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i don´t know what to do, what to think, what other things, life isn´t fair, inocent people suffer, what one´s want ain´t easy to get, this isn´t life,i need to cheer up, i don´t like to give up, i usually get out of this depression by myself, today i can´t, i need you people, any advice on how to take all this pain out of me, ?

2006-07-15 15:35:46 · 37 answers · asked by Luis 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

37 answers

Stop dwelling on things you can't change. Start looking for the things you can change, and do what you think is best.

2006-07-15 15:37:07 · answer #1 · answered by Blunt Honesty 7 · 1 0

Oh Yeah, we all have days like this. There are some days where I question WHY? Why do these things happen?? Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we will never know why, sometimes, we will figure out why.
During the past year terrible things happened to me, I lost hope, I cried a lot, I wondered when it would be over, but through it all I kept telling myself there is a reason for it all.

Because of these terrible things, I became a better person, I learned to appreciate things more, and very good things are falling into place for me.

Bad things do not last forever. I believe that every bad thing that happens has something good in it too. We just have to learn to look for it. It's not always the easy because we are so blinded by the darkness of our own fears and sadness.

Remember this, nobody is a lone. Although we may feel that way, we are not a lone. There are people out there that are willing to reach out and help you, you just have to learn to ask for help(just as you have)

I have done that many times. I have started talking about certain problems and could not figure out why I even said it and I never regretted it. My questions were answered and I was even comforted.

The world really is a beautiful place despite our hardships.

There is on thing that really helps me. Look up Max Ehrmann's Desiderata on the internet.
It is actually something that was founded in a Cathedral in 1606 and when I feel bad, I read it and I find a certain sense of inner peace.

This is the website. Enjoy

2006-07-15 15:46:29 · answer #2 · answered by HappyCat 7 · 0 0

You're obviously depressed. Depression is that sad, helpless feeling you get when nothing is going your way and you feel helpless to do anything about it. But just remember that you CAN'T give up! You have the rest of eternity to be dead, after your life is over and you are gone. You have only one life to live and you've got to make your one life count! Only you can make your life what you want it to be. Now as for you depression , the best way to beat it is to do one of two things after you figure out what is wrong (what is causing your depression).
1. Accept the problem - if you come to understand that there is nothing that you CAN do about a problem, and you know it, then you have to learn how to accept it and let it go (such as when a relative dies for example). This is hard to do, but you CAN do it. sometimes you just need some time.
2. Change the problem - if you come to understand that there IS something that you can do to alleviate or fix a problem, then by all means DO IT! Depression happens because you feel as if you are stuck in a rut and can't get out of a problem. However, the truth is that you can and should solve your problems. Sometimes this can take a while, but if you persist things will get better.
Now I'm not trying to get "preachy" on you or anything, but I think you should know that I am not the originator of this philosophy. I basicly borrowed it from what is known as the "SERENITY PRAYER". I find it to be both one of the most poetic and at the same time one of the wisest snipits ever put down on paper. I don't remember it word for word, but it goes something like this:
"Lord, please grant me the ability to accept the things I can't change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to tell the difference between the two." I don't know about you, but to me those are mighty powerful words, and they've helped me to get through some pretty hard times! Good luck to you, I hope I've helped. Now go live your dreams, and remember not to sweat the small stuff.

2006-07-15 16:05:07 · answer #3 · answered by barracudasounds 2 · 0 0

you are never alone -- never forget this. yeah sometimes things may not be fair or good or happy....or maybe you are just not looking for fair good happy things. so often the media and news seem to focus on all the negativity rather than what really matters - the fact that somewhere a little girl celebrated her birthday or a family decided to adopt an unfortunate child. you can bring happiness to your own life by bringing happiness to others' lives. and who want everything to be easy -- you want to be able to look back and say look at me i did that -- it was tough but damnit i did it! life is full of ups and downs but everything happens for a reason so never give up because you never know how something that seems to be bad may turn out! there are so many words, ideas, opinions that are uniquely YOURS and you have to share those with the people around you - thats why you are here! tell the people you love that you love them; breathe in the sweet smell of fresh cut grass; soak up the sunshine and remember that every day is a good day just some are better than others!

2006-07-15 15:45:37 · answer #4 · answered by julieb_87 2 · 0 0

Volunteer. Find someone else to help, and you will start feeling better.

Innocent people suffer, so start doing something to try to help.

