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Also, why is it that Muslims have a problem everywhere, what is that makes them not get along well with the non-Muslims around them?

Why are they always whining about injustices heaped onto their community, when in fact non-Muslims have also been victims of injustice since earlier times?

And, as someone said:The problems with Muslims is that wherever they are in a minority, they talk about democartic rights, and wherever they are in a majority they fight for theocracy.. why is that?

Why are the regions with substantial Muslim populations all over the world, center of unrest.. be it Middle East, Russia, India, Europe, Philipines, Thailand, Pakistan, Africa etc.?

Moreover, why don't they want to change with the times and join the rest of humanity in making this planet a better place to live... why is it they still want to live in the past and not place emphasis on current issues like education, family planning, environment and rest of the sundry stuff?

2006-07-15 08:44:58 · 16 answers · asked by Sh00nya 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

16 answers

There are terrorist of ever religion but they aren't given the name terrorist. The Oklahoma city bomber was a Christian terrorist so was the Unabomber. The KKK and Neonazis are both Christian Terrorist organizations that are still active and just don't get the play. As for trouble around the world that is simple. First it takes two to fight so the others are just as guilty. The Christians just came into every country they went to and raped and murdered the inhabitants into submission, read a history book, Muslims didn't and so there was a time when these people lived side by side while civil unrest grew between them building up to this. As for education, the environment and family planning Islam places a high value on all of these. It says in the Koran and the hadith it is the duty of every muslim to be educated the reason that women are not allowed to learn in the middle east is because of the leaders of that region and not because of Islamic beliefs.

2006-07-15 08:53:52 · answer #1 · answered by neveroutnumbered 4 · 0 1

It boils down to education and corruption. The Middle East should be the wealthiest most well educated are of the world due to all the oil that they have their. However the power hungery and corrupte have mislead the common people in the readings of the Quran and hoarded the wealth and have not allowed the common people a good education. Due to this lack of education those in power have twisted the meanings of the Quran to fit their wants. claiming that it calls for the death of all who do not follow their religion. When infact the Islamic religions are peace loving religions that forbid murder. Islam is actually fairly similar to Christianity but is now so miss quoted and curropted that its all but unfixable.
It is the nature of people to call foul when somthing happens that they dont like. minorities in the U.S. are the same way. People do not want to take responsibity for their actions and everybody wants things their way. Becasue of the tumoil in the Middle East for so long the people of these lands have become very selfish. Not all have a majority still think that the world is out to get them when infact we just want them to behave and act like civilized peoples. This is part of the reason we are in Iraq. not for oil, not to convert them to christianity or to take over. We want them to become a civilizted diplomatic, educated society that can help bring peace and education to the rest of the Middle East.

2006-07-15 09:04:01 · answer #2 · answered by pontiac_stephen 2 · 0 0

complicated question with a complicated answer, one thing i know is a lack of religious and cultural tolorance. the christians had the same problem when they came to the americas, and now that the world is geo-politcaly and geo-culturaly mixed, they want to be kept seperated from the "outsiders" while at the same time influence the world and spread there beliefs.

and its amazing how theyve been able to stifle the natural curiosity of human nature and the freindlyness of humanity in favor of hostilty, they would rather blame the world for the problems they have rather then focus on whyy they have the problems

im glad i can say these true things about them and not fear for my life, unlike the danish people who made those cartoons. its amazing how they get furious when some one critizises them but christains dont get flustured when they r critized

2006-07-15 08:57:23 · answer #3 · answered by darkpheonix262 4 · 0 0

good question. the reason for this is that there is an extremist version of islam(which purposely misinterprets islamic teachings) was started in Pakistan, officially founded in Saudi Arabia about a century ago, and taught in Pakistan again. If you take a look, most terrorists are of Pakistani and Afghani descent, in Europe, Arabia, wherever. Bin Laen found it easy to take over Afghanistan because the people there were taught that B.S, unfortunately (would you believe his taliban sell drugs to MUSLIMS in the middle east to fund his barbarian activities? Not only that, but they get the poor teenagers addicted to expensive drugs, promising them more if they enlist) its just that doing something 'in the name of God' is such a good excuse! whatever happened to the traditional Islamic greeting 'Al salamu alaikum wa rahmat Allahi wa barakatuhu'? it literally means 'Peace be upon you, and may Gd's mercy and blessings come down upon you'. What happened to Prophet Muhammad's instructions to soldiers before going into battle? He instructed: Do not kill a woman, nor a child, nor an elderly person, nor a priest of any religion, nor should you kill any trees or destroy any homes or any buildings of worship.' The only people left to fight are the hostile armies! islam also instructed not to fight unless fought, and to cease fire when if the hostile army surrenders! You can also burn in hell for decieving the enemy, because its lying, andto us true muslims, lying is a form of hypocrisy. True Islam never fights, only fights back....but sadly, we have people taking advantage of our religion for horrible, horrible things.

