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24 answers

I once dreamed I was given citizenship of USA and accepted before realising that it meant relinquishing my Irish citizenship. Was I ever glad when I woke up but twenty years on I still get nasty flashbacks.

2006-07-15 16:18:21 · answer #1 · answered by SouthOckendon 5 · 0 0

I had a recurring dream as a teenager where I would be on the school bus listening to the radio, and the announcer would read a news story about a tidal wave that was engulfing the entire world. Looking out the back window of the bus we could see the giant wave coming even though it was still miles away.

I had time to get home before the wave came, and my dad and I went into our back yard with a bow and arrow. We shot an arrow at the moon, which caused the tidal wave to recede!

The coolest dream I've ever had was just a few weeks ago when I dreamt I was in a zombie movie (I love zombies!).

The most disturbing dream I've had was a few years ago when I dreamt that I stalked and murdered a random woman. I remember dreaming that I got away with it too. I woke up feeling sick from that dream, and I actually spent the next couple of days feeling incredible guilt, as though it was for real. I've never been affected like that by a dream like I was by that one. Thank Cheebus it wasn't a recurring dream, I couldn't cope with that again.

2006-07-15 23:30:25 · answer #2 · answered by stitch_groover 2 · 0 0

Scary dream was when my unit called me back to Iraq. I was in Desert Storm in 1991, and have been out of the military since then. We were going along in the desert, getting shot at and such. For some reason I was a co-pilot in a helicopter and we got shot down. Later, I was in a van doing my job when we heard a loud Boom! It was an atomic bomb and our vehicles were blown all over the place and we were half-fried. We tried to find our buddies and equipment but most of it was gone. I remember waking up crying, yet so glad I was home.

No biggie, it was kind of a cool dream when I think about it. It seemed so realistic, seeing all my old friends again. The brain is such a powerful thing!

2006-07-15 23:22:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well the scariest dream I had was when i was about to walk in my house when I saw a zombie bird!! I mean it was s-s-s-s-s-s-scary!! It was hovering in circles!! It looked like it was gonna come after me!! It was all black, had red eyes. And when it was hovering it wasn't even flapping it's wings!! But that was scary!!
The weirdest dream i had was i peeing, in the toilet and when I woke up i peed in my bed!! That was probly when i was 3-4 or 5 i don't know. My greatest dream was that I was flying. i was flying over the world!! It was awesome!! so yea!! Hope u get an answer soon!!

2006-07-15 23:24:22 · answer #4 · answered by ♥ღ...∂αηg3яσυѕℓу ιη ℓσν3...ღ♥ 5 · 0 0

Well let me start off by saying I am a Christian...since this plays a big role in my dream.

I had this dream probably about 6-8 months ago, and it sticks with me because it was so strange. In the dream, I was kinda a satan hunter. But he did not look like the Satan we see portrayed in movies and TV. He was actually quite nice to look at, his form was a super bright ball of blueish light. I know some may say then maybe that was God, but trust me, it was the devil in my dream. This ball of light went and caused evil and chaos wherever it went. I watched it aid in killing thousands, bringing wars and catastrophic events to the world. I hunted it, but I had a lot of trouble stopping it. I was not hurt by it, because it knew I was working for God.

I do not remember too much more than that, but it did get me more interested in Christianity (I was not as involved as I am now).

2006-07-16 00:02:23 · answer #5 · answered by jillkmilk 3 · 0 0

I dreamed that I was in Boston. My family was on a wharf were we saw an old hotel. I remarked, "Hey didn't Stephen King write a story about that creepy hotel?" We went inside and the man at the front desk reassured me that yes Stephen King had written about the hotel but that it wasn't haunted. I decided to take the elevator up to see a room, but the elevators didn't open like normal elevators, they closed up and down like teeth. So I tried the stairs but as I got to the top my mind flashed to a room where a FBI Agent was trying to figure out why guests were disappearing, but the floor slid and he fell into an abyss. As I reached the top of the stairs a man grabbed me by the shirt and threw me down the stairs. I awoke with a rise in my t-shirt were the man had grabbed me.

The End

2006-07-15 23:21:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok. I had a rough break up with my girlfriend. I still loved her but she wanted nothing to do with me. I sank into a terrible depression, obsessing over her.

So that's when I had "the dream".

I was in my ex's room. She had a small room, it was mostly just a bed. I could see she was hiding under her blankets and I was so happy to be in the same room with her. I said, "Silly girl, why are you hiding from me?" I lifted off the sheet, but it wasn't her, it was a slithering tangle of the most venomus most evil snakes I have seen in real life, movies, nightmares, ANYWHERE! Pythons. Cobras. Yellow eyes and fangs everywhere. I actually start screaming and crying in my own dream, it started out so nice and now could hardly be worse. The snakes all swarm over me and they tear through my stomach, eating though me. Anyway, I see my mom peeking through the door way and start yelling. "Mom, mom, there's snakes all over me! Help! HELP!" I was like 18 at the time, but hey, being covered in snakes is being covered in snakes.

She looks over and has a really disappointed look on her face. She says, "You are an idiot!" Confused, I look down and I am covered with noddles, like someone cooked up a hundred packages of ramen and poured it over me.

"Noodles?" I whimper. "I swear they were snakes."

It got worse from there, but that is enough for tonight.

2006-07-15 23:33:48 · answer #7 · answered by trixwagen 5 · 0 0

a couple years back i had a dream that i went to a summer vacation house with a bunch of friends and then towards the end of the dream the place was haunted by children who all called me dad and a year or so later i was told i was to become a daddy to a little girl who is 3 now

its freaky the dream was alot longer and i still to this day rememeber all the details

2006-07-15 23:19:16 · answer #8 · answered by OZoNE 4 · 0 0

This is going to sound crazy, but here goes...
Last night, I had a dream that I was in the mountains staying in a lovely little cabin. I was the only one there, enjoying my time, then out of nowhere, Jack Nicholson shows up. He's absolutely crazed and he's after me, trying repeatedly to kill me. Somehow, I wind up with a gun, I shoot a circle around his heart, which does nothing. Eventually, I have him pinned down, I press the gun to his forehead, pull the trigger, and he STILL won't die! I really don't know how it ends because I woke up. Strange, huh? And I haven't seen any of his movies in years.

2006-07-15 23:23:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I used to have dreams that I was floating in the ocean on a table and alligators were trying to get me. The worst dream I have ever had is when I had a dream that my sister was killed by a lion. I think maybe I went to the zoo too much as a kid!

2006-07-15 23:20:20 · answer #10 · answered by ekaty84 5 · 0 0

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