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I am not a big conspiracy person, but recentely I was talking to my friend who is, and he was talking about the twin towers. He told me three things which I reasearched and it is pretty wierd
1.The 'terroists' the FBI said flew the planes into the Twin Towers are still alive, its true and on the BBC website they came forward saying we are still alive and we didn't do it.
2.One plane that supposed to crash into the 1st twin tower is still active in Russia, so how can it have crashed into the towers
3.No steel building has ever completly collasped due to fire, the foundations have to be damaged for it too fall (I know a building survayor who told me this), they say the twin towers melted and so it fell in 1944 after the War ended a B52bomber carrying spare plane fuel in the cargo hold crashed into the Empire state building, there was a huge fire there because of the extra fuel and that didn't collapse, and the Empire state building is like 4 times weaker than the towers
what u think

2006-07-15 09:20:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Other - News & Events

19 answers

The only one of the three that is believable is number 3.

2006-07-15 09:23:46 · answer #1 · answered by Jen G 6 · 1 3

3. The bomber that crashed into the empire state building was not a Boeing flying at 600mph filled with 10 times as many gallons of fuel...but the WTC was.

Listen up...the plane that crashed into the WTC was very large, filled with A LOT of fuel, and was flying at 600 miles per hour. When they hit the towers, it literally sliced that part of the tower. The impact zones were so weak by the impact and fire, that it wasn't capable of supporting the floors above the impact zone, and ultimately collapsed.

Watch a closeup video of the collapse and you can actually see the floors above the impact zone falling first, which ultimately led to the collapse.

So the reasons for the collapse was:

1. Large plane
2. High speed impact
3. Tons of fuel

These 3 things weakened the metal supporting the area above the impact zone. The area of impact also affects which tower would collapse first, which is why the south tower collapsed before the north tower even though the north tower was the first one to be hit.

This is why the south tower collapsed first:

Both planes were almost the same as each other, but you can notice that the impact zone on the south tower was closer to the middle of the tower, therefore, the impact zone had to support more weight above it...the weight was too much and thats why the south tower had to collapse first.

Before you here the conspiracy theories, look at the facts and believe the common sense.

It's obvious the Empire State Building didn't collapse, since the bomber was small, had less fuel, and wasn't flying at extremely high speeds...so before you believe things, think, if you want to find the true conclusion.

2006-07-23 15:50:36 · answer #2 · answered by nmagny 4 · 0 0

I have to admit because I thought the empire state building was hit by a B52 as claimed in that video, you have to take all these things with a grain of salt... Just like the videos by More. The plane that hit the Empire state buliding was instead a B25. What the heck happened to WTC building # 7 then? This building did not have any jet fuel inside it.. Why did this building collapse so pretty.... I mean the thing fell so neat and compact such a large building I mean the whole thing wasn't engulfed in flames and even so all the spots of the building wouldn’t of reached critical temperature for it to just collapse so perfectly.. Something just doesn't rest right in my stomach... All those stock trades before the incident?? The insurance taken out on the building... All the politicians that cancelled their flights that day? How do you account for all these facts? If these are all legitimate facts how can you not question what really happened.... I personaly feel they obviously knew these buildings were in danger, and should have had a alert, I feel Clarke is right in saying the government has failed its citizens, he seemed to be the only guy who knew what was heck was going on….

2006-07-18 16:14:32 · answer #3 · answered by JT 1 · 0 0

First of all, someone has manipulated the "facts" that you seem to be quoting. Conspiracy theroists love to do that- they give you a few things that sound believable and top them with the made up stuff so that you "buy" the whole story.

First of all, IF any of the 19 guys who did this were alive, and hiding in ENGLAND, don't you think that they would've been turned over to us by now???

Secondly, you can't hide four 767 jumbo jets anywhere, not even in russia (who by the way is now a NATO ally) and no one would notice. Not even with a new paint job. It's not like a car- you can't just scrape off the vin number and it dissappears. It just isn't possible.

Third, what do you do with all of the people that were on those planes? That's over 500 people, not to mention millions of witnesses- one of which is me- and believe me, I live in Pennsylvania, and there's a REALLY BIG HOLE in Shanksville. And nobody dug it....a really big airplane smacked the ground there.