I hope this helps

2006-07-15 09:16:47 · answer #4 · answered by alrashid 2 · 0 0

If the non terrorist Muslims don't do something to clear Islam then they are just as bad because it's their religion that's being hijacked. i saw a Muslim lady at target a few minutes ago, my first thought was is she or her husband a terrorist? That's not my fault for thinking that. It is their people that are the terrorists so why don't they do something. Do they like that association with their religion? If not why let it happen? The bottom line is it is their responsibility to clear the Muslim name, and if they get confused with enemy combatants then don't holler about it because we have to defend ourselves against their kind.

2006-07-15 08:55:44 · answer #5 · answered by chupakabra123 5 · 0 0

Why don't you think about your original country India? The biggest hidden race problem in the world! Why didn't you write a line for Babri Mosque, Gujrat, 1984 anti shiekh riot (1984, 31OCT, in one day 3000 sheikh killed by hindu)? Can you recall Godhra problem what conducted by the Indian Goverment? In India 90% are Hindu, what you have done for this largest third world country?

Please don't post like this mono type question, ask this to those f*uking muslim terrorist who don't come here (Answers), when you ask us (Muslims), we feel uncomfotable, because we don't know what we will answer! We think too, like you why these muslim f*uckers doing it!

2006-07-18 02:39:48 · answer #6 · answered by talkbox 4 · 0 0

In a nutshell? most muslims who are candidates to be terrorists are dirt poor, have no education, and rely on the rantings of the local mullah or poobah, or whatever they call him to tell them what the word of their god is. They are easily influenced and it doesn't take much to incite them to violence. "America is the reason you have nothing and never will. kill americans and you will get eternal paradise as a reward", etc.

Seriously, this is exactly why not all muslims are terrorists, but the great majority of terrorists are (or claim to be) muslim.

2006-07-15 08:56:49 · answer #7 · answered by gachildofgod 2 · 0 0

If you had never heard of Islam, and some described it to you, what would you think it was? For example, if someone said:

- it was founded by a guy in the 7th century who said he heard a voice to talking to him

- it told him that he was the only one to receive the true word of God

- it told him it was ok to kill, rape, and rob anyone who didn't agree with these ideas in order to force them to agree to them

- that if anyone tried to stop believing in these ideas, they should be killed

What would you think? I would think you were talking about some kind of weird death cult like the Manson family.

In fact, that is what Islam is. Islam is a 7th century arab death cult. It tells its followers that they are entitled to rob, rape, conquer, and kill everyone on earth who are not muslims. It tells them to lie, deceive, cheat, do anything necessary to spread Islam. It tells them that if they try to stop being a muslim, they will be killed.

Does that sound like something God would actually tell someone? Of course not. If there is a God, he certainly is not telling 7th century arabs that they can murder anyone they want.

So Islam is simply a death cult that has lasted a long time. Over time it prettied itself up with some pretty words about peace, etc - but the core of the cult's belief is the same: you can do anything you want to non-muslims in order to conquer the whole world.

That's why almost all terrorists are muslims. They are death cult followers. It's like having 1 billion followers of Charles Manson on the loose all over the world.

2006-07-15 09:18:07 · answer #8 · answered by Mark D 1 · 0 1

Intolerance. When you're taught that others are inferior it makes injustices against others easy to commit. And easier to feel like a victim when those inferior others get what you don't want. Regardless of religion, ethnicity, and economic position, we should teach tolerance. Tolerance doesn't mean allowing anything to happen. It means recognizing and respecting the beliefs of others.

2006-07-15 08:55:28 · answer #9 · answered by scottopherroy 3 · 0 1

The problem is not necessarily with the followers of Islam, it is with men in general. Part of our nature is to try to control our enviorment. What better way to do this than by controlling our neighbor.
Terrorist often say their cause is religion, but it is actually a control issue.

2006-07-15 08:51:32 · answer #10 · answered by Got a Plan 3 · 0 1

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