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do i need to pay for an individual horoscope? my birthday is 2-8-86

2006-07-15 11:46:19 · 11 answers · asked by giggssoccer83 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

11 answers

Hi! Well, most people are aware of their Sun sign, so I'm assuming that's what you mean when you say you are an Aquarius. The Sun sign is what you use when looking at your horoscope in the newspaper, and it's what people mean when they ask you, "What's your sign?" It is the location of the Sun in your birth chart.

However, there is also a lesser-known sign known as the Moon sign. Not all Aquariuses are the same, because their Moon sign can be a different sign from their Sun sign. You can look at the first link for a description of Moon signs. Basically, your Sun sign is how you outwardly portray yourself, and your Moon sign is more related to your mysterious, emotional inner world.

You know what's funny? I looked your Moon sign up using the second link below, and your moon sign is the same as your sun sign - it's Aquarius. :) That wasn't expected! I guess you really are an Aquarius through and through. ;)

My husband's sun sign is Aquarius, but his Moon sign is Virgo. So the influence of his moon sign would make him a different Aquarius from you.

I hope this helps. :)

2006-07-15 12:04:49 · answer #1 · answered by Kestra SpiritNova 6 · 3 1

Hm... Interesting question... Well my question to you is, why not just ask when their birthday is? By asking that you can find out their Sun easy and maybe a little more about their birth chart easy. And asking it early to someone wouldn't be too weird, I don’t think. Personally, I felt a little...I don't know... 'Disappointed'? When my ex didn't know when my birthday was until it was actually my day. Close to two weeks I think before it even came I told him in a simple manner that my birthday was coming up, but he never asked when it was. A tad little bit hurtful actually... Ah well. Another thing is if they usually act their sign, then you could also compare their behavior and preferences to Zodiac signs. You should have like a 70% chance of being right, eh? Plus it should keep you entertained until you do ask about birth data and maybe you could tell just on your own whether you're compatible or not. Plus, it will help you get better at this. But on to your real question. I would think the time would depend on how the relationship goes. Like if you feel an instant connection and if you two really hit it off and start getting a little more serious a little quicker, then asking about birth data shouldn't be that big a step. He will still probably be a bit confused, who can blame him? But if you already have that connection and bit of seriousness, then he shouldn't take it as such a big thing: Threat, or weird, or otherwise. But how long into the relationship depends I think, on each person, and how they like to move in a relationship, like really quick or nice and slow. If they're shy, if they're jerks you know, if they move quickly because of like emotions; if they're little too emotional, if they're coming off a relationship, all these things play a factor. But either way once you feel a deeper connection I would say is the best time. Starting new relationship and flat out asking, 'okay what's your Zodiac sign?', will scar off anyone I think. It's like asking, 'what's your religion? What's your politically standing?'. You just don't do that, ya know? Well I hope this helps a bit. Much luck to you.

2016-03-27 06:52:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Aquarians are not all the same. There are many different factors in determining your exact sign. It depends on the date and exact time of your birth as well as the latitude and longitude of the place you were born. Most astrologists will only go as far as the town you were born in, but even that is not completely accurate. For example, you would not be exactly like the baby that was born in the delivery room down the hall from yours, even if the time of birth was the same to the second. Identical twins that are born just minutes apart are still not completely identical.
Simple things you can do to pinpoint your sign a bit more accurately are to find your moon and rising signs. (There are many books and websites on the subject. Just do a search.) They will get you a little closer without having to pay for a complete reading. However, if you want it to be as accurate as possible then yes you will have to pay someone who has been studying astrology for many years. It's a very difficult skill to learn but you can study and try to do your own. You will need extremely good math skills however. Astrology is mostly math. I tried to learn it but really couldn't get very far. I did have someone do my chart and it was uncanny how accurate it was in describing my personality. Friends that I showed the chart to said, "Yep, that's you alright." I didn't think some of it fit but people who know me said that every part of it was accurate. Even the parts that I didn't want to admit to.
BTW a friend of mine who is also the same sign that I am had her do his chart too. They were completely different. Of course, so are we.

2006-07-15 13:06:53 · answer #3 · answered by just me 4 · 0 0

all aquarians have similar personality traits and tendencies. a horoscope is person specific chart dtermined by time, date and place of birth which gives a more specific set of conditions at the time you were born and is called a natal chart. if you search for the computer program which calculates the natal chart for you, a chart done by someone else is superfluous, and a waste of money. a chart telling you what may be coming in the near future, however should be done by a person trained to do such a chart.

2006-07-15 17:35:35 · answer #4 · answered by de bossy one 6 · 0 0

not al aquarius's are the same. im sure some one has answered this by now. but i did not read the responses. heres the deal:

the location, time, and dater of birht all make up your horoscope. when you look up your horoscope in magazines or online they are often toooo vaugue to anyone justice of that sign becuase they do not take into conisderation the spectrum of every aquarius (or anyother signs) other signs. you are an aquariuus, true, but that is only your SUN sign. you have your moon sign, rising sign, pluto sign, venus sign, jupiter sign etc etc. all the other signs can be placed in houses (i.e. im a leo, thats my sun sign but my rising sign is scorpio, and my moon is libra) All of these other aspects are what make you unique from other aquarius's and is why your horoscope seems irrelevant most of time. i'd be happy to make you a natalchart (ill read it for you too). its not your daily horoscope, but it tells you a lot of neat things about yourself, about hwo your life life is supposed to be, and it kind of helps tyou see where you sre going to go in life. its summer and i love making them since i have nothing better to do. if you'd like one please contact me tby clicking on my name or whatever. ill need the EXACT town and state you were born with the exact time and date.

and yes, you'd need to pay for an individual horoscope.

2006-07-15 17:09:17 · answer #5 · answered by Shelbzz 3 · 0 0

Not everyone's the same, period. It's just different signs tend to act like other people in their sign. Sometimes your horoscope will be right on the money for you, sometimes not. It's more of a guidline of how to act, rather than a set path/sight into the future.

2006-07-15 11:50:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The very basic character of an aquarian is pretty much the same, but for a more indepth analysis, you need to pay for a natal chart. I have a friend who does charts and readings. Email me if you want to get in touch with her. I'm aquarius, too.

2006-07-15 13:52:34 · answer #7 · answered by ninusharra 4 · 0 0

No. It helps if you know the time you wewe born, where you were born. This is why it helps to have a reading done. You'll find out your rising sign. Cojunctions, trines, squares, sextils, Ect.Most of the ones you see in papers, magazines, and other soueces are jus basic readings. Arion

2006-07-15 13:41:40 · answer #8 · answered by brent1478@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

Horoscopes are different even if they are people of the same signs.

2006-07-15 12:11:29 · answer #9 · answered by maxie 5 · 0 0

No, all aquarians have the same horoscopes

2006-07-15 11:49:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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