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Hunter S Thompson said of the Dems, "Any major opposition party dominated by shaggy whores and failed dingbats not only cripples the two party system but insults the whole democracy."

Is there any comming back and who will lead them to relevance?

2006-07-15 06:45:10 · 14 answers · asked by anthonydavidpirtle 3 in Politics & Government Politics

14 answers

The Dems need leaders with balls and unfortunately they've been playing dead for a while. There are some - Russ Feingold, Barbara Boxer, and Ted Kennedy. One thing people have to realize is that ideologically the Democratic party is much broader and complex than the Republican party. Dems are much less likely to support each other where the Reps are pretty successful and getting all their soldiers in line. The Dems need to realize that you can't always play defense. Unite, attack hard and don't back down. And for God's sake come up with some plans to fix things rather than just attacking Bush's. If another Republican becomes President in 2008 I'm moving to Toronto.

2006-07-15 07:05:37 · answer #1 · answered by HelloKitty 3 · 3 2

Is the Democratic Party doomed? Oh, not by any means. After all, even the last two presidential elections have been about 50/50. A few more Democrats in 2000; a few more Republicans in 2004--and that's not taking into account all those ballots that weren't counted thanks to Katherine Harris, the Supreme Court, and the Diebold machinery!

If the blue states all seceded from the union and joined Canada, what would you have left? A lot of territory, for sure. But not everything else. Not much coastland. Not most of the finest industries or financial institutions or educational systems or tax bases or centers of technology or public media.

The question is not whether the Democratic Party is doomed. The real question is whether the two-party system is doomed. Whether free elections in the USA are doomed. Whether the electoral college should survive.

Already too many politicians in both parties are controlled by corporations like Cheney's Halliburton, CEOs like the late Ken Lay, and the wealthy 1% whose taxes are being reduced and whose big-money lobbyists are gaining more and more control.

We are moving away from a democracy toward an oligarchy, a government controlled by the few, an elite group of insiders. They've wrested control of Congress, of the presidency, of the court system, esp. the Supreme court, of the mainstream media, of government agencies (which no longer enforce laws they don't agree with), of the election systems and the electronic voting machines--all through big money. Big money for campaign contributions. Big money from lobbyists to "influence" lawmakers.

I began my politial life as an Eisenhower Republican. Ike, in one of the major speeches of the 20th century, warned against what he called "the military/industrial complex." Well, his warnings weren't heeded, and that complex is winning out. The imperialistic invasion and occupation of Iraq has brought big money to the Big Money folks -- all that without competitive bidding or adequate auditing. Cheney reigns!

Is the Democratic Party doomed? Is our democracy itself doomed? Maybe not. Maybe 2006 and 2008 are our last two chances. Maybe if we can restore checks and balances, and the separation of church and state, and free and honest elections we may be able to preserve what is best about our country.

Maybe if we can reform the financing of election campaigns to curtail the power of Big Money. Maybe if we can stop making war to make money and make peace to make our future safer. Maybe our doom can be forestalled.


2006-07-15 15:38:13 · answer #2 · answered by bfrank 5 · 0 0

If the Democrats keep heading in the same direction of the recent past and future; the party will never again be a significant power in our country.

Remember the American tax payers as a majority do not buy into the lies and conspiracy theory's.that the left wing has fabricated. These tactics will never work and will certainly not get the left back into any power.

Also you must remember that the American people have spoken, and they have made it perfectly clear that the left wing is out of touch with the needs and future plans as we see this country move forward into staying the strongest economic and military power in the world today, Keeping this country moving forward is not something that just happens by it's self; we must push forward without faltering or second guessing our leaders decisions. I for one, stand with our president and his decisions thus far. And I will continue to vote the G.O.P. into power, they are not perfect but they do have my interests in mind while making policy and decisions both at home and abroad.

2006-07-15 13:48:07 · answer #3 · answered by Ronald Reagan 2 · 0 0

You're blind to trends aren't you?

Of the more than 30 races that are competitive in the house, the vast majority of them are Republican seats at risk.

And on a generic ballot Democrats still lead Republicans by 11%.

Unless you know the Republican strategy for stealing votes in '06 and you're not telling us, the tide is turning. They may not totally take back Congress, but they will make large gains.

2006-07-15 14:02:55 · answer #4 · answered by WBrian_28 5 · 0 0

based on Hunter Thompson.......please. PROUD to be a Democrat!!!!!

The party will not only survive but return balance to our system of checks and balances.

One party rule over the executive, legislative and judicial is very troubling and as of yet offer little if any checks on power....

People realize that there needs to be a balance...........

after all this adminstration has also taken out the free press from its fourth estate responsiblity of checking the balance of power...............

People arent stupid and they want checks and balances...........besides Hunter was probably stoned drunk or tripping when he wrote that.........

2006-07-15 13:57:39 · answer #5 · answered by nefariousx 6 · 0 0

Oh God, I hope not! If the Democrats are doomed, then I'll be forced to become a member of the Green Party because I'm sure as hell not becomming a Republican!

2006-07-15 14:11:27 · answer #6 · answered by stephhp116 3 · 0 0

They can come back, but the Dems have to find their voice and understand what is important TO THE COUNTRY and not just the party.

You can't sit around and hope that the GOP will step into another steaming pile of elephant poop for them to get back into the White House.

2006-07-15 14:08:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Among the overhauls due in our federal government is a second stage of federal elections to make it more likely for a third party to succeed. Between the way we run elections now, and those in charge of the mainstream media, the two-party way of running for federal offices will continue for a long, long time (leaving us with inadequate options).

2006-07-15 13:56:24 · answer #8 · answered by chdoctor 5 · 0 0

With the current elected Representatives of the Democrats - they are done. Stick a fork in them. Right now liberal free, progressive and open thinking equals oppose and criticize Bush with no solutions.

2006-07-15 13:59:44 · answer #9 · answered by therandman 5 · 0 0

The GOP is setting up to get majorly stomped in November's midterm elections. They trail in every national poll.


2006-07-15 14:33:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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