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My friend smokes pot and i really don't want to get involved! i tried avoiding her but then i found out she gets her drugs from her parents! i can't just keep avoiding her! wat should i tell her? Before u answer this question i want u to put ur salf in this situation! We've been best friends since i can remember and i really don't want my parents to know that not just her but that her parents smoke crack to! I'm so confused! HELP!!!

2006-07-15 16:17:13 · 6 answers · asked by some random chick! 2 in Family & Relationships Friends

6 answers

I agree with CA. Especially where the crack comes in. It destroys lives and your friend is in the middle. If you annomously turn in her parents, it may change their lives and therefor you will be helping your friend from a damaged life.
Also, by telling her the truth that you are not interested in getting involved in that stuff, you are giving her a role model to live by. In the mean time, keep yourself away from that stuff, and get new friends who don't participate in activities that rob you from true happiness. Good luck!

2006-07-15 16:35:06 · answer #1 · answered by jazzzame 4 · 1 0

Eventually, the way this ole world works is," things will get darker before the dawn". You have to separate yourself as much as possible from your long time friend. You don't necessarily have to give up your friendship. You could be her link to reality as long as you pace yourself far enough away from her and her parents world. As time goes on, this life style will catch up with your friends parents, and your friend could possibly be left alone to fin for herself. You are very wise to not want to get involved, and please don't ever rethink that idea!!! If things happen as they usually do, and her parents get busted, your parents will know the truth anyway. Try to figure out a way to prepare your parents without right out telling them. You will be so far ahead of the game, and shouldn't have to suffer any consequences as long as you stay true to what you have said. By doing this you are actually preparing a safety net for your friend and your friendship. I know this is not the solution you wanted to hear, but at least ponder on what I have said. I think when you consider the big picture you will see that you can salvage more than just a long time friend ship going this route.

2006-07-15 16:50:51 · answer #2 · answered by smplyme132 5 · 0 0

you know what i would do in your situation is talk to my friend, just because her parents smoke dope does'nt mean she has to. i would explain to her how you feel about this and that you are worried about her and see where that goes . oh, and also tell her that there is no way your parents can find out about this, that your parents would never let you be friends with her if they found out . i just dont know what to tell you to say this is a very important and very costly ordil either way you go you are at risk of losing someone or disappionting and scaring your parents i wish you the very best of luck...

2006-07-15 16:28:36 · answer #3 · answered by moe 5 · 0 0

well, my dear it will probably be you who is the one she will turn to once everyone else is addicted to crack and living on the streets or in jail. so don't ingnore her, help her!!!!!! if she is under 18 then her parents should be in jail for feeding her drugs. so be strong and sober for her and if you can do it safely, turn her parents in before it is to late!!! the cops won't tell them who turned them in so don't worry. It's called tough love and it has to be done. she'll thank you in the end when you save her life!!!!

2006-07-15 16:23:56 · answer #4 · answered by CA 2 · 0 0

first of all crack and pot are different things. cocaine is some ****** up **** that you dont even want to be close to, but weed is bad, but not horrible. best you confront her with the problem, if she is ur best friend, she wil understand, especialy since everyone knows drugs are bad, and your problem is very rational.

2006-07-15 16:22:49 · answer #5 · answered by helper 1 · 0 0

There killing themselves do you really want them to die? You need to help them and do whats right.

2006-07-15 16:40:12 · answer #6 · answered by MEH250 . 1 · 0 0

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