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65 answers

Ok unlike the others I will be honest...

I am not trying to be mean and nasty to you ok.? but what Im saying below will upset you but its the truth show you get the whole picture and reasons why.

See links below as well and try and see the film.

plus these.

Dont think about doing anything yourself you aint a doctor and DONT go to someone who can do a back street abortion... They tend to go wrong, be agony, you die or never have kids again... Get it done properly in a hospital then no probs or pain...
Fall asleep, wake up, all gone

They are agencies specialising in this... avoid the catholic ones mentioned before as biased.

Abortion advice and other pregnancy.

www.fpa.org.uk Family Planning Association
www.efc.org.uk Education for choice
www.bpas.org British Pregnancy Advisory Service

Teen sex ed and pregnancy services.
www.childline.org.uk covers anything
www.brook.org.uk pregnancy and abortion, adotption female health

www.playingsafely.co.uk Sexaul health Line.
www.thereforme.com Advice for young people 12-16
www.4yp. Advice for young people

Hope they help


Anyway... short bit is you messed up, you are not bad. you should get an abortion as soon as possible as too yourng and forget adoption as most here are not honest and leaving out the nasty side... as they want you to have babies. (therir relgion then gets more power)

Most women get pregnant... you just did it way too early


Look Not saying go to mum straight away as dont know what she is like.., if nice mum yes if not be careful. see below.

You are NOT NOT NOT a whore, ****, immoral, fornicator, dirty, filthy or anything like that... You screwed up kids your age do that (thats why you aint supposed to have sex... bit late for that now) HUm (just a make you feel better hug no pervey stuff ok)

You and boyfriend... probably due to crappy sex ed as usual and parents not keeping an eye on relationship.

Sex unlike most things is serious and complex and lot more then you think you need to know with lots of lies floating around...
Hence you should have waited and learned more... but to late so lets work out whats best now.

Have an abortion ASAP whilst its still a bunch of cells that would not fit on a pin, no feeling, no nothing... It would be painless if in a hospital/clinic and be like a period... Then thats it, go on with your life, possibly with boyfriend... Never ******* have sex unless on a depro injection (like the pill but one injection lasts 3 months so no forgetting it) AND using a condom... How did you get pregnant... what you do? he pull out as that dont work (willies leak come as soon as stiff for lubricant.

You are on anesthetic, fall asleep, wake up all sorted... go back and play with mates, get a hug, go back to school, live your life, have fun , be you forfill your dreams, get a career, travel around europe, backpack Aus and thailand, be who you want to be and have kids later.

Or splash or did he get some on his fingers before he fingered you...?

Not being pervry but trying to work it out...so can teach you how not to again.? Ignore rat catcher.

If you give birth it will be a nightmare... trust me... you have to look after it all the time and I mean ALL the time. forget benefits... any you get will go on nappies .

But thats forgetting the


Ever seen the film alien? guess what they based the chest burster on?

YOU ARE TOO YOUNG, FANNY IS VERY SMALL AND BABIES COME IN STANDARD SIZES... SO ON TOP OF THE STRETCHING which takes like a day, hurts so much your screamming can be hear a mile away sort of.

GUESS WHAT MAY RIP AND NEED STITCHING as too small for the baby to get out? Can you imagine that? and how bloody and hurtful it would be...? your fanny?and how it will mess up a future love life, and cause problems later when you may want kids.?

happened to a friend and she was grown up in twenties so imagine how bad that would be for you... Birth aint a beautiful experience... go see one.

Pro lifers many show you yucky pictures and lie saying you are killing a baby and stuff... you aint, it may look a bit like one but it ain't one.

So its you or whats growing inside you.

Boy friend may well disappear and if you got married you woudl probably divorce... You are two young...

And the stress would mean you have no time together or to cuddles... Just always nappier or later looking after kid, all money on child care, little chance of handling school.

Have you seen in the papers what people think of single mums... Im nice... I am saying the horrible stuff so you dont haver to go through it.

Your friend wont be your mates no more mostly. Others all treat you like dirt, and the baby would be reated bad even though did nothing wrong as thats what relgious folk are like.

No career, no social life, no love life, if boyfriend goes most guys unless 30+ and you grown up wont date someone with a baby, no prom, cant hang out with mates, no parties, no concerts, no mall, no life no uni, no soroity if in US, bno backpacking, travelling, 18-30 holidays, touys ...


So dont have the kid!!!!!!!!! ignore the pro lifers you dont ahve an baby inside you for 8-9 months... now its enhanced blood like what ends up on a tampon.

Live your life.

I don't know what your parents are like ie are they relgious nuts fierce catholic or worse muslim and pro life anti abortionists?

If so Dont tell them yet as may attack or push you to have the kid or adopt

Make sure you decide then they support... serious take my advice.

