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I think there r such things as demons, like spirits u know? Psychics I think r fakes, and aliens well, I don't know bout that one. Somebody tell me if you think these things are real, please. And if so, have you ever had any encounters with them? What happened to you? I'm really interested!! Thanx so much, guys!!

2006-07-15 13:04:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

14 answers

Ghosts and spirits = yes.....because I have seen them. Saw my first ghost at age 3 and it didn't freak me out...it was an old woman who loved children or so I thought at the time. I saw her a few times only when we lived in this big old 100 year old house.

Psychics probably not but there are people who are more connected to the other side. (some people have called these types of persons "mediums") I have had experiences where I have "seen" a person and know they are going to die when I am with a relative of thiers. The relative sees or feels nothing but I feel what the ghost is trying to portray even though I have never met that person before. This has happened to me three times and each time I was exactly right.....and I said what I thought/felt/saw and their death happened as I knew it to be. Scary and freaky I know. My husband was never a believer in ANY of these things until I saw his grandfather whom I had never met in a different country and I knew he was going to pass away and he was coming to say goodbye. I saw him walking around about 2 feet off of the ground wearing a baseball hat of some kind. He passed away at 6 am the next morning on his daily walk wearing a baseball cap. (keep in mind I never met the man, spoke to the man, knew what he looked like and sure had NO idea he wore baseball caps!)

And as for aliens, I have no idea. I would think that we would have solid proof by now if they did. But then again there is a lot of rumors out there about them.

2006-07-15 13:16:58 · answer #1 · answered by Lisa 3 · 0 1

The universe is infinite. It's far too big for Earth to be the only planet with life. The chances of that happening are scientifically impossible when you look at the numbers. I do not believe however that little green men fly down here in spacecraft and abduct people and probe them with various alien-like utensils. That's all made-up crap in my opinion.

As far as spirits and demons, I'm sure there are other things out there that we can't see or explain, but that doesn't mean they're not real. I think they're real - we're just not meant to interract with them.

2006-07-15 20:09:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do believe in spirits. After my son was born I had all sorts of people visiting. My gram, my father in law, the man who used to live in our house. It was crazy. A bunch of different people saw them too, it wasn't just me.

The freaky part for me was hearing them. A good example is I would wake up and hear the rocker going in my sons room and a woman humming on the baby monitor, my husband was so sleep deprived at one point and time he asked me if I could go ask my grandma to keep it down. When my son began to talk I would hear him wake and say, hello memaw, which is what my grams was often called.

I told her Pastor this one day and he and his wife both turned white as ghosts (literally). The Pastor's wife said, yes, that was your grandma, she would rock, rock, rock the babies.

It was only scary once, that was the day I believe that my husbands brother who committed suicide 20 years ago came by and my son just started screaming. I could feel the creeps, but didn't know why. I saw a vague image of a man and described him to my husband, he immediately said it was his brother due to a hat that I saw him wearing.

After a couple of years it gradually stopped, my son is now turning 3 and we haven't had a visitor in many months. I had a theory that during birth, a child punches such a big whole in the universe that it can bring spirits with it. I am due to have another baby this month...I guess I will see if it happens again.

2006-07-15 20:17:59 · answer #3 · answered by barefeet561 5 · 0 1

Ghosts...maybe, although I've never encountered one yet.


Aliens. Yes, I do believe that other "life forms" do exist out there. However, I don't think they're the little green figures, with big heads, black eyes, and long skinny arms and fingers that we're accustomed to believe.
We can't possibly be the only ones around. We're not THAT special.

2006-07-15 20:13:00 · answer #4 · answered by Chreap 5 · 0 0

I think that psychics are frauds. But I am open minded. If there are any real psychics out there, prove it. My email is mickster775@yahoo.com. Send me something that will prove me wrong. impress me with your ability. Come on, don't let anything but the lack of psychic power stop you

I am not asking for lottery winning numbers or anything that will compromise you beliefs. Just give me an impression of a vibe or whatever about the future or the past or a dead relative or anything else that will show supernatural abillity.

