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does anyone with detail the reaso why blink 182 broke up?

2006-07-15 14:13:06 · 6 answers · asked by Mario And Airwaves 1 in Entertainment & Music Music

6 answers

Please read...This is from toms myspace...its an interview he did with blender magazine..

When you and Travis formed Box Car Racer without Mark, was that the beginning of the end for blink 182?

“Mark took it extremely hard. I had no intention to ever make Box Car a priority over Blink, but it really hurt him. It sucks because Mark’s a sweetheart and I never meant to hurt him. But he never got over it.”

Why couldn’t he let it go?

“Mark’s one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met, but sometimes he’s too intelligent for his own good and will over-analyze stuff. But if the only issue was that he couldn’t get over Box Car, then I’d have probably hung out with it a little while longer.”

So problems between you weren’t just a result of Box Car?

“I also wrote a song for a hip-hop guy because I wanted to do something different and after that, our record label offered me a solo deal.”

Did you want to go solo?

“I was flattered, but there was no way in hell that I’d ever do that. I thought it would be the most stupid, arrogant, lame thing to do. In any case, these emails were getting floated around between the label and management, and Mark found out.”

How did mark take it?

“He didn’t talk to anyone for two days and was pretty pissed about it off the heels of Box Car, mark was suspicious. There were things he thought happened that never happened – like secret meetings behind his back – and I couldn’t convince him otherwise. I think people thought I was conspiring to do things and that was so not the case.”

That must have made you feel pretty alienated.

“It was one of the things that frustrated me the most because I really wanted nothing but the healthiest band and to be doing it with my best friends. I didn’t want to start another band and I didn’t want to go solo.”

So among all that, you guys did another blink album.

“Yeah, and it was a great healing period for use, but with mark not being able to let Box Car go, things weren’t the same. Travis on the other had, I think his focus was in many different places. He wanted to tour all the time, was playing in multiple bands and then he started his reality TV show that he never told me about.”

How did you feel about Travis doing the series “Meet the Barkers”?

“It was something that I didn’t agree with, but I supported him, even though I didn’t like having TV cameras around me and I felt that my personal privacy was invaded. And then on our last European tour [towards the end of 2004], everything kind of came to a halt.”

How bad did things get on that tour?

“I was super-bummed because I needed to go home and see my daughter and my wife. We’d been away from home for nearly two years and I was really unhappy.”

Did you resent the fact that blink kept you away from your family?

“No, but it got to the point where my family couldn’t be my first priority and I wasn’t willing to uproot them every time I went on tour. It just wasn’t fair – they needed some normality.”

Mark and Travis have wives and children too. Why was it such a strain for you?

“Of course they love their families, but I think they deal with the way that their family lives fit into the band easier than I do. My family needed me at home and it didn’t seem like me making that my priority mapped up with the way those guys wanted to work.”

Couldn’t you just talk to them about it?

“I didn’t understand. Travis and I couldn’t talk to mark anymore – we weren’t the friends we were. The other thing was I was getting so much **** from Mark about Box Car, but then when we were on that last tour, Mark and Travis had already put together plus-44. I didn’t even know about it until it got printed in a magazine – in Kerrang!, I think.”

Is that when you decided to form Angels and Airwaves?

“No, absolutely not, and I want to make this clear. I had an epiphany on that tour which made me feel like I was going to do something big, but I had no idea what it meant. It didn’t even cross my mind to put another band together until after we announced our hiatus, when I was working on some new songs last March.”

But Mark and Travis must have known you weren’t happy.

“They were going to me, ‘What do you want? What is your problem?’. I didn’t want to tell them what I wanted – a break – because I knew they wouldn’t like it. Mark was happiest when he was on tour because he was with his friends and doing what he loved and Travis just wanted to play the drums. But I was going to self-destruct if I didn’t make some changes.”

What changes did you all agree to make?

“We decided to take a six-month break.”

How did that six-month break suddenly become an ‘indefinite hiatus’?

“My number one reason for needing a break was because my family needed me but as soon as we came home, we had to record a song for Travis’ TV show and Mark had booked us multiple tsunami benefit shows. I think because they felt I was trying to control the band by making us go on a break, they were looking for stuff for us to do.”

What was the last straw for you?

“Before that show [the Music for Relief tsunami benefit] we had this big argument after a rehearsal. It was completely clear to me that the way the band was going to operate was very different to how I needed it to be, because of the type of family man I wanted to be, Anyway, as I was driving away, they both called up our manager and tried to cancel the show because they were really mad at me. They were so angry that they were saying… I don’t even know what they were saying.”

Were they insinuating that something bad might happen?

“There wasn’t an actual threat but there was a really weird, unsaid.. I don’t know what it was but it was so strange. That’s when I said to my manager, ‘okay, it’s time for a break’.”

So you were left with no choice but to take a “hiatus”?

“Please understand that the break-up, or hiatus, or whatever you want to call it, was never an agenda of mine. I never wanted it to happen. It was a very depressing thing for me.”

Have you spoken to Mark and Travis since?