If parents are not uptight, moralisitic, overly strict relgious pro lifere or islamic types etc...

Ie ex hippies, groupies , mum ok etc... then DEFFINETELY tell mum like er now...

Note mum as dad will want to kill boyfriend (till calms down and realises you both screwed up.

Adoption is not an easy choice but they make you think that as after the baby is borne its too late...

Relgious groups like cathloics and pro lifers Say thay care for you nad the baby...

They dont' they are liers ... See the links below.

Thay will be all smiles but in fact hate you, care nothing for you, just want you to make a baby and would happily slice you open to get at it is it meant you or the baby.

One borne those so nice folk would be spitting at your calling you a whore and a **** and benefit scrounging, falt stealing scum and mother of a bastard. Probably abusing the kid in kids homes ...

Thats the reality of a lot or adoptions where the baby once you have bonded to it may be ripped from your arms and you will always regret it and pine for it once bonded(ie after birth) whilst the kid will feel abandoned aspecailly if abused, or in care and most in care end up on the streets, doing smack and turning into hookers or to crime...

Sorry sad to say it but thats not what they say...They actually tried to force 9 year olds to give birth.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! again see links

And those they dont abort in the third worls again homeless child prostitutes for peadophiles blocking it out with brain destroying glue sniffing...

They used to enslave girls beating them till they died in ireland for getting pregnant and selling the babies...

see here so you can see Im not lying

'The Magdelen Sisterss' should be in your video shop but the tv drama 'sinners' was more accurate if you can find it.
over 30,000 were involved up till 1996...how old were you at that time?
How many of your friends, you or your sister could have ended up here.
Origonal documentry available from



So end bit again is hug, you must be going through hell.

Abortion will deff be the best enabling you to get back to normal life as the quicker the better.

See both sets of info and dont let the pro lifers scare you with morror photos... All operations are bloody and horrible. But make you better.

Nor is that a baby inside you for a long time.

Adoption is often a nightmare but the prolifers say its easy. it aint and there are babies around for these couples. Who often are selfish and care little for the hurt the mother feels when they buy the baby.

having the kid will Dffinelyt ruin your life even if you mum offers to help out... It wont be all nice and cuddly...

You are 13 now...

So when your mates are having funninn uni you will be stuck looking after a 4 year old...

You REALLy dont want to do that.

And hopefully your parents will be cool but be careful of them if relgious nuts.

its your body not theres, and certainly NOt the pro lifers or anyone wanting the baby inside you as your to them are nothing more then the shell , they want the fruit and wont care how they get it...

I want you to be happy and safe and see ALL links

2006-07-15 12:14:49 · answer #1 · answered by Joey 4 · 45 29

Someone else picked up on the fact that you were single a week ago. Have you since had sex with your boy fiend since then and it's this time you think you are pregnant?? If you only had sex this week it does take a week for your egg to get fertilised you know. Have you done a pregnancy test or do you just think you are pregnant? If you are actually pregnant you first need to go see your doctor to find out how many weeks pregnant you are, and then discuss your options. Please talk to your parents or someone you can confide in, maybe even your teacher! You really shouldn't be having sex at your age it is illegal! I know you are feeling scared but the longer you leave it, your time is ticking away and will diminish one of your options.
Good luck with whatever you decide

2006-07-16 03:05:46 · answer #2 · answered by vanessa s 4 · 1 0

Tell your parents. They'll love you no matter what and they can give you the best advice... I mean, they had you. Also, I've had two kids and a woman's body is designed to go through pregnancy. Puuleeeeeezzzz tell your mom or dad and they will support you and help you through this difficult time. Yes, sometimes parents get mad, but if you tell them the truth, you will be better off and you can get the medical care you need. Also, your boyfriends parents should also be told. It might create a fiasco in the beginning, but when the baby comes and parents turn into grandparents, you'd be surprised how much happiness a baby can bring.

My best friend had her first child at 15 (so she was prego at 14)and now her kids are grown up and out of high school and she's still young and she loves her kids.. all three of them.

Good luck and please keep the child and, as a choice, you can put the child up for adoption.

2006-07-15 05:59:02 · answer #3 · answered by whatzerface 3 · 2 1

Ok, i just want to tell this Joey person that i loved the way he/she portrayed the whole problem and solutions and all the nice things that were said. But i have only one thing to say; your hatred towards religions is really unacceptable, i mean, from the way you were talking, you seemed like an open minded, and nice person, but I reached the paragraphs were you mentioned muslims. I am muslim, and if you actually know ANYTHINg about muslims you wouldn't have said what you said. For me, I have never in my life cursed, or even said any bad comment about Christians or any other. First of, muslims are FORBIDDEN to have any kind of relationship without being married. That means no boyfriend, no hug, no kiss and all that kind of stuff. It's not being strict, its just a way of preventing bad stuff from happening, like whats happening to all the girls over the world, and having an intercourse would be with the person who deserves the woman, not random dudes.and abortions are also forbidden, because its killing a living soul and a gift from God. And because being married is the only way the woman is pregnant, so having the baby wouldnt make a problem, and if there is some probs between wife and husband, the baby will make everything calmer and link both together. So i am hoping that you got my point, and changed your mind about Islam. Next time anyone says something, be sure of your resources, and look twice before saying any information, even if your convinced its right.

