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why do gay people hate bi people an ***** about them in clubs was in my locoal gay bar other day an this bi girl left to meet asome bloke an they where all really nasty to her so i left with her an she was rly upset that in the strait community people treated her differnt and in the gay community they hwere almost like ur a fake! any thoughts?

2006-07-15 00:53:33 · 20 answers · asked by joy m 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

20 answers

Because u can have it both ways on a Saturday night, if u can't get the one u can always try the other and they are jealous because of that reason, u have more choices

2006-07-15 01:03:16 · answer #1 · answered by Dream@all 1 · 0 0

While I think it's ok to be bi- some people in the gay community prolly feel that by being bi-it's like telling the world that gay people really arent gay. Which is silly cuz if this were true, it would also be saying that straight people aren;t straight. So it doesn't really negatively affect the gay community. Being in a relationship with someone bi-sexual can be frustrating for someone homosexual because they always wonder...will this person want to go out with ____ of the opposite sex? And sure some can never make up their mind, but most bisexual people still believe in monogamy and it's not just about the sex, it's about being attracted and feeling affection to both genders. Not that they can;t live without sex with either gender.

It's unfortunate because we could be ostricizing someone who may be an important step in the equality of all people. Their life-style, preference, sexual orientation (however you want to put it) is still NOT what society considers the norm, and therefore can help us all to achieve equality.

2006-07-15 02:47:59 · answer #2 · answered by scorp 3 · 0 0

Many do, for a number of reasons. 1) Resentment that bisexuals can simply slip right in with heterosexuals, if they so choose. They can fall in love with a woman, be married, and be normal. They never really have to come out as not straight if they dont feel like it. Just enjoy the perks of gay sex and live a straight life. 2) