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one evolution concept is that single celled animals grouped together (for mutual benefit) and thus a new animal was evolved.
Is not a group just a community?
Does any community actually become another, separate and distinct animal?
How did they communicate the desire for mutual benefit and decide on how best to link up?
How did they think? Were they single BRAIN cells?
How about this?
A fish swims to the surface of the water and sees a strange new world, waiting for him to explore. Being a very highly evolved fish, he has very human thoughts and decides that HE should explore this new world.
He jumps out of the water and looks around. He can't breath. He dies.

We have mongoloid syndrome from one gene out of wack! how can t be thought that adding different DNA (let alone explaining where and how it got added) would produce an 'advancement'
cross breeding (tiger-lion, horse-donkey) make new STERILE breeds.
evolution fails every time!

2006-07-15 12:04:19 · 12 answers · asked by athorgarak 4 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

beside the above, changes within a type (same DNA, just trait Dominance) is not evolution as morphing one type into another would be.
Why are we not still evolving?
the usual animal needs of change are brought about by the ones that die from NOT having said adaptation (wings, for instance). those who survive do not NEED to change.
Desire could not be a motive for evolution as the animal (from one celled animals to primates) would need to know what the solution to their dilemma was. How long has man desired to fly, but no wing buds are appearing yet!
and the BIGGIE!
life from non-life!
No answer given so far that truely answers that question!
an amalgam of material, arranged in the form of an animal cannot become animate and no cogent thoughts explain it!



2006-07-15 12:11:45 · update #1

1. name calling CERTAINLY proves your point VERY well! LOL

2. the fish story was tongue in cheek, but none of you were smart enough to see that!
3. the single cell/community theory is NOT mine. It IS one theory taught in schools to support evolution so the idiocy (there, at least) is not mine, but from the evoluion camp!
4. as explained, alterations in a kind is not the same as transgender species and the environment and general health/nutrition of our current way of life explains height changes and shoes that fully encapsulate the feet explain 'shrinking' of little toes (as binding of feet produced small footed chinese women did)!
5. millions of years does nothing to answer trans species evolution. the offspring MUST be different from its parents and continue to be so for many generations (the other choice is that the change came in 1 generation). In any event it must, by need's sake have happened to a large segment all at once, the EXACT SAME CHANGE!

2006-07-15 12:35:21 · update #2

As for the term "morphing" I used it in a more common, but admittedly incorrect, fashion (like calling ANY facial tissue kleenex, even if it is PUFFS or a store brand) and it is not wholly incorrect as any species changing into another, would also change its shape!

as for ligers and tigons. I have no information that the female could breed. Even if that were true, you would need the Male of the species to continue the line, of which you would statistically have 1 lion, 1 tiger and 2 liger/tigons, as offspring. BReeding is not evolution as much as saying that an elephant and a walrus are related due to a common ancestor!
Finally (for this add information):
the conditions of this planet and solar system has changed (everyone on both sides agree with this one!)
So why, if we came from, say gorillas, why are there still gorillas? The evolutionary conditions that produced our ancestoral gorillas. did not exist whe these werre 'evolving', so why did they?

2006-07-15 12:44:59 · update #3

nicely put kelly c.
Except you spent your whole time writing about environmentally dominant genes, meaning that traits are bread due to successfuly living in an environment and is called macro-evolution. It does not accout for and in fact excludes addition of genetic information.
a bear will still be a bear and if it is white and it mates with a white bear, it will have offspring that, generally, will be WHITE and BEARS not evolution there
as for human hair?

man alive! go around the world once or twice you will find nearly hairless people to extremely hairs and in the Bell curve extremities, you will find the people like the circus "wolfmen" and the completely hairless!

2006-07-15 14:35:07 · update #4

Bookish, I used gorillas as an example.

The facts are this and they are actually unassailable:
They fall into these catagories:
1. fraud
2. mistaken identity of the skeletal fragment used
3. actually another animal that was misclassified
4. a human that was malformed.
5. a modern man


I remain amazed that evolutionists like to use the cranial shape as an indicator of classification. it is equivalent to 'crainiology' used to wrongfully convict people in the 1800. or beady eyes.
again, like the hair arguement, look at all the peoples of earth and you will find over 30 distinct cranial 'types' that more than easily account for the 'missing links' that have been 'discovered'.


How many of you formed your opinions that evolution existed outside of the influence and indoctrination of evolution theory in school, movies and print media?

2006-07-15 14:44:17 · update #5

12 answers

The evidence of intelligent design is overwhelming.

2006-07-15 12:11:54 · answer #1 · answered by oceansoflight777 5 · 0 3

Evolution doesn't happen overnight. That's why it has been billions of years of evolution to bring man to where he is today and where every other evolved creature to where IT is today.

Most of what you posted is nonsense. Let's start with your fish hypothesis. A fish didn't just jump out of the water and start to walk. So that one ends there. No more truth to discuss because the premise is false.

