in your government, and they believe that by disagreeing with your political leaders, you are disagreeing with your country.

The people represent the country, the political leaders and their agenda do not. Some people think it is patriotic and healthy to question the political leaders...and that's all they are questioning - the leaders, not the country.

Isn't that what America is about? The people?

2006-07-15 23:42:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I dont think it's that they hate America, they just don't understand that it takes a "pair" to run a country and to stand up for your morals.
And here come the sarcastic remarks, b/c that is was a liberal/demo is good for, if they have no intelligent comment, they'll make fun of you and the question you asked.

2006-07-15 23:24:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What are you talking about? Conservatives HATE America.

All Conservatives want is to ramp up military spending and cut taxes.

Our National debt has DOUBLED since Bush got in office. He has ramped are debt up more in 6 years then the other 211 COMBINED.

2006-07-15 23:23:24 · answer #11 · answered by collegedebt 3 · 0 0

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