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12 answers

We need to make Bush empty his personal bank account to pay for our gas. Gas prices are skyrocketing because of the uncertainity in the middle east (so they say). = Bush foreign failures and his stirring up the hornets nest over there.

You would have to be naive to think they are not going to use oil to punish our economy.

2006-07-15 09:55:29 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 1 0

When the oil companies were getting $1.00 a gallon for gasoline, let's assume they earned a 10% profit margin, or ten cents per gallon profit. Now they're getting $3.00 a gallon. Let's assume they still earn the same 10% profit margin - they now make 30 cents a gallon profit. Hmmm....

What would be their incentive to lower gas prices???

They will milk this for all it's worth until American consumers say, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Then, suddenly, they will develop a "new", more efficient fuel that costs less, lasts longer, and burns cleaner (something they couldn't do as long as their profit margins kept climbing).

American manufacturers don't WANT to give consumers any products that are low priced, cost-efficient, or durable. Just as the auto manufacturers rely on "planned obsolescence" to get us to buy new cars every few years, other companies want to sell us as much of their stuff as they possibly can. The more they sell, the more they make!

Some experts claim that $4.00 a gallon will be the breaking point for the American consumer. But, gas prices will be at $6.00 a gallon before the end of 2007. And then the oil companies will start running "warm and fuzzy" ads on TV claiming to develop new ethanol products (that could have been developed years ago, but there was no motivation for them to slash their profit margins to market it).

We're all a bunch of slaves, tied to the oil industry and auto industry profits, just so a handful of top executives and a bunch of shareholders can get filthy rich while our pocketbooks suffer.

Check out the new blog book: BUSHWACKER!
Huge national and multi-national corporations need to be broken up, blown up, and dismantled so that the "little guy" can return to the marketplace with superior products that are sold at the lowest price possible and still ensure a fair and reasonable profit margin. They earn grotesque profits at the expense of all customers. -RKO-

2006-07-15 17:27:27 · answer #2 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 0

First, if you can't beat em', join em' and buy gasoline stock to hedge the prices and gouging of the oil companies.

2nd...Oil companies do have to be encouraged to use different resources...Canada has more gas than Saudi Arabia in sand ...but its tougher to refine.

3rd. We need to become more fuel efficient and willing to sacrifice for our prinicples.

Israel is a democratic nation and we should support it. Terrorism must be fought. Unfortunately, too many Muslims want Westerners dead. I did not agree with going into Iraq when we did. However, Bush was not wrong in the premise that Nations that permit and encourage terrorism must be confronted before the terror is in our streets on a regular basis. The Western world has greater power today...but that is a temporary situation...we must use our power wisely...and justly.

Israel is fighting Hezbollah...an organization like Hamas that has at its core principal the destruction of Israel...and the removal of Jews from the face of the earth. How does one negotiate with such an organization. Hezbollah fights from Lebannon...with no effort of the Lebanese government to curtail their activities...and in fact some Hezbollah politicians are elected leaders of Lebanon.
Israel, even more than the U.S. must face the enemy sooner rather than later...or it will be destroyed. Some may believe that Palestinians will live peaceably with the Israeli Jews if given a homeland including Jerusalem as its capital. Personally, I don't believe that at all. Jerusalem, and the formation of a Palestinian state is not the end goal of these Arabs. It is the elimination of Jews, ...and if they succeed Westerners will become the next target once they are strong enough, because we are all infidels. I am ONLY speaking of fundamentalists. Saddam was not such an Arab, but he did support terrorism, paying families to send Suicide bombers into Israel.

Israel gave Gaza and S. Lebanon to the Arabs who were throwing rocks at them. Now, Israel is facing Syrian and Iranian built rockets as a return for its unilateral generosity.

Israel is in a difficult situation. I'm not sure that there is any solution that man can create. I pray that g-d intervenes to bring peace to the region and understanding to all. Let g-d's will be done. We need a spiritual healing and solution. Religion got us into this mess and it may be the only way out too.

2006-07-15 17:19:19 · answer #3 · answered by Idiot Savant 2 · 0 0

If you think that $3.00 a gallon for gas is bad - just wait - it will get worse. With wht is happening in the middle east - we can expect the price of oil to rise and the cost at the pump to go up. We could have $4.00 a gallon real soon. Unfortunate, but true.

2006-07-15 17:09:59 · answer #4 · answered by Coach D. 4 · 0 0

Get ready for more of the same. Maybe the narrow minded tree huggers will now understand (too late, of course) that refinery capacity should have been expanded, oil exploration should have been promoted, not discouraged, gas pipelines and terminals should have been built to create more efficient natural gas delivery systems, and the kicker, we should have pursued nuclear power many years ago. France lives on it, while we have not built a plant in nearly 30 years.

Nice planning for the future.

Not to mention that we are enriching Islamic extremist regimes thereby helping to keep them in power, as well as the a nut Chavez in Venezuela (and his small puppet in Bolivia) by having to pay them exorbitant prices for their oil and natural resources. When they learn better how this game is played, we will be much more screwed than we are currently. We have no one to blame but ourselves and politicians who are incapable of leading and have no vision for the future of this country. What sorry SOBs.

Say hello to $5.00/gallon relatively soon..

2006-07-15 17:12:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Get used to it, gas prices are only going to go up, expect $10 a gallon within 5 years

2006-07-15 16:51:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah, back on July 27 the Senate issued a very nice report (sorry I can't find the link right now) indicating private speculation has a significant impact on current oil prices.

Start driving a diesel (like a VW or P/U) and make your own diesel, it's not that difficult and very very cheap!

2006-07-15 16:51:50 · answer #7 · answered by wyrdnews 2 · 0 0

When the U.S. stops kissing Israel's a** then gas prices will go down!.

2006-07-15 16:58:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

get a bike! take the bus. walk

2006-07-15 16:53:27 · answer #9 · answered by az geologist 2 · 0 0

damn i cant afford gas anymore it is ridiculous

2006-07-15 16:51:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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