2013-11-10 22:56:00 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 3 1

13 and pregnant? Well, you do have options, but regardless of what you choose to do, you do need to sit down with your parents and tell them what is going on because without their help you wont be able to do anything.

Your 3 options are: Have a healthy pregnancy and raise the child yourself. Have a healthy pregnancy and put the child up for adoption. The third is abortion, which I personally do not agree with but if that is whats best, then by all means it must be done.

You should contact your local Planned Parenthood. They can give you information on all your options, provide you with a councellor, and even help you break the news to you parents.

I just had a baby 7 months ago (I am 24) and it is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me, but it is not easy. Dont get me wrong tho, The good outweighs the bad. His smile makes everything worth it.

gooduck <3

2006-07-15 06:08:39 · answer #5 · answered by Gavin's_Girl 1 · 1 0

Firstly are you really telling the truth? Reason why I'm asking is you put a question on here a few weeks ago stating that you didn't have boyfriend and wanted to know how you get an orgasm:? well you didn't waste much time did you? if you are been honest then you and your boyfriend need to discuss this matter and decide what your both gonna do. I would also tell your parents if your going to get rid of the baby, and obviously you will have to tell them if your keeping it.

2006-07-15 13:20:52 · answer #6 · answered by fairylandk 3 · 4 0

Tell your mother and then visit a doctor.

I can understand that possibly your mother will be furious, yet it's one thing you certainly can't hide.
You're her daughter and she loves you no matter what, so she'll help you out.
Then together you must go see a doctor. I'm not the one to tell you whether you should have the baby or not, although I think that by the age of 13, you're too young to become a mother. You're still a child yourself.
One thing you must keep in mind it that you have to act fast.

2006-07-15 22:58:37 · answer #7 · answered by Kicky 6 · 3 0

Hiya, I really think you should talk to a female relative or an adult you trust :-) I'm sure you do feel scared but please don't get yourself into a state as this will only make you feel worse! If this helps - i have a 14 year old daughter and if she came to me and told me that she was pregnant i would want to make her feel safe in the knowledge that i would support her and help her and we would get thru it together as i'm sure most mum's would! Yes, your mum will be upset that you have got yourself in this situation but when all is said and done us parents love our children no matter what they do so please try not to worry yourself too much.. fear comes from the unknown and is never as bad as we think it will be.. take care sweetheart!

2006-07-16 06:41:58 · answer #8 · answered by maidenrocks 3 · 2 0

Ah. I suggest strongly that you panic. (not really :P)

I'm 13 too.

I suggest strongly that you get an abortion. And tell your doctor. Tell him/her to tell your parents. It will be very bad if you have the baby becuase:
1. you will not be able to continue with school - you will have to have maternity leave
2. it will hurt...A LOT
3. you will not be able to care for the baby
4. are you sure you're pregnant??????????
5. your parents will have to care for the baby/it willl have to go into care
6. it is illegal
7. your boyfriend will probably have to marry you (:P)
8. it is very stressfull
9. everyone at school will know - including teachers
10. your boyfriend will get embarrassed
11. you will never have a normal life.
See. Get an abortion. NOW.

2006-07-15 07:10:20 · answer #9 · answered by akhanevans2 1 · 2 2

First you should tell your parents...no matter how mad they get its the right thing to do. Then you have to figure out if you wanna keep it or not. If not Adoption is a wonderful and helpful thing to many. But if you want to keep the baby. Make sure you are ready to be a GOOD mom. You haqve to be willing to give up a lot....and i mean a lot and it never ends. And tell your boyfriend if you havnt already. Also, remember that your parent cant make you do anything....they cant force you to give up your baby or get an abortion and they cant kick you out either its eleagal bacause you are a minor and thats child neglect if they kick you out. So don't worry about all that, just focus on what you want to do for your baby. GOOD LUCK

2006-07-15 06:26:10 · answer #10 · answered by Crystal J 3 · 2 0

You should talk to your parents. You should REALLY think about giving the child up for adoption. You are still a child yourself. You can't even get a job at your age! Give the child a better life with two adult parents. Your boyfriend and you will both change so much in the next ten years. I wish you the best. There are plenty of people wanting to adopt babies from the US, so that's what I would do if I were you.

2006-07-15 05:55:43 · answer #11 · answered by MD2B 2 · 2 0

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