Now, about the Empire State Building. The date is wrong. It was 1947 AFTER the war, and it was a B-29, not a B-52. One is a propeller plane- the other is a really big jet that wasn't even built until 1955. This is where your conspiratory guy tries to get you... A 767 junbo jet is about three times bigger than a B-29 and it is carrying 5 times the fuel. that equal a much bigger fire. The Empire State building is made of concrete and it was hit near the top. The Trade Center buildings were made of steel which melted. And they were hit about a third of the way down. Result??? BIG boom...melting steel...building fall down.

The truth of all of this is that what I saw happened and your friend likes to make things up. Don't be fooled. Let's pretend that red is blue. Lets pretend up is down. Magic is not real...unless you believe it.

2006-07-15 11:08:20 · answer #4 · answered by betteranat 1 · 0 0

1) I don't know - I haven't researched that angle. My feeling is that the people who died, really did die.

2) I don't think that is true. Whether or not those actual planes flew into the twin towers, they have all been destroyed and written off in the official records (there are some questions about the time it took to write them off, but I believe they no longer exist).

3) The collapse of three buildings so neatly and so quickly (only two of which were actually hit by planes and all of which were owned by and insured by one man) just seems to me. for many reasons, too odd to go without remark. It seems to me that, whatever else is brought up, those three buildings were destroyed too neatly for it to have been solely the result of two planes crashing into the twin towers. It may, of course, have been that there was a built-in destructability, so that if they were likely to fall, they wouldn't damage other buildings around them. I still think that someone would have had to have pushed a button for all three buildings to have collapsed as neatly and relatively cleanly as they did.

Please also read my question and the answers to it at: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiVeiHGQdMOEREx.F2PP4FIgBgx.?qid=20060713094040AAhDIr0

2006-07-15 09:44:53 · answer #5 · answered by Owlwings 7 · 0 0

The B-52 made its maiden flight in 1952.
At 9:49 a.m. on Saturday July 28, 1945, a B-25 Mitchell bomber accidentally crashed into the north side of the Empire State Building between the 79th and 80th floors.

Max takeoff weight of a B25J is 41,800 lbs.

Max takeoff weight of 767-200 series 395,000 lbs.

Earliest documented attempt to a "building implosion" demolition is the razing of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Waterford Ireland. This 1773 event involved 150 POUNDS of gunpowder, a low velocity explosive.



2006-07-15 09:37:36 · answer #6 · answered by James E 4 · 0 0

Sorry to pop your buddy's bubble but he is way off. I know for a fact that none of the above is true. Why? I am close to sources and have access to plenty of real time intelligence background to suggest he is living in a rose colored world. We are fundamentally at war whether we like it or not. Islamic fundamentalists are poised throughout North America ready to recruit, indoctrinate those they do recruit and act out any commands from overseas operatives.
As for the flame theory on the Empire State Bldg, the fuel used today is much more flammable and the twin towers possess much more consumables that added to the blaze - we are not a paperless society hint hint. That coupled with the flammable materials used in copiers, faxes, the amount of plastics, carpets and the glue that holds them blows the theory out of bed.
It ain't pretty but that's life now in North America. We can be apathetic or vigilant. I suggest your buddy chose one and act accordingly. The choice is his because we still have a democracy yes, at least for now...

2006-07-15 09:30:19 · answer #7 · answered by geeman1001 1 · 0 0

I would disagree on one point only. You state that you're not a big conspiracy theorist yet to go into such detail on Answers can only mean that you work for the CIA and have to keep getting this idea into peoples head so that America can blow up whoever it wants. Either that or your just a fanny with more time on his hands than me.

2006-07-15 09:39:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I also think you somehow got wrong facts from somewhere. I doubt the people in question 1, that they could hide that long without someone really seeing them. The only one that I could believe is question 3. Question 2, where are the people that were in those planes?

2006-07-15 11:44:46 · answer #9 · answered by ~~Catbird Woman~~ 4 · 0 0

Actually you're wrong. It was the work of a team of art critics who were fed up with the continual production of hideous monstrosities in the name of so-called art. You will note that they refrained from destroying any building of beauty so it must be true!!!

2006-07-25 03:30:09 · answer #10 · answered by rationalist 2 · 0 0

I see you watched the loose change video. It's all true, 9/11 was a big coverup and the bastards who are really behind this are going straight to the darkest level of hell.

2006-07-15 09:25:50 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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