2006-07-16 11:27:33 · answer #5 · answered by » mickdotcom « 5 · 0 1

I think they all exist. I have met a woman who told me things she could never have known. I had not met her before, nor had anyone else I knew. She was the one to start revealing things to me. I said nothing as she spoke. She had also helped the police solve multiple crimes. So though I do think there are tons of frauds I also believe that there are true Psychics as well.

As for ghosts.. let's just say spooky happenings in my life have made me believe. Too many things for me to list here. If you want to know more feel free to ask.

Aliens.... People would be pretty arrogant to believe that we are the only ones to exists anywhere so yes, I believe they exist.

2006-07-15 20:12:46 · answer #6 · answered by katatpeace 2 · 0 1

Ghosts, I definately believe there is some sort of spirt out there. Psychics, no way cause the future isn't set, out decisions shape the future and if we haven't mad the decisions yet, we don't know the future, Aliens, yes, If humans survive, so can other life forms

2006-07-15 20:11:11 · answer #7 · answered by Megan C 4 · 0 1

ghosts? I dunno. maybe.

aliens? I dunno. maybe.

psychics? I agree with you, many are clever and faking it. But I have had two seperate instances where someone who was psychic (one a professional, who had worked with police on homicides) say to me things about my strange and awful childhood that I had NEVER TOLD ANYONE. These are odd enough things that I just figured no one would ever believe me, but these two referred specifically to details. The one guy, whenever he came to see my roomie, I would leave the house for a while, he freaked me out a bit... other people in the house were accusing me of being rude to him. Of course, they did not know why I was avoiding him, he was a professional type and discreet about what he'd said to me. So, I don't know how to explain that...

2006-07-15 20:11:18 · answer #8 · answered by jarm 4 · 0 0

There are Aliens. Martian to be exact.

They have founf bacteria on Mars. im not joking.

Is that cool or what? So, my answer is yes.

There are parallel planes and dimension, so there can be times when these planes interfere with each other and we see something unusual (ghosts).

2006-07-15 20:40:15 · answer #9 · answered by G 5 · 0 1

i believe. when i was about five i went across the street to play with the boy who lived next door. i found a rock. this rock was sooo cool (remember i'm five) this rock could write on things! so, me and this boy were in our own little world, writing on the metal fence with my magic rock. all of a sudden he looks up and says hey tina how did you get out? tina was his dog, they keep her in a pen b/c she was not well behaved. well i didn't think anything of it and tried to walk across the yard and BAM she got me for no reason! she attacked me. she had my head in her mouth and did the death shake as my feet flew back and forth. she kept going, and going. it only hurt for a second, and i don't know why. she was trying to kill me. all of a sudden....... i hear a voice, not yelling, not paniced, just calm, loud , and clear. she said shelly just lay still, stop screaming, and everything will be o.k. and you will be fine. i listened, this calm came over me that i can not explain. i just did as i was told, and i knew it would be o.k. the dog put one her bottom teeth in my eye socket (missing my eye, and my optic nerve thank God) while her top teeth came down on my head and she shook me one last time. it didn't hurt, i didn't scream, i was limp. i wasn't fun to play with, or the dog thought she had succeded in killing me, and ran away. i could not see b/c the blood was everywhere. the voice came agian and told me i'm o.k. now and my mother was coming. this voice talked to me the entire way to the hospital. this was the spirit of my gradmother on my father's side, she had only died a few months before my accident. don't ask me "how" i know it was her i just know. she was watching, and she saved me. if i hadn't listened to her i would have fought, and been have dead. when i finally got to look at the damage, i thought i was ugly, and she told me i was beautiful. i had hair down to my waist, they had to shave it all off. i never heard her agian. i recieved over 170 stiches in my scalp, but ony 3 on my eye lid. i am so lucky. thank you granny.

2006-07-15 20:43:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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