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I was wondering, and im not trying to be an ashol, but why was it allright for 400,000 whites to willingly die for blacks, but its not ok for a multicultural force to free 12 million women and 3.5 million oppressed minority men in iraq and aphganistan?

Personally, I hadnt thought about it this way before, so Im pretty sure that most liberals havent. Do you think its worth the lives, or do you think there was another way.

To me, that makes it worth it. I would die if I knew that I could free one woman like my mother. I think we owe it to them.

2006-07-15 09:11:51 · 17 answers · asked by Doggzilla 6 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

17 answers

Amen brother

2006-07-15 09:15:18 · answer #1 · answered by RTM 3 · 3 5

First off, the civil war was not about slavery. Lincoln only tacked that on as a cause long after it began.

Moreover, your thinking and considerations on this matter are far too simplistic. Is it nice to topple a horrible regime and free a bunch of people? Sure. But is that the BEST use of American lives? No, it isn't, not in this case.

In the short run, such things make you feel all warm and fuzzy. But in the long run, wars such as the one in Iraq cost more than they gain.

If you want to promote a free a prosperous world, you've got to do it with patience, intelligence, and a steady hand. Having wars all over the place only causes more wars down the road.

Life isn't like a television show or a comic book. You can't go around and kill all the bad-guys and have everything turn out just peachy. There isn't even a clear line between "badguys" and "good guys". Who is bad and who is good will change depending on where you are, when you are, and who you ask. This doesn't change how YOU feel, of course, but it is important to keep in mind when dealing with OTHER people and civilizations. You need to consider the way that they think now, and the way that they'll be thinking down the road due to your behavior. And you need to keep in mind that, no matter how right it feels to you, most people do not agree with the way you view the world, ESPECIALLY not people in foreign cultures half way around the world.

And you may want to reconsider what you think you know: in Iraq, women were not oppressed. Saddam was an evil man, but he ran a secular operation.

2006-07-15 16:27:18 · answer #2 · answered by extton 5 · 0 0

You repeat last lie. First lie was 'link' between Saddam and 911. Second lie was WMD (which is now called weapons of mass deception). When first two lies went down, here is the last one: to reorganize life in Iraq, to make its citizens happier. Those 50,000 or 100,000 died (do you know the number more precisely?) have not became happier, that's for sure. Those who still live in there... well, the resulting after this civil war state will be most probably worse than it was. It will be controlled now more by religious fundamentalists. In best case I think it will return to something like at Saddam, but it is unlikely. By the way, there are way too many countries with oppressive regimes, as bad as Saddam or worse. If you seriously believe that invasion into Iraq was caused by desire to improve life in that country, then you are truly a believer and I cannot help you.

2006-07-15 16:25:24 · answer #3 · answered by Atheist 2 · 0 0

I can't speak for democrats because I am a far left liberal so I will answer this because you ask liberals.

We have thought about that. That is why we are liberals... meaning we think in terms of fairness, equality and liberation. But, here is the number one problem with 'liberating' Iraq, they did not ask for our help.

If a country with the inhumanities you mentioned is in a civil war that is when you get involved.... taking sides. When Iraq was in a civil war in the 80s, we chose to sit on the sidelines because Saddam had been our main man in trying to influence Iranian politics.

During that revolution attempt, Saddam decided to just end it by gasing the entire Kurd population. Some argue that he was justified because they were helping Iran... that would be considered treason in our country because it was during war time. Irregardless, we sat back and watch their civil war/ revolution and him massacre 1000s and we did nothing. Before you jump and say Clinton... this was Reagan and Bush Sr.

That is why this is called an occupation and not a liberation. Liberations occur when you are helping one side during a revolutionary attempt. Occupations are forced changes of government.

With that said, occupations never work. They always end in the society resenting your power and control over their country. Why? Why even when some good can come out of it? Because it is human nature to fight forced authority.

2006-07-15 16:49:34 · answer #4 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 0

The men involved in liberating the blacks were fighting for the ideals of their own country. There is no comparison.

