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My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a year and a half. I recently found out I have polycystic ovarian disease, which was explained to me and I understand what it is. My ob/gyn is planning on putting me on clomid after I get one more test done. I was wondering what the side effects of clomid are and also the statistics for people having multiples while on it. Also how long after starting the clomid can I expect to become pregnant?

2006-07-15 13:56:12 · 11 answers · asked by marinewife117 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

11 answers

Clomid can have any of the following side effects: dizziness, insomnia, lightheadedness, hot flashes, ovarian enlargement, depression, headache, alopecia, and (ironically) infertility. It should only be used in cases where you are *not* ovulating because otherwise, its effect of causing infertility will outweigh the benefits of causing ovulation.

Women who get pregnant on Clomid have about a 10% chance of having multiples (compared to about 1% chance without it).

You may get pregnant immediately after using Clomid. You may never get pregnant. Or anything in between.

Before you take something as strong as Clomid, I would suggest you try charting your cycles if you haven't been doing it already. It is free and absolutely safe. Please read _Taking Charge of Your Fertility_ by Toni Weschler for details.

2006-07-16 00:31:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

I have pcos and I was put on clomid and metformin.I got pregnant on my second round of clomid,which resuted with twins.Unfortunatly,one of my twins died at 8 weeks,but I carried the other baby to 38 weeks.I now have a healthy 4 month old baby boy.Another thing, I had gotten pregnant before that with clomid, but it ended in miscarriage,the doctor said that it was probably due to low progesterone,With my successful pregnancy I was put on progesterone suppositories for the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy.If I were you, I would at least ask the doctor about progesterone if he does not bring it up to you.I wish you the best of luck,I know how stressful it can be,but just hang in there.

2006-07-15 16:04:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 11 0

I have PCOS also and have been trying to conceive for over 5 years. Clomid works for some & then it doesn't work for others. I was on Clomid (have been on/off it for over 4 years) for about 9 months before I got pregnant, but then miscarried (twice). I was taking 200mg & that was the highest my doctor would give me.

Make sure your doctor is monitoring you. You should go in for a vaginal ultrasound on CD 14 or 15 & they get a shot of Norval (HCG) if your eggs are bigger than 20mm. If you get the shot, you will normally ovulate within 36 hours, so they ask that you have sex the day of the shot, the day after & the day after that. It worked for us both times (even though I miscarried).

Good Luck!!!

2006-07-16 13:52:01 · answer #3 · answered by Karla S 3 · 7 0

You need to speak with a doctor first to find out why you are not having regular periods. The doctor will take your blood to find out if your hormone levels are normal and if you are ovulating.

I have been ttc for 13 months and did not have regular periods. After testing, I discovered I was not ovulating. My doctor put me on prometrium to help me get a regular period. It worked, but I was still not ovulating, so my doctor put me on clomid. I will begin my third round of clomid this month.

So, before your doctor determines if clomid is right for you, she/he will do some tests. If it is discovered you are not ovulating, and since you do not have regular periods, you are most likely not ovulating, the doctor may put you on clomid.


2014-06-13 10:32:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

iam 33 and i also have PCOS. i have gone through all of the tests and the only thing that isn't right is my hormone level that regulates my cycles. i just had a cyst asperated (popped & drained). the doctor started me that same day on clomid (that was june 12). i went back to the doctor one week later and found out, by ultrasound that i had 13 folicles on the right ovary and one developing on the left but they were really small so i had another appointment a few days later. that ultrasound showed that ALL OF THE FOLICLES WERE GONE. i was devistated! that was my first cycle of using clomid. the doctor says this means that the folicles never developed and just disolved prior to ovulation! now i'm just waiting (not so patiently) for my period to start again. i'm going to the doctor tomorrow morning for a "clomid check" (to make sure i don't have any cysts... because as you may know, you can't use cysts if you have any cysts). my doctor told me that a normal, healthy woman on has about an 18% chance every month of getting pregnant NATURALLY. so, i'm prepared for this to take 6-12 months while going to the endocronologist. the chances of multiples while just using clomid is quite low, about 10%. my doctor is planning to use an injectable drug which causes hyperstimulation to the ovary (which would have meant that if my folicles had been mature when there was 13 on one ovary and 1 on the other ALL OF THE MATURE folicles would have more than likely released.) the injectable that i will be using in conjunction with the clomid is called pregnyl and it is one injection of 10,000 units. so as you can see... my chances of multiples are GREAT. i will have over a 50% chances of multiples. that is the greatest side effect to using injectable with PCOS patients... they over respond to the drug. (i could have a litter of pup, i mean babies :) there is a selection process in which the doctor can remove SOME of the mature folicles if a patient wants a lessor chance of multiples when they have a great deal of mature folicles PRIOR TO ovulation (pre-conception). i could never select to abort some after fertilization! here's some info on the side effects of clomid: http://infertility.about.com/od/clomid/a/clomidsideeffct.htm

here's some info on the pregnyl too in case you are curious:

BEST OF LUCK to you. i will wish us both a 2007 baby!
if you want to e-mail and keep in touch, ellereeves@yahoo.com

2006-07-16 05:16:46 · answer #5 · answered by JayneDoe 5 · 12 1

My doctor as well stated that I have PCOS. She has placed me on 100mg of clomid. This is the end of my secound cycle using clomid. My first cycle I did not have many side effects except for a sereve headache. I also did not ovulate my first cycle. This second try I had lots of side effects. I was very emotional , vey tired, my breasts were sore, headaches, and dizziness. This cycle I did ovulate but we did not get pregnant. I am starting my 3rd cycle this friday. Hopefully 3rd time will be the charm. Good Luck.

2006-07-25 15:43:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 10 0

Yes, the doctor should have advised you to do this anyway. I took mine at night before bed, that way I had less side effects. Good luck on the clomid.

2016-03-16 00:21:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a Clomid baby. I didn't have any side effects that I can remember. I took 50 mg from days 5-10 of my cycle. It took 3 months. But now I have a beautiful 5 month old baby girl. Good luck!!

2006-07-15 14:00:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 16 1

I tried clomid for three cycles. It didn't work for us. But it did send me loopy, as the doses were increased. My hormones were all over the place.
If it works for you, great.
But I can suggest a natural remedy, Chaste Tree. ( Vitex - angus castus ) I saw it on the discovery channel.
I used it for three months, before I got pregnant with my first son. After 5 years of trying.
I used it again for only 1 month, when I found out I was pregnant with our second son.
I hope this helps.
Good Luck.

2006-07-15 14:31:41 · answer #9 · answered by Mummabear 5 · 11 1


2017-02-19 21:08:31 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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