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8 answers

I've never seen such a wide divide between the two parties ever before. Actually at one point in time, I would have said there were few differences.

I'm a democrat and here is what I want from my next candidate. Hope this kind of explains it to you at least from my side.

1. Re-implement Clinton's PAY AS YOU GO system in order to balance the budget, get rid of the deficits, and get the economy booming for the lower classes also.
2. Either get us out of Iraq or get some more countries in there to help us.
3. Undo all this de-regulation that the republican party has been doing that is skyrocketing cost of living.
4. Increase the minimum wage to 6.15. When you increase the pay of the poor, every cent goes back into the ecomony.
5. Universal healthcare
6. Undo the unconstitutional Faith-based intiatives and put those funds back into social security and medicare.
7. Either reverse Nafta or do as Perot suggested and amend it stating any country we have free trade with must enforce it's minimum wage laws.
8. Bring back incentives for corporations to stay within the states or impose penalties for outsourcing.

2006-07-15 07:35:08 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 0

Most democrats are liberal and most republicans are conservative. This is why democrats like give away programs for the poor and republicans want to help poor become not poor. But to get to the issues: 1. Way to balance budget, democrats want to have more taxes and the republicans reduce taxes to build a stronger economy. (If I was given a 0% tax I would not have enough money to do anyone any good including myself. However, if I had lots of money and got a 0% tax I would have enough money to invest in businesses, which would create jobs and with more people working - more tax revenue) The democrats just don't understand when they use the statement that it is a tax break for the wealthy. The wealthy are the ones who can make a difference with a tax break.
2. The war on terrorism, it is better to fight terrorism on someone else's soil than to do so here in the United States.

2006-07-15 14:48:24 · answer #2 · answered by DeHynton 2 · 0 0

The frenzy is like Ben Hur at the chariot race. Ben Hur was the good guy and the guy with the Black horses and pointy things on his wheels was the bad guy.

The pulpits of Sunday morning America are fanning the flames of separation. There is no relief in sight. The snowball affect will take this Nation down to a snowballs chance in hell of surviving.

Keeping on a movie theme remember in Zorba the Greek when all those people were waiting for the rich lady to die. The world is gathered around waiting for the mighty America to die.

Schadenfreude is the method of the madness.

2006-07-15 14:44:11 · answer #3 · answered by Rocketman 2 · 0 0

Republicans and democrats aren't that far apart when it comes down to it. There are a lot of people in the middle, and both parties have been jockeying for that moderate vote for so long that there's not all that much difference, considering what there could be.

2006-07-15 14:48:59 · answer #4 · answered by Tim 4 · 0 0

Take out the far right and the far left and you'll have a hard time defining the rest of us.

America has to move back to the middle to survive.

2006-07-15 14:44:49 · answer #5 · answered by Doc Watson 7 · 0 0

Democrats/liberal need to either lie or be lied to or to twist the facts to make it sound like the truth. They are so easily duped it's pitiful.

2006-07-15 14:36:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Their tactics in keeping how alike they really are from the people

2006-07-15 14:39:36 · answer #7 · answered by dC4 2 · 0 0

They're not divided they're flim flam men! One crook saying the other is a bigger crook! Here's the proof they're film flam men:

They make speeches about they must have taxes, and every politician knows what is being done in Alaska. Alaska Pays all their residents with earth rights and doesn’t tax their residents. This makes the politicians liars!

They make speeches to get elected and make promises about what they will do for us. They say nothing about getting every dime of lobby money to do what big biz wants that’s opposite what they promised you they would do. That makes them cheats!

They stole your grandmother’s retirement money from SS. Now you face getting nothing for your SS payments. That makes them thieves!

They tax us, but they know the foreign companies pay no taxes on the goods they sell here. The goods are sold then bought on paper in a foreign port to skate the tax laws. Thus eliminating their profit on paper to cheat the US out of the taxes they owe. This makes them backstabbers!

