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I would like to hear any of your personal experiences about sagittarius you know or if you are one yourself.

2006-07-15 15:30:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

17 answers

My best friend is a SAG. She is a sweet heart, Now I am a Gemini so we are supposed to fit well as friends so this will be biased.

She loves to be active, working out mostly, very determined when she is in motion, but she can distract easily if I peak her interest into something she loves but we always seem to do a little of the thing we were origianly going to do. Just to fit it in, to say you did it. she spreads herself thin, so many things to do in one day, then I will call her out of the blue and say lets meet for lunch, she always fits it in.

She is tardy most of the time like me. She is creative like me, we can really brainstorm well. LOVE food. Loves to plan parties and get togethers. And is very good at it!!! she always has a party going on in her head. She is sooo fun to be around, Geminis go with the flow and adapt, so I tend to feed off her energy a lot. she has so much to give. She has strong mind, intellectual and deep which I love, we can talk in depth about so many things that another person jumping wouldn't know how to put their 2 cents in, but she always finds a way to accomadate them. She includes everyone in what we do, which I can be selfish with her, and not want to share her, which is a gemini trait to be jealous, she know it though and limits how many people she invites along on out get togethers, which I don't like to be predictable but again she is good at knowing her friends well and can be such a big hearted person.

I have only seen one sag in my life be immature and childish (my aunt) Sag's can be a little selfish when it comes to travel, if she has a lot of things planned with friends she will drop them so fast she will be in the next desitination before they even call her to find out where she went. They are people pleasers like Gemini's, we always try to accomadate everyone which is how we spread ourselves thin.

They tend to have a hard time staying commited to one mate, she has always had a back up man. When she does give 100% of her loyalty it is a heart wrenching task, she has to try very hard, so many people are drawn to them like Gemini's that you want to entertain them which usually involves flirting, and both SAG and GEMINI are very flirtatious, sometimes unwillfully. We want to make people feel welcome and wanted so badly that it can be confused with flirtation.

She can be lazy too, when something needs to be done but doesn't want to do it, she will procratinate for a whole year maybe more if possible. I was nagging her forever to get her bachelors, after I had completed mine, and that was 2 years ago, she is now going back and only 1-2 classes at a time. I will probably be done with doctorate by the time she is done. Then I will nag her about that too! :-)

Well enough blabbing!!!

2006-07-15 16:18:55 · answer #1 · answered by watyalik 1 · 5 0

Oh to be an adventurous Sagittarian! Do you know how many people out there wish that they had your zest for life? Of course, you don’t blame them one iota. You've spent a lot of your life wondering why more people aren’t like you. And well you might. You have a noble attitude mixed through with the sort of devil may care spring in your step which makes people look to you in awe. Ruled by Jupiter, you have a very broad outlook and the ability to step back and see the bigger picture while all about you people are getting all twisted up in the finer, minor details. And though you’re fun loving, you’re also in touch with the profound side of life. Get you on the right day, at the right time, and you can be as philosophical as the best of them. You take great joy in achievements, and although you may scatter your energies in too many directions at once, you are gifted in working things through to the e end. If you feel like it. You’re a Fire sign and as such, the life and soul of any party or social situation you walk into. You are intuitive with a rich fantasy life, have high goals and you strive, strive and strive again, rarely letting small failures get you down. You’re also enthusiastic and your enthusiasm is catching - though you are not necessarily the world’s greatest micro manager you are certainly switched on when it comes to the big picture visions. You prefer to delegate responsibilities but you often find yourself at the head of the pack anyway, in your role of urging and in spiring others onwards. You’re also a freedom-lover and woe betides any mere mortal who comes along and tries to clip your wings. Sometime you veer towards over-ebullience; talking t he legs off tables and even coming across as arrogant or preachy. But it’s not that you’re really like that. You just forget to stop, every now and then. You’re a spiritual seeker who loves a good time in between time spent educating yourself about the worldview and the spiritual. You’re a liberal thinker and at your best when you don’t force your views on others. While you will usually say what you say you’ll do, you’re not the best a t staying interested in something for too long. You love novelty and this makes you a great pal who’s always up to something, but don’t forget that just because something isn’t new, that doesn’t make it boring! Your plans are grand and you fight for right and justice at the drop of a hat. Sagittarians are cool.

2016-03-27 07:01:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My wife was a Sagittarius. She was very outgoing, usually the center of attention wherever she went. She was in new home sales, and did quite well as a sales person. Very creative and imaginative. She was the greatest lover on the face of this earth. Great interior designer. She loved her kids, (3 boys, ages 25, 23, and 3) A wonderful and attentive wife. Her feelings where hurt easily. Valued honesty above any other trait in a person. (unusual for someone in sales) On the downside, she was terrible at managing money and time. She had a very small circle of friends, but they were all true friends. I hope this answers, or at least helps in answering your question.

