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I like talking about slavery because it was real. Do you have a problem with that?

No one can hold me back because I know too much about the pass.

My pic http://www.listentocharlie.com

I'm independent, motivated and a go getter and I complain about slavery and the way white people treated our forefathers

I'm I dwelling on the pass? Yes. What's wrong with that?

I still handle business and the world is mine for the taking

2006-07-15 16:09:37 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

32 answers

its worn out you idiot. YES it happened. its over. we cannot change it. move on. .. you all like to focus on the past and if that's all you focus on. then you have no future. the blacks whining and moaning has really desensitized people to what happened to yo to the point where we really don't give a rats a-s-s what yo do. if you are not happy with America. go to Africa. i am sure you Will not find it any better there.

2006-07-15 16:18:46 · answer #1 · answered by Calvin 5 · 0 0

Great, you know your history. Do you know your future? Keep looking back and future will happen and you'll only know it as you see it in history. What will be your legacy? "Couldn't let go of the past, Never saw it coming"

We aren't those people, dude. Neither one of us.

What your missing is that this is only the most recent account in the scheme of human history. This is finally the chance to break the cycle. Bitterness will not bear sweet fruit, only attentive cultivation of the conditions you desire will. Let go, not forget.

The obvious thing wrong with the desire to complain about it is that you continue to cultivate and nurture that hatred. How well can your soul evolve if you carry so much loathing.

The slaves were of an uneducated population. They didn't see it coming. They lacked the necessary knowledge and savvy to realize they were getting the shaft. That is obviously not the case today so why worry about the shaft. It happened, can't change, CAN do something different. Whining about the past is just stagnating. Your basically on par with everyone else. We are all flounding amidst government control and deception. We are all in the same quagmire now. Back then there was noone savvy enough to defend but that is no longer a valid excuse. There are plenty of us who are getting savvy and ready to do something about it.

We all have equal rights....to squat. The worthwhile effort is on reestablishing rights, individual rights without condition. That does not exist in the past, only in the future.

2006-07-15 16:46:54 · answer #2 · answered by Applecore782 5 · 0 0

Well, my forefathers were American Indians. Remember what happened to them? It's sad to think about the loss of such beautiful cultures, but it's done. You can dwell on the past (it's "past," not "pass"), that's your privilege. Go ahead, but don't expect the rest of the world to dwell there with you.

What is wrong with it? It's not such a great choice if you want to make progress in this world. You run the risk of adopting the same victim identity for yourself, which is going to hurt you. If, in your heart, you feel like a victim, you are probably going to have a reactionary antagonistic attitude toward the world. But, that's up to you, my friend, some people enjoy feeling as if they have an awesome burden upon them.

You are right in that people should never forget the past and the wrongs that humans have done to humans. Maybe you will consider a career as an educator.

Don't try to make it all about race, though.... you are aware that the slave trade originated in Africa, where Africans sold Africans into slavery, right? History is complex.... don't try to simplify it too much. And please don't be one of those a--holes who go around blaming white people for your problems. If the world is yours, then you must assume responsibility for all your actions and all your circumstances. You make it all happen.

2006-07-15 16:29:09 · answer #3 · answered by Skeptimystic 3 · 0 0

Okay, here's what's wrong with it. It happened, and complaining isn't going to change that. You will just let your anger eat you up inside. You're not doing yourself any favors by dwelling on it.

I agree with you that slavery was a bad thing, but don't you think anything good came of it? Black Americans helped shape America into what it is today! For example, the ***** spirituals the slaves sang were the roots of jazz, the blues, and today's urban music.

2006-07-15 16:16:21 · answer #4 · answered by Terisu 7 · 0 0

Well, your right, there is nothing wrong with it. But I think we all had fought this over a hundred years ago. That horse has been buried and dug back up again sooo many millions of times now, that his **** stinks now. And so does this arguement. I have some great friends that are black, and there is nothing wrong with that. WE ARE ALL AMERICANS. Lets end this treacery that keeps making us look bad to others that still don't get it. So, Good luck to you. You deserve all the best, just like the next person. Black, white, purple, or any nationality we all come from.

2006-07-15 16:19:19 · answer #5 · answered by Silverstang 7 · 0 0

Nothing is wrong with that b/c it really WAS terrible, however, times have changed a lot and things aren't NEARLY as bad as they used to be. AND whites didn't just treat black people badly ... They took the Native Americans' land AND treated all kinds of immigrants from overseas ESPECIALLY the Irish like dirt... So, complain all you want, but just remember blacks weren't the only ones whose forefathers were given a hard time...

2006-07-15 16:23:32 · answer #6 · answered by Katie 2 · 0 0

You have every right to complain about the past. But dwelling on it is not healthy for you or improving race relations in this country. Take the lessons of the past to improve the present and future.

Complaining about "white people" is a step backwards for everyone. It would be just as sad for "white people" to complain about black people. Be a positive force without forgetting the past. Don't make the same mistakes many "white people" made in the past. Don't lump together a group of people simply based on their skin color. It was always wrong for white people. It's just as wrong for anyone else.

2006-07-15 16:19:47 · answer #7 · answered by Common Sense 7 · 0 0

Nothing wrong with that. You also have to remember that it was a different era. Don't hold us responsible for what happened those days. We can all get along and if you are capable there is no stopping. I hate it when everything is made into a racial issue. Also the call for remuneration and payback. Many people were treated badly but that time is gone. Let us move on.

2006-07-15 16:16:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a white man and a history freak I could not care less. My people were sharecroppers and coal miners. Growing up in Kentucky I heard "the only thing worse than a n---- was white trash". If you have a true grasp of history you understand that it is not race so much as class that separates us. The have's fear the have nots and the have not's hate those who have. As for most whites now days they do not hate blacks, they are totally indifferent. P.S. past is spelled with a T pass as in "I went over the pass to KY.

2006-07-15 16:31:50 · answer #9 · answered by gobobgo55 3 · 0 0

In USA today , you are free to says anything ,as long as ones never above the laws,whats I always heard,likely not the reality of life.
Those days they have difference way of thinking toward others-racial,which may threathen their livehood,even the Indians(original peoples) were being chased off or being killed at will by all,from their land and minimised, Today I dont see Indians riding "bareback horses" for buffalo,on the preire - anymore (I likes to watch Buffalo Bill's) .You cant bring the "living Dead to life" whats gone is gone,your will only hurting yourselves by digging the pasts,Just thinks how to exchieve your future goals,all the peoples -regardless creet,race or religions ---so called Americans,not all peoples want to hear old tales anymore,dont menddling over trouble water

2006-07-15 16:42:15 · answer #10 · answered by shaikhmohdmusa 4 · 0 0

Well first off it's okay to remember your past, but to hold a grudge on things that white people did in the past is stupid.

It's like "I'm going to hate all white people because white people had slaves". It's not like I hold a grudge and/or am racist just because one of my classmates back in the day who was black stole my swing.

People are just going to get annoyed that you are always complaining. Get over it. Don't forget about your past (which really isnt even your past, it's your ancestors past) but dont dwell on it. Us "white people" have nothing to do with the "white people" back then.

BTW, in your pic you dont look black, you look more asian and mexican mixed than black.

2006-07-15 16:18:35 · answer #11 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

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