Next, a Tiger/Lion cross breed is called a Liger and while the male is sterile, the female is not, so that portion of your post is incorrect.

Further, we ARE still evolving. Our feet and hands display that. Our little toes and fingers are continuing to shrink compared to skeletons from a few thousand years ago because we don't use these appendages as much as the others. We are becoming taller as time passes. And we have much less body hair than our predessors had because we wear clothing and we don't need all the body hair.

There is really nothing more to discuss here.... do some reading of information other than your bible or religious sites. Try science and reason and logic for a change.

2006-07-15 12:12:01 · answer #2 · answered by Rogue Scrapbooker 6 · 0 0

First of all you're an idiot.

Second of all, look at the behavior of an ant colony or a large flock of birds in flight or a school of fish swimming in the water. All of these things seeem to move as a single sentient being rather than individually thinking animals. There has been much scientific and mathematical research done on flock behavior, and science can't figure it out. The groups move in unison, not as a reaction to each other, thereby demonstrating a group collective thought.

As for you little fishie. Evolution didn't happen with one fish, it happened over millions and millions of years. There are in fact types of catfish that can live out of water for hours at a time. So once again you're full of it.

Finally, once again, nature takes millions of years. Just because some lab produced hybrid is sterile doesn't mean that within the natural order of the living world every hybrid will be.

So stop being psuedo-intellectual. Let me guess, someone told you all these facts in Sunday school. Are you a fundamentalist Baptist? Dinosaurs did exist, you know.

2006-07-15 12:17:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Obviously you haven't read anything about evolution. With your half baked ideas and with the faith in wrong place you are trying talk about a highly sophisticated theory. Even BIBLE is an evolution. Not created overnight. Many lies (thought to be truth at various times) grouped together forms the BIBLE. When you can believe BIBLE I don't see any reason why you shouldn't accept evolution.

Your fundamental assumption that evolution a group of existing cells is wrong.
Evolution is the improvement or change of the existing cells that survives and produce and evolve.Fish doesn't explore.
Nature tries all the variations some survived and adapted to the land etc. So it is perfectly possible
Evolution is not morphing. Morphing is only changes in the external shape

2006-07-15 12:08:22 · answer #4 · answered by Knowsitall 2 · 0 0

In the first place, you're not talking about evolution, you're talking about natural selection. In the second place, many single-celled organisms display behavior that mimics higher intelligence, without these organisms having higher intelligence. They react instinctually, with that underlying instinct being to live. In the third place, proponents of natural selection do not believe that fish jumped out of the ocean and learned to breath--fish have only been around for a few million years. We believe that ancestors of all life on earth lived in the oceans, and some came on land while others remained in the sea. And in the last place, if only one of these organisms jumped on land and was unable to live, your objection would be correct. But natural selection doesn't work that way. Many--even thousands, or millions--organisms will mutate, with some mutations giving them a lesser chance to survive, and some mutations giving them a greater chance to survive. These protoorganisms mutated first, then got onto land and survived. Your objections show clearly that you don't know what you're talking about--a typical attitude for proponents of religion.

2006-07-15 12:14:55 · answer #5 · answered by hiderandseeker33 3 · 0 0

Wow, you really need to do some reading on evolution. Humans didn't come from gorillas--where do you get such a silly idea? I'm guessing you're one of those "God made everything" types. You're satisfied with that as an answer to these questions? It's not an answer at all--and your questions don't even make much sense.

2006-07-15 13:09:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your an idiot. Sorry. If that's how you think evolution works....nothing else to say. Your an idiot.

Evolution. It takes millions of years. No, one fish didn't decide he needed to explore his world and jump out and die. Foolish.

Read up on it. Stop thinking of things as one animal, or one orginism. MILLIONS OF YEARS, time that you can't even comprehend. Yes, some did die. Some didn't make it. But some did.

2006-07-15 12:13:25 · answer #7 · answered by send_felix_mail 3 · 0 0

life is the unity of 7hz integerization, this starts as a planet, becomes dna VERY VERY LATER, and then forms 7 chakras, the chakras get structures that form patterns that eventually interbreed to form beings that communicate different patterns that lead to self-utilization of 4-d physics that eventually lead to perfection of the genome and the formation of robot bodies that the souls inhabit to meditate in concert with an autonomy of self protecting experiential 5-d godliness that leads to being able to cycle every meditation infinitization experience with impunity until it decides to form a solar system and kill itself in forming a planet capable of sustaining basic individuated single particle non-consciousness that eventually re-does self-realization.

2006-07-15 12:47:00 · answer #8 · answered by gekim784l 3 · 0 0

Evolution is not choice. Its mechanism.

You need to at least grasp the very basics before you hurl criticism.

Though your intelligence seems so low I wonder you can lace your shoes.

2006-07-15 12:16:29 · answer #9 · answered by Epidavros 4 · 0 0


go to this website it disproves the myth of evolution.

2006-07-15 12:56:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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