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i simply can not wrap my mind around the fact that there are so many people that were blinded, and continue to be blinded, by the bush administration in the past two presidential elections, granted i give people who voted for him in the 2000 election a little more credit because they did not know exactly what he was going to be like, but for anyone in there right mind to vote for him again in the '04 election knowing what his administration is like seems to me to be absolutly insane. now i know that kerry would not have been a great president but i do believe that he would have been better than the current administration that we are under right now.
bush, along with his supporters, have single handedly accomplished spliting this country in two, dividing it unlike it has been in the past 100, 150 years. i truly appologize if i have offended anyone with this question but i really want to understand why someone would vote for that man.

2006-07-15 05:40:40 · 19 answers · asked by kentuckygrown 2 in Politics & Government Politics

and please if you are going to respond to this by bashing me or the question instead of being respectuful and giving an intelligent response, DON"T

2006-07-15 05:41:49 · update #1

so then please tell me what was so wrong or so bad about kerry, please dont just say "i didnt like him" because then i will think that you are nothing else than an ignorant person who does not get the full story and just listens to the surface of what everyone else is talking about

2006-07-15 05:47:39 · update #2

it just seems that anyone i talk to that voted or supports bush can not back it up with a resonable answer for why, all i ever get is "i didnt like kerry" or and excuse me for saying this "cause he is a man of god" as if saying kerry is a pagan or devil worshiper, HE IS NOT, its just that the bush administration has made people feel as though voting against bush would be against god AND ITS NOT!!!!

2006-07-15 05:52:55 · update #3

now to those blaming the democrats for the sepperation of the country i say this, in the last election who made such a big deal out of gay marrage and abortion? granted these are important topics but not topics tha needed to decide the election, these topics where thrown out by the bush administration with full force to decidedly devide the nation in half, it is the bush administration that made christians, not all of course, feel as though if they were voting against bush they were voting against god and basically not being chritian and that is a very wrong thing to do, prey upon the religious weaknesses of others for political gain. now to further prove my point what has been done by the president on either oif these two issues since his re-election?
not to those of you that are gonna start yelling at me about how "the war is more important" i deff agree that it is, so why didnt bush concentrate on what was important during the war!??!!!?!?!?!?!

2006-07-15 06:04:32 · update #4

trinitytough i was refering to the civil war thank you very much, and what tha hell makes you think that bush use mrality when it comes to the way he has been running the country, their has been nothing but lies and deception coiming out of his administration since the war in iraq started

2006-07-15 06:11:28 · update #5

TO ALBERTO i am gay thank you very much and why is it that a hetero couple cajn show affection in public but a gay couple can not, by stoping gay marriage bush would and will not stop your children from seeing a gay couple kiss, that will always exist unless you are proposing the genocide of all homosexuals and if you are you need to step into the line behind hitler in the history books, i appologize for that statment because i know someone is going to get highly offended by it but it needed to be said, and if you dissagree with me let me know and we will discuss it further

2006-07-15 06:34:03 · update #6

i do not see it as a bad thing for someone to change their mind, if they feel as though their previous thoughts or feelings were or are wrong then they should change them. i would rather see someone change their mind than be pig headed about an issue and cause an extreme amount of damage because they do not want to appear weak

2006-07-15 06:36:48 · update #7

bush has not publicly insulted a democrat, but he has used other ways to make them look like fools, no he never does it directly he is too smart for that. i think the man is extremly smart, but a little devious

2006-07-15 06:48:10 · update #8

19 answers

1. I like his support for HSA (Health Savings Accounts) and giving Social Security to the individual, not the government. I side with doing things yourself. Why should your pension/retirement be at the mercy of some corporation or the government? At least if you have your dollars and invest them how you choose, it is your fault if things go wrong and you can feel pride if you do well.

2. Lower taxes. So many people are quick to forget that the President has lowered taxes for ALL taxpayers. Simply, anyone who makes around $7 has seen a five percent tax cut. This is across the board. That is where the $300 per person refund came from in 2000. He did move for all the rate brackets to be cut, even the top ones. Some critize that it favors the wealthy, but no matter which way you slice the scenario, those with more money still pay in more. They are also the business owners. Do you know how a business person pays his taxes? He gets a check from the company. If he's paying less in taxes then he's taking out less cash which leaves more to be spent on other things, like employees!!

3. He's an educated man, with an MBA. I like his business sense approach to things. It can be hard to see since the media is very biased, but I can tell. We need people with business minds in government. I'm an arts person too, and a painter's mind is more abstract than needed to run a country. A country is like a business. Too bad more non-profit, educational and governmental entities weren't run this way. They could see huge improvements.

4. His faith in God. This wasn't the biggest decision factor for me, but I appreciate it. Hopefully he asks God for help all the time. Then I truly know things are the way they should be.

5. The way he handles criticism. Time and time again, he could snap back at the awful things people say. But he doesn't. He notes how it is great it is people can express their opinion. He focuses on business, not how others are making fun of him. THAT is a sign of a leader.

