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17 answers

Well if the "innocent Lebanese" didn't support Hezbollah terrorists and didn't allow them to rain down missiles on civilian cities then Israel wouldn't have to retaliate - but I guess anyone that defends his country especially if it is Israel is considered a terrorist in your way of warped thinking right?

2006-07-15 11:21:39 · answer #1 · answered by prettymama 5 · 1 0

1. Write to your senators and representatives to ask them to condemn Israel's actions and demand a cease-fire. We are Israel's allies and will remain so, but this does not mean that Israel has carte-blanche to attack whoever they want for whatever reason they want. There are international laws here, and they must be obeyed.

2. Reach out to people and communities here in the U.S. who have friends and family in Lebanon at this time. If there is a Marronite church anywhere near you, chances are that there are members of that church who are currently visiting Lebanon.

3. Try to remember that an innocent human life is a human life, regardless of nationality. A Lebanese or Lebanese-American life is worth no less than an Israeli one. Shall we stand by and do nothing while Israel takes an entire nation hostage in exchange for two Israeli soldiers? I understand that Israel has a right to protect its citizens, but not at the expense of an entire other nation who has done NO wrong.

4. For those of you who do not know much about Lebanon, its people, and its culture, educate yourself. Don't just watch the news; check out a book and read about the Lebanese and the history of their much-maligned country. I recommend "Beirut to Jerusalem" as a starting place.

5. Head out to a Middle Eastern restaurant for dinner, and be friendly to the Arab staff there. If there are any Lebanese there, let them know the solidarity you feel for the Lebanese people.

6. On a less serious note, I think we might want to consider a trade: Anne Coulter for the two Israeli soldiers. If we're lucky, perhaps Hezbollah well take the hateful witch off our hands and free two soldiers, and entire nation, in the process.

Incidentally, for those of you who scoff at the idea of "innocent Lebanese," you would do well to act as human as you claim to be. Hezbollah is a small militant group armed by SYRIA AND IRAN, not Lebanon. The Lebanese government has no power over these people, and any Middle Eastern analyst worth his salt knows it.

Still don't believe me? Why don't you consider the fact that among those innocent Lebanese civilians are also 25,000 American citizens, including my children, aged 8 and 15, who are currently visiting their relatives (all of whom are kind-hearted, hospitable, educated, tolerant, fair-minded people) there. And I can guarantee you that both of them are every bit as innocent as you are, if not more so.

And remember this: when you cease to value human life and feel that any life, no matter how innocent, can and should be sacrificed in the name of politics, then you become a terrorist yourself.

2006-07-15 11:28:04 · answer #2 · answered by magistra_linguae 6 · 0 0

i wager the D in loopy D stands for DENIAL. Who became it that became began shooting rockets into Israeli cities. And who's it that sends their little ones out wrapped in explosives and nails to kill harmless Israeli little ones on buses? You sir are an fool of the worst variety. are you able to coach me one, merely one, oven the position the Israelis are burning Palestinains or Lebanese or merely one concentration camp it fairly is systematically killing them, like the Nazis did to the Jews merely because they were Jews. Have 6million Palestinians or Lebanese adult males ladies and little ones been rounded up and gased contained in the merely excellent 6yrs like the jews were from 1939 to 1945. in case you don't like them protecting them selfs then quit attacking them. And do you spot one American soldier there? no you do not. If the Israelis weren't attacked first and merely determined to invade, the U. S. would not help it.

2016-11-06 10:25:53 · answer #3 · answered by costoso 4 · 0 0

the lebanese seem to support hezbollah...and i think that the lebanese can stop israels attacks if they take part in trying to stop the hezbollah which they are not doing, so they are being bombed for supporting them. I think that israel is doing what is needed to be done to protect and defend thier country against terroists

2006-07-15 11:25:21 · answer #4 · answered by Uno. 2 · 0 0

Please send money to the Mercy Corps now!

"As conflict rages in Lebanon and northern Israel, Mercy Corps continues to deliver humanitarian aid to vulnerable families in the Gaza Strip and to monitor the region's widening hostilities.

In Gaza, where electricity and water shortages imperil the food supply and health of 1.3 million people, the agency has supplied more than 4,100 Gazans with food and medical items.

