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You know the story, suicide bombers and rockets into Israel because Israel conquered the land in the Six-Day war. Israel retaliates by bombing it' surrounding neighbors and said the land is the Biblical homeland. And then more suicide bombing, more retaliation.

What is the most practical compromise that will end this cycle of violence and giver everyone involved hope for the future?

I know I am asking a simple answer to a complicated, complex question because the Middle East contain countries who have very mixed societies just like any other country in the world: modern, traditional, Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Muslim, etc.

2006-07-15 02:07:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

10 answers

When one side is completly eliminated.

2006-07-15 02:09:14 · answer #1 · answered by profit0004 5 · 2 0

The real cause of the current violence in the Middle East over the past few days is NOT Hezbollah as George Bush keeps stupidly saying. Bush is giving a biased and self-serving pronouncement that carries not a grain of truth.The REAL cause is the Balfour Declaration of 1917..."His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people..." Thus began the string of events that led to the influx of great numbers of Russian and European jews into Palestine, and from this came the roots of the current crisis. THIS is the real cause of today's violence, not Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a manifestion of the cause, but not the cause itself. Short-sighted politicians twist or omit history to serve their purposes, and this is what Bush has done. The president of Iran was thinking of the cause when he stated that Israel must be destroyed. It may very well be that Iran will the the tipping point in the 70-year conflict that will settle once and for all the problem of atrocities committed by the jews against the Palestinian people.

The reason the US went to war in Iraq was not because of supposed weapons of mass destruction; that was but a political excuse. The real reason was to remove Saddam Hussein as a potential threat to Israel. To have said that the US was going to war in Iraq in order to provide for Israeli security would NOT have gone over well at home, so Bush twisted it to say that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the security of the United States (read instead "Israel"). Now that threat has shifted to Iran, and unless George Bush can muster support for eliminating this new threat to Israel, Iran might be able to provide the momentum to solve the Middle East problem once and for all.

2006-07-15 15:27:29 · answer #2 · answered by Kokopelli 7 · 0 0

Because the middle east for hundereds and hundreds of years has been goin through occupation and everyone wants a piece of the pie, romans did, Britain did .. and then they handed palestine over to the Jews coz they didn't want them in europe anymore!! and coz they kept comlaining about the "promised land" .. and then there's OIL and everyone wants to be in control of that ..

did you ever think what might happen if there was stability in the middle east?! if all the countries there lived in harmony??! it would be disasterous to the rest of the world especially the US thats why someone always stirrs-up trouble whenever things are a little calm. Nobody wants to see different religions living in harmony, nobody wants arabs to have power and oil, Israel doesnt want anyone more powerful in the region. US wants military bases there so it needs an excuse for that. and well there are a dozen more reasons to keep the conflict going on there ...

SO to answer your question .. well there is no way for it to be resolved, because you can't keep eveyone happy!! coz someone has to come out defeated and abused or homeless ..

2006-07-15 02:24:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think that there is a compromise. Israel already gave up land ... it just made for more violence. If they have an Israeli state & a Palestinian state side by side & try to share Jerusalem it will never work.

I don't see any end, except the one Profit0004 said ... either that or the end of the world.

2006-07-15 02:13:37 · answer #4 · answered by mom1025 5 · 0 0

the answer is very simple to politicians especially for US and Israel leaders, but they simply don't want it to be resolved. In fact, they want the road to be open for Israel toward state expansion. Also, Arab leaders never tried hard to be part of the answer. They want Arab people to get busy with the Jewish-Palestinians problem, and not paying attention to corruption in their own countries.

To answer your question which how to resolve the chronic war: two counties ( Israel and Palestine) separate and recognized by all UN countries. (Fact : Palestine is not a real country yet)

But it will never happen.

2006-07-15 02:20:28 · answer #5 · answered by legend_of_falls 1 · 0 0

The only way to end the fighting in the midle east is to exterminate everyone. that may sound crude or hatefule, but the truth is these people have been fighting for centuries. so the answer is not simple. The only way to end this never ending cycle of fighting is to educate the people. It works just like it did when the blacks got their freedom, took almost another hundred years for them to be treated equal, and 40 after that for the hatred groups to go away. so I must say education is the best way to stop it all. I am currently in the middle east

2006-07-15 02:15:30 · answer #6 · answered by scribdog 2 · 0 0

The same way Japan was taken care of With an atomic bomb! Japan is now our friend who gives us cool electronic toys to play with

2006-07-15 02:12:49 · answer #7 · answered by jirachii 5 · 0 0

it wont get resolved it would lead to a all out war

2006-07-15 02:12:28 · answer #8 · answered by and1player2 3 · 0 0

when one of the sides reveal their cruelty and mistakes

2006-07-15 02:15:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's too late.

2006-07-15 02:30:36 · answer #10 · answered by profile image 5 · 0 0

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