6. Proactive. It is a very difficult decision to make in going to war. Lives will be lost, blood will be spilled and sides will be taken. But everytime I start to question it, I remember the people who jumped out of the World Trade Center to their death. I remember the mother in another country who can't feed her children because of the dictator in power. I remember the thousands of prisoners put to death because of an order. I remember their mothers.

I won't say the President is perfect and that I believe every position because there are a few things I would say, "Nah George, that's not a good direction". But in general, I find him to be a good man.

As far as the 2004 election, Senator Kerry was not an option to me after watching him pick up the other side of every position to President Bush. I want someone who sticks to their opinion even when criticized. I want someone who doesn't flip their opinion to be popular. I want President Bush.

Who is yelling at you?

The abortion issue was already decided by Roe vs. Wade. I dont' believe the President has the power to make that absolute. As far as the debate over third trimester abortion, I think that is a valid arguement as both sides have varying points of view. The same goes for stem cell research. Bush didn't prey upon the Christians, he IS Christian and as one tries to act one when working. The only one I'll leave up for debate is the wars. Just because there is a separation of church and state doesn't infringe an individual from acting in what they believe in. From a law perspective, as long as those things don't diminish the rights of someone else. Those rights are being debated.

You saying "there has been nothing but lies and deception" is very weak. Sinc you wanted to know why we voted for Bush and offer support for our reasoning, I encourage you to do the same. State the lies.

2006-07-15 06:01:55 · answer #1 · answered by Molly 6 · 6 1

It's very simple. Kerry is a waffle. He's a flip flopper. He initially supported the Vietnam war, then spoke against the war, and against the people who were DRAFTED to go there. He initially supported the Iraq war, and now... again.... speaks against it. I don't trust him. It truly seems that his heartfelt opinion on issues change each time a new poll is cast on the subject, and I don't trust polls, or wafflers. I do appreciate a proactive approach to terrorism, and Bush provides that. Democrats seem to want to take a reactionary approach to terrorism, and that costs civilian lives. As far as separating the country.... How many Dems have you heard publicly insulting the President? Hillary, Kerry, Edwards, Kennedy, etc etc. How many times have you heard Bush publicly insult ANY Dems? zero. It's a matter of perspective I suppose. If you depend on CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times for your information and perspective, I can understand why you feel the way you do. If you look around and find the truth that lies between the editorialized headlines, then you might approach politics with a little more insight.

2006-07-15 06:20:58 · answer #2 · answered by Oilfield 4 · 0 0

Bush has a spine, Kerry does not.
Bush is pro-life, Kerry is pro-abortion.
Bush doesn't think that taxing the middle class to death for some precious social program that doesn't work is a good idea, Kerry is the opposite.
Bush never bashed the military, Kerry did.
Bush understands there is such a thing as morality and that our government has to be based on it, Kerry doesn't.

BTW, the country is more divided now than in the last 150 years, huh? Ever read about the Civil war?

My dear, if you really want respectful answers like you claim, try practicing what you preach, then maybe there will be more people willing to engage in a real debate.

2006-07-15 05:59:58 · answer #3 · answered by trinitytough 5 · 0 0

I don't think the President has split the country in two. The democrats have fought the President on everything all the way. The bias left media has spewed their garbage all over the world. Most people don't take the time to find out the real truths so all they here is crap from CNN(CRAPPY nightly news) and their affiliates. So they go with what they hear not what the truth is. Think about how Murtha blabbed his big mouth about Our soldiers being murderers. That was all under investigation before Murtha ran his mouth! Think about Kerry calling Our guys terrorist! Think about the sicko's out in Hollyweird running their mouths to suit their own agenda. Sorry my friend you got it wrong! The Democrats are the blame for this crap!
I would vote for Bush twice again if I could. I sure don't want no dean or clinton in the White House!

2006-07-15 05:52:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I voted for Gore in 2000 and then voted for Bush in 04. Why? Because the war in Iraq and gas prices were not as relevant for me as family values and moral issues. I have a 4 year old son that was born in 2002. So then, I had to consider the other issues that matter for me then and now, not just like I said Iraq and gas prices, but gay marriage, religion, and partial birth abortion. Just think about this, I was in Disneyland with my son and nephews and I saw a gay couple holding hands and kissing in front of other children without any respect or consideration of others. I dont have anything against gay people as long as they respect people around them too. How does this affect me? Well I had to give "an explanation" to my 7 year old nephew of why is it that two guys are kissing each other in the mouth. It does affect me and my family. On another note, talking about killing other people in Iraq. Well Kerry was for slashing into pieces your own son or daughter with a beating heart. Also, personally, I rather vote for a president with religious beliefs and who is not afraid to say it to all of those americans with a division on church and state mentality. Finally, Teresa Heinz.