2006-07-15 16:59:24 · answer #3 · answered by drummer4justus 2 · 1 0

I am a Taurus, a so called "power sign", but also incredibly lame when it comes to things like "change".

I've have close friends who were Sagitarius and my wife is a Sag. Now, understand, this is from my stubborn point of view, so your mileage my vary.

Sag people get really into something, I mean whole heartedly, then bam, change their minds, want to do something else just as much. They try to spread themselves out way too much. They tend to be philosophical, thinking about all kinds of crap that is never going to happen or has nothing to do with them. They aren't the most organized people, at least the ones I know. They like truth, like to be more straight forward than most. Yes, Geminis and Capricorns, I'm calling you out. Those guys are two faced. Sag has one face and will tell you like it is. Maybe not as intensely and caustically as a Scorpio, but you will know. They are enthuiastic lovers, I'll say no more. They are a little nuts. Not too bad, though. They usually recover pretty quickly from a crisis. Maybe they even enjoy a crisis every now and then. They seem to care what other people think, even if they say they don't. This is sort of weird, but the Sags I know tend to be a little sweaty. Maybe they are active, running around all the time. I don't know.

I have no clue what qualities they see in a Taurus like me, but I like Sagitarius. Word is, they don't like to be tied down (in a relationship), but they can be broken...much like the half horse that they are.

2006-07-15 15:47:52 · answer #4 · answered by trixwagen 5 · 1 0

I'm a pisces and man I wish I had more sag pals. They r so much fun. Even though I travel a lot in my mind there's nothing I like better than phsically getting up and going somewhere new. Even though horoscopes say I'm not suppose to get along with sag or any fire sign for that natter I always find it wrong. Truth be told I like all of the signs of the zodiac some of the ones that I like but get bored with are Taurus's. I's great to have a friend who always has ur back but after that it just gets boring because something I've noticed about other earth and water signs is that they are not at all adventurous therefore I need my air and fire pals just as much as I need my water and earth pals. I ususally have great conversations with air and earth sins. I have loads of fun with fire signs and my other water sign pals always have my back. I don't always get along with scorpios's though because they never trust anyone and they r just way to dark for my rosy outlook on life.

Chicago iLL 16

2006-07-15 16:17:25 · answer #5 · answered by deby r 3 · 0 0

I'mma Sag,Sags Are People Persons,Who Easily Get Along With Other People,We Are Cocky , Egotistic,and Proud.The Things We Hate Is When People Play Wit Our Egos,Even Though We Play Mind Games Ourselves,alot

2006-07-15 17:09:24 · answer #6 · answered by slimniggah 1 · 0 0

I am a Sagittarius, born Dec. 11th. I fit the mold in some ways and some ways not. Traits that I do have particular to this sign are love of animals and to be truthful to a fault. Other than that I don't fit my sign. I am terrible in sports and am not outgoing.
And what about you?

2006-07-15 15:40:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My mom was a saggi. She was great. She worked very hard, brought us kids up with a stern hand, was always there for us. I would suggest that to know yourself better that you dabble into horoscopes and numerology. Like every sign of the zodiac there are two distinct personalities. I suggest you also pull up your chart and either read it or have someone read it for you (your rising sign, the sign people see you as), and in numerology your birthpath specifically but also your personality, and decide who you really are in life and what direction you are going. Seems to me that sagi's put up with a lot and things just roll off their backs...maybe that sounds like you, maybe not.

2006-07-15 17:48:30 · answer #8 · answered by sophieb 7 · 0 0

I have had a longterm relationship with a Sagittarian. I'm Cancer and it should have been easier than it actually was! He was always late for EVERYTHING!!!! I like to be punctual so that was hard to handle. Also, he was never wrong - I mean never! He was just a difficult person, I guess.

However, my female Sagittarian friends have been a great fit for me - they tend to be very independent women, adventurous, quite happy to live alone, and loyal to their friends.

Even if you don't believe in astrology, it has to mean soemthing when just about all your friends turn out to be one or one or two signs, don't you think? All my female friends are Sag or Capricorn.

2006-07-15 15:32:09 · answer #9 · answered by JaneB 7 · 0 0

A recent Danish study involving 15,000 people that analyzed personality/character traits found no correlation to birth dates. From Week magazine May 12, 2006.

2006-07-15 22:51:46 · answer #10 · answered by underhillprop 2 · 1 0

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