“No. We did a huge amount of talking and that’s why I haven’t spoken to them since because I said everything I needed to say to them.”

Do you think they understood why you needed to make some changes to the way blink worked?

“I don’t think that either of those guys would ever believe that I did this because I thought it was best for my family. I think, until the day we die they will go to their graves thinking I did that because I had a master plan to make another band of do it by myself without them.”

That’s a sad thing to think about your friends.

“I’m tired of thinking about why they think so. I’m tired of wondering how I could have said things better. I said to them. “I want to be the biggest band in the world. I want to love my family and I want to be your best friend, but I have to be the best husband and father first.” But I don’t think they were really hearing me. I just think that we were different people at the end.”

How do you feel about Mark and Travis now?

“I miss them. I don’t feel “**** you” towards them at all because I love them. They’re ******* awesome guys.”

You and mark still own (clothing labels) Macbeth and Atticus together, don’t you?

“Party of the charm about this whole situation is that we still have these companies together, which means that one day we have to come together and rebuild our friendship.”

Is that going to happen?

“It has to happen.”

Are you going to make it happen?

“It’s not going to happen on its own. When all this stuff went down, I know I had to take a different route to happiness, so I don’t feel guilty about that, but there’s such a large part of me that can’t wait for the time when I’ll rebuild my friendships with them. Playing with them again is something I think about every day, but I know that it just doesn’t make sense for me right now.”

Part of the appeal of blink 182 was that it really seemed like you were best friends. Do you think fans will feel duped when they realize that wasn’t the case?

“We were friends. That’s the saddest thing. We were doing what we loved and, I swear, whenever we were onstage it was magical. There’s nothing stained on the Blink name as far as the music and shows go, the only thing that’s stained is the breakdown of our friendships at the end. It makes me so sad to think our fans would feel that way.”

I love Mark and Travis to death. They were my best friends in the world, and I miss them tremendously. At the end, our priorities were mad different, and I haven't spoke to them since [the hiatus].So instead of talking, I just made this album and this film. There's a story line that runs throughout it, it's autobiographical, I felt like I lost my two best friends, I lost the band I created, and I did it all for my family. And so I decided to write the album and make the movie about my life. But rather than sit there and whine, I used analogies about love and war, because that's what this whole thing was like. Playing music in the wake of the Blink thing was like finding love in the middle of a war zone. Since [Pink Floyd's] The Wall, this has never been done. A third of the movie is CGI, a third of the movie is a documentary and a third of it is a love story. And it basically tells the story of the breakup of one of the biggest bands in the world and the creation of the world's greatest rock band. It's a documentary about the past year of my life. But the whole thing is done with metaphors and analogies of World War II. Because World War II was good versus evil, the grand sense of purpose, and seeing as though I started this new part of my life specifically for my family, I felt that it would be an appropriate reference point rather than using modern image

2006-07-19 08:18:47 · answer #1 · answered by Karina 2 · 1 1

Supposedly, according to Tom Delonge, the problems started with Tom's formation of Box Car Racer. "Mark took it extremely hard. I had no intention to ever make Box Car a priority over Blink, but it really hurt him. [...] I didn't understand. Travis and I couldn't talk to Mark anymore - we weren't the friends we were. The other thing was I was getting so much **** from mark about Box Car, but then when we were on that last tour, Mark and Travis had already put together Pluss-44. I didn't even know about it until it got printed in a magazine."

Delonge also had some words about Travis and 'Meet the Barkers'; "It was something I didn't agree with, but I supported him, even though I didn't like having TV cameras around me and I felt that my personal privacy was invaded."

Adding, about the breakup; "Please understand that the break-up, or hiatus, or whatever you want to call it, was never an agenda of mine. I never wanted it to happen. It was a very depressing thing for me. We did a huge ammount of talking, and that;s why I haven't spoken to them since because I staid everything I needed to say to them."

2006-07-15 14:36:31 · answer #2 · answered by Jim T 6 · 0 0

Yes, I heard they jus thad problems with each other, and they had their differences. Don't worry, Tom has a new band called Angels & Airwaves, the music is a little different but Tom still sings so it is quite similar to Blink 182

2006-07-15 14:18:38 · answer #3 · answered by mgiggles831 1 · 0 0

From what I heard, the guys just basically wanted to do different things. Tom is now in a band called Adventures and Airwaves or something like that. And the other two, I heard they renamed the band Plus-44, I think. I didn't know they broke up until a couple of days ago, when I read on Yahoo! Questions and Answers that I found out. I was shocked. I read on someone else's answer on why they broke up, and it wasn't a very informative answer as to all I wanted to know but it helped and I hope this answer helps you. That's all I know about the band breaking up.

2006-07-15 14:20:53 · answer #4 · answered by princess4n2deep 4 · 0 1

I heard that the were problems between Tom and the others...

2006-07-15 14:17:10 · answer #5 · answered by Catherine M 1 · 0 0

travis wanted to spend more time with his family and tom and mark wanted to do other things relating to music

2006-07-15 14:29:51 · answer #6 · answered by punky89 5 · 1 0

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