Meanwhile, Mercy Corps staff in Beirut are monitoring humanitarian needs there and in south Lebanon, where our projects to improve agricultural and environmental practices in impoverished farming communities are on hold until the security situation improves. The agency stands ready to respond if continued fighting leads to a serious humanitarian crisis. "

Edit: Unfortunately, le6bkyln just got fired from his local Benzunhurst bagel shop. That's the only Jewish organization he knows. le6bkyln and his boyfreind did take a moonlight cruise out of Sheepshead Bay. Screw him.

2006-07-15 11:22:33 · answer #5 · answered by noils 3 · 0 0

i cannot believe some of the answers on here!!! i am shocked!
israel has the right to defend itself?? agains what? innocent civilians and children???? by bombing hospitals and schools and bridges??? non of the hezbullah terrorists were affected, only innocent lives!!!!
this is genocide, and i can't believe that you americans are supporting it! YOU ARE NAZIS!! even worse!

2006-07-20 06:40:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thanks for making me laugh. I needed it.

I especailly enjoyed the parts where you wrote "innocent Lebanese" and "Israeli t e r r o r i s t s."

I truly wish you never ever have to experience what Israel is going through right now.

2006-07-15 11:27:22 · answer #7 · answered by onlyhuman 3 · 0 0

How about you help get rid of the Lebanese/Iranian terrorists that arre Hizbollah?

That would solve the problem.

2006-07-18 12:44:41 · answer #8 · answered by jonnnboy 4 · 0 0

Sit Shiva for them. Shiva is a jewish way of grieving for them. But even if you aren't jewish you can still do it. How to sit shiva:

1. Observe shiva for any of seven relatives: your father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter or spouse. Other relatives may join in for some or all of the observance, but Jewish law does not mandate their participation.

2. Keep in mind that shiva always takes place in the home of the deceased or in the home of a principal mourner. If space allows, all the mourners stay in the house together.

3. Cover all the mirrors in the house and leave them cloaked for the seven-day period. This centuries-old custom began as a belief that spirits were attracted to mirrors and could be trapped there; the modern reinterpretation is that the practice discourages vanity and encourages inner reflection.

4. Place a basin of water beside the outer door so people can wash their hands, a gesture that separates the mitzvah (or duty) of honoring the dead from the mitzvah of comforting the bereaved.

5. Light a large shiva candle, also known as a ner daluk, or burning light, and keep it burning for seven days and seven nights as a symbol of the divine spark that inhabits the body.

6. Remove your shoes when you return home from the funeral and refrain from wearing leather shoes in the shiva house. You may wear cloth slippers or socks or go barefoot, which is considered a sign of being humbled by loss.

7. Eat food brought by friends and neighbors for your first meal after returning from the cemetery (called seudat havra'ah, or the meal of consolation). It is traditional to emphasize round foods to recall the cyclical nature of life.

8. Sit low to the ground, on cushions or very low chairs, on the floor, or on special benches provided by the funeral home. This practice symbolizes being struck down by grief. (Visitors to the house sit on normal chairs and couches.)

9. Leave doors unlocked so that visitors can enter without distracting mourners with knocks or doorbells.

10. Refrain from virtually all usual activity during shiva. Jewish law prohibits mourners from cooking, running errands, attending school, shaving, wearing makeup or engaging in pleasures of any kind whether sensual, sexual, athletic or intellectual.

Because Jewish terms are translations from the Hebrew, spellings vary. For instance, the seven-day period of mourning can be correctly spelled shiva, shivah or shiv'a.

Parts of days count as full days of shiva. For instance, the day of the funeral is considered the first day, even if burial takes place in the afternoon. Traditionally, shiva ends on the morning of the seventh day, right after the shaharit, the morning prayer service.

Note the first one. It can be for the lebanese civilians so don't mind the first one.

2006-07-15 11:21:35 · answer #9 · answered by maxie 5 · 0 0

how can we show our support for Israel finally putting there foot down without being supportive of Innocent blood shed... maybe the Lebanese need to consider what they have caused. i count their innocent lives lost their own fault. it does suck. but thats what happens with war

2006-07-15 11:21:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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