They take lobby money to put earmarks and pork in every law that passes their desk. Then they do photo ops, a news clips to promote themselves as doing something good for us and America. So they corkscrew us!

They make back room deals and give our tax money to foreigners who build factories with our money. Then they write laws that send our jobs overseas. This makes them dirty dealers!

So lets total all this up. They lie, cheat, steal, backstab, corkscrew, and dirty deal. HELL their Flim Flam Men! Just like in the George C. Scott movie “ The Flim Flam Man”!
They are called the “ Honorable” Senator or Representative. Hell Flim Flam Men have NO honor what so ever! They’re crooks, criminals for God’s sake!

The BBC has film of ALL of them going in and out of Abramoff’s restaurant. That’s THE place in DC to get loaded with lobby money. The BBC has been running this story, and trying to get the US media to run it too. The US media refuses to run the story.

It’s time to take America back! Get registered! VOTE! Vote for anyone that’s not a Democrat or a Republican. They have ALL the power and ALL the control. They must bear ALL the responsibility for their gross mismanagement and abysmally poor judgment! It’s time to put THEM in the unemployment line!

The Alaska state constitution claims common heritage rights of ownership of oil and other minerals for the people of the state as a whole. Citizen dividend checks are distributed every year in Alaska out of the interest payments to an oil royalties deposit account called the Alaska Permanent Fund (APF) created in 1976 after oil was discovered on the North Slope. The APF is a public trust fund - a diversified stock, bond and real estate portfolio - into which are deposited the oil royalties received from the corporations which extract the oil from the lands of Alaska. The first citizen dividend check from the interest of the APF was issued in 1982 and was for $1000 per every person for everyone in Alaska who had resided in the state for at least one year. Annual citizen dividends have been issued every year since then, for a total of more than $23,000 per person.

In 2003, each of the nearly 600,000 Alaska US citizens (residents of Alaska for at least one year) received a check for $1,107 from the APF. The total amount dispersed was $663.2 million. The $25 billion investment fund's core experienced stock market losses which led to the dividend's decline this past year compared to the several previous years. The amount was $433 less, a 28 percent drop from the 2002 pay out of $1,540, and a 44 percent decrease from the all-time high of $1,964 in year 2000. The amount changes based on a five-year average of APF investment income derived from the bonds, stock dividends, real estate and other investments.

Alaska relies on oil for about 80 percent of its revenue and has no sales or income tax. Alaska state government is mandated to invest 25% of its oil revenue into the APF while the other 75% of oil royalty revenue is dispersed to other government funds to finance education, infrastructure and social services. If 100% of Alaska's oil royalties had been deposited into the APF, it is conceivable that the CD this year could have been about $4,400 or $17,600 for a family of four. But then there would have been no funds for roads, education and other public services and no funds available to run the state legislature - a libertarian dream fulfillment or a social and economic disaster, which one we will never know. If state services were to have been maintained while 100% of oil royalties were deposited in the APF, there would of course have been the need for income, sales and other taxes on wages and production.

America could conquer the world. Not with warring, but with such overwhelming wealth that the whole world would lick our boots to get our help for themselves. I can make a provable, tangible, graph able outline for doing this.

First someone like me would have to the President. I say that because I'm the kind of man that can't be knuckled under, I don't take you can't do that and just quit, and no matter how hard the job is I never stop short.

I’m a working class man, I came up doing body work, so I know how to fix the tangled mess others have made.

As President, this being THE most powerful position in the world, I would go completely around the Senate and the House. I would use the Executive Order and write the checks to get what needs to be done, done ASAP! The treasury is in the executive branch and Lincoln wrote checks to get things done, so I would do the same.

By Executive Order, I would start with fixing the governments money problems and getting the citizens tax problems solved. Then I would stop the foreign companies that cheat the US out their share of taxes, and make a loophole free way to collect every penny they owe.