2006-07-15 06:14:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First, as a conservative, Bush's policies reflect my own beliefs more than the Democrats do. The Democrats have gone hard left in the past 2 decades, and seem to be actively pursuing policies directly contrary to the Constitution and every tenet of freedom, liberty and self-reliance this country was founded upon.

As for the concept that Bush and his administration were somehow horrible, that's a matter of opinion, as the facts do not support your viewpoint. Yes, his 'compassionate' (i.e. liberal) side is about big-government and spending (which is just like the Democrats) and that is his biggest flaw, but he has sound economic policies, has tried to bring sanity to social security, and has been a very good leader in the war against radical Islam. His foreign policy has been measured and rational, and he has used a wide range of initiatives to accomplish his goals.

As for Kerry, that guy was a traitor, a liar, a scumbag. This guy went in front of Congress and, under oath, said that every US soldier in Vietnam, including himself, were war criminals. His 'hero' status was based on action reports he himself wrote, he has 3 purple hearts (and no scars, hmmmm) that he lobbied for, because getting a band-aid is not considered being wounded. While still in the Navy Reserves, he travelled to Paris and conferred with the North Vietnames and Viet Cong delegations who were negotiating with the US to end the war. This is why he was dishonorably discharged.

As for splitting this country, Bush came to Washington hoping to work closely with all parties for the betterment of the country, like he'd done in Texas. But the Dems were all vitriol and hatred, and so was their propaganda arm, the national media. Bush has consistently offered nothing but kind words and friendship to the Dems, who have continually spit in his face.

Like you, who baselessly cast aspersions upon his every little action for the sole reason that you don't like him. We are not insane. You should be on your knees thanking God every day that Bush was elected. The alternatives would have been very much worse.

2006-07-15 06:12:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

While it is very fashionable to Hate Bush, I buck the trend. Do I agree with everything he has done? No, Do I wish he had found his veto pin a bit earlier? Yes, Do I fault him for not doing more to control spending? Yes. Do I pray for wisdom and his safety every day? YES, and I hope if you claim to be a Christian you do the same. So while I am not in total aggreement with him, I still think the man is sincere and trying to do the best thing for the country. And I certainly am still supporting his decisions to attack terrorism any place he found it in the world including Iraq. And all you who have too short a memory to remember that the whole country was behind him not to mention the entire FREE world when he made the decision to go to war, can I remind you that there were a few decenting voices. Lets list them, China, France, Russia, and yes Barack Hussien Obama. He sure does run with a good crowd, now doesn't he.

2016-03-27 06:27:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It was the lesser of 2 evils.
I recognize GW is not the sharpest tack in the box.
I almost voted for JK, even though I am an R.
I was watching both very closlely through C-SPAN coverage (noncommercial, non-partisan media).
I was enraged to catch JK calling himself a liar.
They do both tell lies.
At least GW didn't call himself a liar.

BTW: I do feel with conviction that they are both wrong. I also feel that the current choices presented by the Democrats and Republicans are not the correct answers.
I believe that both parties are just serving themselves, not Us.

I hope 2008 will bring some change. Yes, I am an Optomist.

2006-07-15 05:59:36 · answer #8 · answered by manofadvntr 5 · 0 0

I know how you feel, Kentucky. It is rare to be able to have a answer to a question that some *sshole hasn't contributed to, ruining the integrity of the question... and answer.

I will tell you though that I'm not a Bush supporter, and personally I do hold those who voted for Bush on his second term in absolute contempt, as I hold the Greeners responsible for the first time.

Those who voted for Bush on the second term, knew what Bush and his cronies were capable of and they voted for him anyway. They fall under two categories in my opinion: Those who are as evil as they are, and those who are too stupid to see that Bush has been flushing this country down the toilet from day one.

I also blame the Greeners for voting for Nader, when he obviously had no chance to win in the first election. We were enjoying a prosperous time despite the fact that Clinton had to endure heavy harassment from the right every since he announced his plans to run in 1992. Those votes for Nader would have made the difference with Al Gore winning. I just don't understand why they didn't realize that a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush.

People need to realize that in the primaries, you vote for the candidate you wish. But in the election, if the polls show a candidate with less than 10% of the votes, FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T VOTE FOR HIM if the other two are likely to be tied.

So this country is going down the toilet for two reasons: The Greeners in 2000, and those who voted for Bush a second time. After all, fool me once, shame no you, fool me twice, SHAME ON ME!!!

2006-07-15 05:51:10 · answer #9 · answered by imagineworldwide 4 · 0 0

I voted for Bush because I believe he is the best candidate for the job. No, I do not agree with all of his choices, but I will back him on them because he is my president.
Would I vote for him again if I could? Probably unless a better candidate comes around.

Bottom line, all we have are two candidates to choose from. You pick the one you believe will do the best job. Do I think Kerry could have done better; definitely not. Would Kerry have done things different? I bet he would have. Do I regret my choice, not one bit.

2006-07-15 06:11:47 · answer #10 · answered by CMR2006 3 · 0 0

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