What people want, sometimes is not always right... instead of "wanting" something - sit back and think what really is important. Life is not easy, its a challenge - help others through it.

Dont give up, help someone else in need of help.

Maybe you can volunteer w/ kids or teens? Maybe help at a soup kitchen to help make a difference.

What do you like to do? Where do you see the most help is needed in this world? Can you help find a way to help others?

I would also say, you may want to try some medication from a doctor. Do you have a good doctor? Sometimes depression can be because of an imbalance in your system. Call your doctor...

But, really - I would say.... find your purpose in life. I'd suggest reading THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. That really has helped me. :)

2006-07-15 15:41:08 · answer #5 · answered by Patti 3 · 0 0

Firstly giving your burdens and concerns to our Everpresent, everlasting, everomnicient Father will give you a lift.

Secondly, there are usually solutions to life's ills and quandries. Are there people close to you who have health troubles? E-mail me, I've had a great deal of experience either helping others or getting helped by some of the most ingenious physicians of our time.

Often roads to what our goals and visions are, are long and often arduous. That won't change. There are ways to aid you along the way, ways to give you insight, strength, firmness and self assuredness. These can be achieved through meditation, prayer and even bible study. No matter what religion you associate with, these tools will get you through anything, even the toughest of occasions. They will not skip you over emotions. Those need to be tended to as well and you can gain considerable insight from them too.

Thirdly, if you encounter depression often, I won't suggest you see a psychiatrist despite popular opinion, because its based on what we are told to do. I will suggest you seek quality counselling from someone who will listen and provide feedback to you. And in the interrim, taking a supplement called 5-HTP. It is a natural mood enhancer, and as safe as eating turkey. You will find it at at local natural health store or: vitaminshoppe.com. Take 100 mg from 1 to 3 times a day. I would start with 1 and see if it helps, increase to 2 if more is needed. If you are prone to overdoing things, don't overdose. 2 should really help.

Also, boost yourself naturally,
* walk in park
* jog, excersize
* tennis
* hanging with friends
* prayer
* meditation
* yoga
* volunteer
* talk with elderly
* bring a recipe or salad to a neighbor


Oh yeah, I didn't know I was logged in as another ID, look me up under this: cherylacbus1 if you want to e-mail me.

2006-07-15 15:56:23 · answer #6 · answered by Cheryl L 2 · 0 0

You are obviously a deep-thinking, caring person. The worl needs more people like you. Know that one person CAN make a difference in many people's lives. Chart your life's course to help people by becoming a doctor or lawyer or social worker, or whatever. Use your skills and your empathy to ease other people's pain. It may not help the way you feel today, but as you work toward these goals, and eventually reach them, you will be serving the greater good.

2006-07-15 15:41:05 · answer #7 · answered by Kevman9999 3 · 0 0

remember these small but powerful words "you cant save the world". you've just got to clear your head and relax. do something you wouldnt normally do, if you have the money you may want to take a nice cruise, i have heard that they are SO nice! but by discovering new things it will open up your doors of perception a little wider and show you a bit more of the world. dont dwell on the suffering of this world, we all suffer, we must suffer to feel happiness, and suffering help to make the good times really special, becuase if everything was great all the time, life would be pointless.

2006-07-15 15:42:47 · answer #8 · answered by candi b 4 · 0 0

I understand where your coming from ,but we can't change things
that happen to others. I know my daughter once said if there's
really a GOD, then why is there so much pain and people gettting sick or dieing and all I can say is that's life. We have to live our lives like there's no tomarrow. Do the things that you enjoy doing either by yourself or with others. If someone around
you is sick then give them a helping hand. Believe me you'll feel
better, it's better to give then receive. You can be someones hero. make someones day and it'll make your day Little easier.
Never give up on yourself cause there no other like you.

2006-07-15 15:56:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Focus on the positive side of life. You are breathing and have life that's a blessing. You can pray about all the other things and leave it with the man upstairs. Spend time with positive people and your life will never be boring. Take time to love yourself and show that love to others with a smile or a kind word. Have a blessed day!

2006-07-15 15:44:27 · answer #10 · answered by R N 1 · 0 0

You have a point. Evil wins, the weak aren't protected, and people live by the principles of greed.

But you know what, the moon looks nice tonight, and if I went outside right now, my dog would be glad to see me, and the glass of sweat tea at dinner was especially good.

Goodness and beauty are where you find it.

Good luck.

2006-07-15 15:40:54 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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