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So if the misunderstandings, misrepresentations and illogical explainations they come up with to disprove evolution make it a false "theory",
They say 'no, all this evidence and all these complex ideas have holes'-- like the misunderstanding of why there are still monkeys, the misunderstanding of dating objects, the misunderstanding of rock formations--
'so', they say, ' A Better and more logical thing for all you intellectuals to swallow is that God made a clay figure person and took his rib to make a woman, then they ate an apple and bam, the rest is civilization history.

2006-07-15 12:53:53 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

27 answers

Personally, I prefer to believe that I am descended from a daughter of God rather than an evolved monkey. But that's just me.

2006-07-15 12:58:00 · answer #1 · answered by e_imommy 5 · 0 0

First off, the ADAM AND EVE creation story is not SCIENTIFIC, it is SUPERNATURAL. Big difference. You have a better chance of winning big with the BIG LOTTERY than two chemicals bumping into each other and becoming a one celled being as creationists teach.
God didn't make a CLAY MAN, but he FORMED a man from the dirt of the earth. What's so difficult about that for God who CREATED the entire universe and this world? Taking a rib to make a woman? Still nothing difficult for God. Adam and Eve didn't eat an apple. There's nothing in the Bible that even comes close at hinting they ate an apple.
Ever wonder why the THEORY OF EVOLUTION is called THEORY and not the FACT of evolution? Simply because evolution is NOT a fact. It's a guess; a bad one at that, which many scientists are backing away from. Some believe God made things that evolved over time. But when God created animals and birds and fish and plants, He created them exactly how He wanted them: COMLETE AND WHOLE.

2006-07-15 13:03:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When I look at just how great the variety and how complex the systems of life are on this planet, it is hard for me to believe that so many accidents could happen to create all this. Why do we have more brain capacity than we could ever use in a life time and how could the human eye evolve when so many parts of it are interlinked and dependent on each other? In light of things like this, which takes the larger leap of faith, that we evolved through survival randomness or were created by a god with a purpose?
While Jesus was on earth, he made reference to Adam and Noah as real people. Was he for real and did he really do and say the things that 4 writers said he did and said? If you have an inquiring mind, you might enjoy reading the 37th and 38 chapters of Job. It will help if you use a bible version that is more up to date. Some of the concepts mentioned there weren't realized by science until centuries later. Even though the terms are unscientific, you can translate the concepts into universal laws.

2006-07-15 13:55:10 · answer #3 · answered by quaver 4 · 0 0

First of all, Adam and Eve are not mythological. Secondly, where do you and so many ofhers get the idea that they ate an apple? Where? Tel me where?

Adam and Eve were not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Does this sound like an apple tree to you? The "fruit" is a RESULT; in other words, that gained by experimentation or investigation. As long as they did not eat of the tree of the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL - they would never know the difference, and so would never feel guilt, shame, regret, humiliation, etc. They would be forever free in their conscience - how glorious that would have been! There was FRUIT (a RESULT of NOW KNOWING THE GUILT OF DISOBEYING GOD) as soon as Eve ate of the tree from which she and Adam had been forbidden. Before any disobedience had occurred, there is no mention of fruit on that tree. (Genesis 2 : 17) There is only mention of the word FRUIT after they disobeyed. NOW they were ashamed. They had not previously known shame, guilt, nor humiliation prior to disobeying.

As for Adam being made of the dust of the earth, and God breathed the breath of life into him and he became a living soul, SCIENCE proves that the mineral and chemical composition of the human body is the same as common dirt, with minor variations.

You can either take the Creator's word for everything, or continue to be romanced by the theories of the merely created. There is not a man nor woman on the face of the earth that can create a tree, an animal, a sky, nor a universe, let alone a man.
Either you believe it, or you don't, so Evolutionists, please shut up about it.

2006-07-15 13:12:38 · answer #4 · answered by Shalom Yerushalayim 5 · 0 0

If it made logical sense, then I'd be all for it. Evolution makes more sense, it's happening right now. If there were no evolution, we couldn't have things like mixed breeds in dogs or even people.

No offense, but why does this tick you guys off so much? I mean, if you could scientifically prove that there was a God, or that creationism happened, then why haven't you done it?

And I don't mean by using second-hand stories about 'miracles', or idiotic cliche's like "The smile of a child", or, "Every sunset is a miracle". I want God evidence. I want a lock of glowing white hair with a barrette on it that says "GOD" in rhinestones, or a blue whale-sized sandal print. At least get me a fuzzy picture! We have more evidence of Bigfoot then we do of God. Does that mean Bigfoot's real?

The fact of the matter is, no theory is perfect, but evolution makes sense. More sence than saying everything just appeared. I mean, come ON.

Evolution rocks. It might be wrong, we won't know until we know everything, right? So why bother with arguing over it? Either you believe it, or you don't, so Creationists, please shut up about it.

Faith has spoken, and it was good.

2006-07-15 13:03:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since the creationists have generally NOT mentioned Adam and Eve, your way of phrasing the question would not cause them any sort of difficulty. Their specialty is to ask scientists to prove everything beyond the shadow of a doubt, and science doesn't work that way. In return, they don't believe they have to prove the scientists are wrong in the overall theory of evolution as long as they can keep looking for minute gaps in that overall theory.

You want to debate the issue in a search for the truth. Creationists already believe they have the truth in the sense that they believe God made us separately from other animals.
You will never convince them otherwise, and they feel they can somehow convince you that they are right by somehow showing you may be wrong. But whether you are wrong or not, even in the slightest, they won't consider that they also may be wrong, if even in the slightest.
So all you can do is try to educate those who haven't yet been indoctinated into their belief systems.

2006-07-15 13:14:59 · answer #6 · answered by Grist 6 · 0 0

The problem with most christian religions are that they truly believe that the event in that garden really took place, this is why they messed up with so many lame excuses. I am a God believer but I don't buy their story. I am inclined to think its an initiation symbolically written only in explaining how life started. I supported the cause of evolution, for one, there's mounting evidence, and two, no conflicting views with the story in that garden.

2006-07-15 13:09:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The story of Adam and Eve is the Old Testament way of explaining to simple people how man was started. To say its mythological? you might be right, but there was good intentions behind it. And some of it might be true. In the story of Noah (when the flood happened ) there is scientific fact that the Mediterranean flooded the Middle East and to people in ancient times that could very well be the whole world to them.

2006-07-15 12:59:44 · answer #8 · answered by brandon 3 · 0 0

If your an idiot or moron yes. Any chump would realise that a species consisting of only 2 people would be in-bred to the point of stupidity..wait a minute..Fudamentalist Americans...

My god, its true!

btw, To the abovr posts, evolution has been dis-proved? Isnt the burden of proof on Adam and Eve, as their isnt a single scrap of evidence to suggest that?

2006-07-15 12:57:55 · answer #9 · answered by thomas p 5 · 0 0

We know evolution did not happen. Too many scientist just can not accept it without some proof. We do not know that Creation took place, but we have no evidence to refute it. The Bible, which is older than scientist, tells us that God created the world. Until it is disproved, it stands.

2006-07-15 13:01:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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