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5 answers

Republicans believe in self-determination, strict adherence to the Constitution, small government (the government stays out of people's lives), and low taxes. Generally, republicans believe abortion is murder.

Democrats believe in government taking care of people, a loose interpretation of the Constitution, big government (the government controls everyone's lives), and high taxes. Generally, democrats don't believe abortion is murder.

A liberal is someone, basically, who believes in taking Democrat beliefs even further than the average democrat.

Conservatives, basically, believe in taking Republican beliefs even further than the average republican.

It's, of course, a little more in depth than that, but those are the basics.

2006-07-15 11:57:00 · answer #1 · answered by Farly the Seer 5 · 10 5

Republicans used to represent Big Business, which was alright. Big Business employs lots of people, it pays taxes, it produces actual products, it has legitimate interests and it has every right to have those considered by government. Now, however the Republican Party is controlled by and represents crooks--looters, fast buck operators, scam operators, who have stolen countless billions of dollars from the American taxpayer. Look at last week's 60 Minutes show concerning the $9 billion stolen from the US in Iraq by contractors. And thats just some money they know about.

The Democrats are not perfect, but they have lots of basically good people who are concerned with making the economy as a whole work. They are better at viewing the economy, and the country, as an integrated system--the whole system needs to function well, and then all benefit. It is not about coddling welfare queens or buying off minorities, not at all. Everything spent has an investment function--it can either lose, or make money. Education happens to be the most profitable investment. Beyond that, business needs prosperous customers, so it makes sense to do things that make average citizens as prosperous as possible, whether that is in education or in health.

Liberals pretty much follow what I just said about the Democrats. Conservatives say they believe in conserving things, but that does not square with reality, not at all. They say they want the Constitution observed, but they believe in the government holding people without trial or bail, and even torturing them--all of which the Constitution explicitly prohibits. They say they stand for financial responsibility, but they have put the country a trillion dollars in debt to Communist China. They say they want to keep the government off our backs, but they bend every effort to have the government regulate peoples private lives--who and how they love, what they can read, what they can watch or listen to. Conservatives are hypocrites.

2006-07-15 19:00:09 · answer #2 · answered by jxt299 7 · 0 1

Republicans = Conservatives = Right Wing

Far Right Republicans are big on cutting taxes, take a very no-nonsense view on foreign affairs (especially terrorism), and love their gun rights.

Lately, far right republicans have tried to pass anti-abortion laws and anti-gay marriage laws. For the sake of argument, let's call them the more 'in-touch with God' side.

Democrats = Liberals = Left Wing

Far Left Democrats are tree huggers, laid back in their foreign policy (not a lot of fighting), and not adverse to paying higher taxes.

They vehemently oppose any laws against abortion and gay marriage. For the sake of argument, we'll call them the 'in touch with the Earth' side.

Most people, as someone stated before me on this question, are NOT far left or far right. Most people are right smack dab in the middle. Therefore, someone can be a republican AND not mind paying more for a better park system. Or, someone can be a democrat AND vehemently oppose gay marriage.

The key really, is to not generalize and try to classify a person by what their party is.

********Note: I hope you couldn't tell, since I was trying to be fair to both sides, but I am a democrat.

2006-07-15 19:18:55 · answer #3 · answered by Pendergast 2 · 3 0

The actual disctinctions between the two have been lost in the fog of politics over service, in my opinion.

What once defined the difference was that conservatives believed in a smaller federal government and states rights ... and the liberals believed that the federal government could and should be larger and more involved.

That was then.

The problem today is that the two parties are controlled by the lunatic fringes of both ... and they are so intransigent in their beliefs and approach that you are "either with us or against us".

They want us to support *everything* they espouse ... or we are the enemy.

The first party that wises up and nominates moderate candidates will sweep into office with those candidates with an overwhelming majority.

I see it like this: The Dems control 20% (their "faithful") ... the GOP controls 20% (their "faithful") ... and the 60% of us in the middle have to choose between the extremes.

For the moment.

2006-07-15 18:53:41 · answer #4 · answered by Rob R 4 · 1 1

Republicans suck, Democrats blow.
Liberal and conservative are just labels for the two parties. You could also throw in "left" and "right" wing.

2006-07-15 18:50:08 · answer #5 · answered by truthyness 7 · 1 1

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