Blacks were not attempting against the lives of their liberators whereas in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have the so called "grateful" attacking and killing our soldiers, our young men, sons, husbands, brothers, etc.

There were no lies involved. Abraham Lincoln put everything out there. The reason for war was clear those who agreed were clearly on one side and those who didn't were clearly on the other. It came down to differences of opinions about where the country should go.

What we have now is a tangled up web, a mess of lies and we don't honestly know...Did we make the correct decision? Was there really no other option? We won't ever know.

2006-07-15 16:24:35 · answer #5 · answered by bitto luv 4 · 0 0

Because the troops that died in the civil war were fighting to protect the morality and wholeness of *our* country. It was a "Civil" war. We want men to be equal - it's part of being American.

However, to fight a war to force those values on another country, assumes that our way is the only way, our way is the best way, and that they want their country to be our way. I think that we've pretty much seen that Iraq isn't convinced that our way is the best way.

If we are trying to spread human rights and democracy - why haven't we invaded the Sudan? Why haven't we so much as boycotted China? They are MUCH larger threats to human rights than Iraq is. But, Iraq has oil and is a long time sticking point with the Bush family.

I don't address Afghanistan above because it's actually is a seat of terror and people that are associated with those who are out to destroy America. I actually think we need MORE troops over there to regulate the growing of terrorists.

2006-07-15 16:23:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Somehow you're getting past me. 400.000 whites willingly gave up their lives ???? When and where did all of this happen ?
As for freeing all those people in Iraq and Afghanistan, I think it's great, but sometimes people don't want to be freed. They're contented with things as they are. Sometimes that's hard to understand, but it doesn't change things.
If a woman doesn't mind being considered less than a donkey, made to wear loads of black rags in the hot sun, share her husband with five or six other wives, and have to have permission to step outside her house,- - - that's her business.
I think Muslim women are on the looney side, but then, I'm not a Muslim woman.

2006-07-15 16:30:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the world is not ours. sincerely, i see no comparison between a civil war on our soil and an invasion of a sovereign nation.

the way i usually think about it, is that we seem to have a real disconnect when it comes to dealing with the nations in the middle east. i can pretend the war in iraq looks like what you just articulated, a liberation of an oppressed minority, but we seem to have made that country spectacularly unstable. people are fleeing iraq in droves, and they don't consider us liberators.

please consider that in your perspective. the liberated slaves did not have this sort of cognitive dissonance, where both sides were equally fatal to civilians. i don't think our force has been so intentionally, but we also have not demonstrated a concern for the native population in our war. we cannot win their hearts, by hoping they've lost their minds.

2006-07-15 16:40:26 · answer #8 · answered by uncle osbert 4 · 0 0

Things in Iraq or Afghanistan will never change, no matter how many civilians or US troops are dying over there. Their way of life has been like that for thousands of years. We, who have always lived in a democracy, can not understand their ways, and should not try to impose our way of thinking onto them. Besides, any change has to come from the people themselves. America needs to take care of its own country & people first, before they stick their nose in everybody elses business and try to police the world. It's no wonder they hate us more and more around the world. It used to be a country everybody looked up to....not anymore !

2006-07-15 16:39:38 · answer #9 · answered by Sauerkraut 4 · 0 0

First of all those people have had thousands of years to get a demoracy going,but they just do not want it. Second of all I think the war was about oil,power,and revenge.I do not recall anyone over in Iraq asking us to help them win their "freedom". As far as Afghanistan is concerned,they could have turned over Bin Laden and they would not have been invaded. Everyone was behind bush going into Afghanistan but he blew it in Iraq!

2006-07-15 16:45:40 · answer #10 · answered by terrymc 2 · 0 0

We're not in the middle east to free anyone. It's all about money and power. Why Iraq ? Why not Cuba, China, North Korea?????? Half the countries in the world need help. But they don't have oil....We owe them NOTHING ! These American lives have been wasted. Wake up, will you !!!!???

2006-07-15 16:20:18 · answer #11 · answered by Kaori 5 · 0 0

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