Next would come the illegals, I'd get them all registered, employed, and put them on the tax roles not us. We need the illegals paying taxes because there's just not enough Gen Xer's to pay the SS for the Boomers and Gen Xer's.

I'd make millions of high wage jobs with renewable power plant construction jobs and renewable power would be a priority. I'd build so much clean power we would have power in overabundance, and could supply the whole world with clean US made power. 1/3 of the money from the foreign power bills would be put into a fund and every head of household would get a paycheck and NO tax bill!

To continue doing this would make a book so I'm going to outline what’s to be:

1st90 days by ExOrder
Establish Earth Rights for all of America like in Alaska
End income taxes;fund the Gov the right way, not on our backs
End tax paper work for the citizens, not business
End all welfare programs, save the money
Balance the budget, officials are not paid till it’s done
Regular people for elected officials, no lawyers or rich
End lobbyists, take the money out of politics
Make graft illegal, have mandatory jail time
Close the DOE, save the money
Take the Gov out of the schools, PTA run save money
Set Iraq’s oil to pay for the war, make an exit plan with the military
Prisoners work for jail costs, not us, save the money
Make foreign tax cheats pay, tariff goods @retail every container
Register the illegals, put them to work and on the tax roles not us
Private SS accounts, makes us millionaires, no gov access to money
After90 days by ExOrder
Build renewable power, make millions of high wage jobs
Build a fund from foreign power bills like Alaska uses to PAY us
End Nuclear power
Build electric powered roads, make more millions of high wage jobs
Thousands of jobs building electric cars&trucks
End our dependence on foreign oil
Clean the polluted water with clean electric power
Return America to 50% of world’s economy

Alaska uses Earth Rights to pay about $1000 p/yr and not tax their residents. With all 50 states my fed gov could pay $50,000 p/yr, NO TAXES, and fund the gov!

The foreign tariff money, the illegals taxes, and earthrights money pays all the gov expenses, funds the military better than now, and pays down the national debt with NO deficit.

The Renewable power fund would pay what I call a National Income Program, and when the fund matures in about 30 years, would pay about another $50,000 p/yr.

So $50,000 p/yr from the Earth Rights and NO taxes. Millions of high wage power plant construction jobs, we would need to build 5000 power plants just to start, and build for many years to come.

Then make millions more high wage jobs to build new electric powered roads to use the clean power. Makes thousands of jobs to build electric cars and trucks that use power from the new electric powered roads.

Foreign oil dependence would end! The Arabs could drink their oil, we don’t need it any more. The oil money that funds the terrorists would dry up, and terrorism would strangle, then die. Domestic oil production would supply all our needs.

Then comes the $50,000 p/yr from the National Income Program, with the Earth Rights money my gov could then pay every household $100,000p/yr, all with no taxes.

Then the private SS accounts would have about a $1,000,000 in them for your retirement. The rich make fortunes by building money in funds just this same way, so what works for the rich, will work for the nation.

This builds America to be 300,000,000 millionaires. The money would be passed to your Aires and NO TAXES. Each new generation would be richer than their forebears. Soon newborns would be born millionaires, and the system would continue to multiply their wealth for each next generation.

America would be so wealthy that soon we would be the envy of the world, and people from around the world would lick our boots for us to help them get where we would be. America rules the world with wealth, not war.

With stable power comes jobs, with jobs comes prosperity. Prosperity makes life comfortable, with comfort comes contentment. Contentment would bring peace, and war would be a thing of the past. If someone for some strange reason wanted start a war we could just stop beaming them power.

I take it you know electric power can be beamed on a microwave inside a laser beam to a satellite and put anywhere it's needed on the earth! So cut the beam and no power. It's hard to fight a war with no lights or power. America controls the power!

The renewable power is fuel-less so it's cheap clean power! It’s without the inflation of fuel costs, so the price would remain stable.

Would you vote for me to be the President?

2006-07-15 14:55:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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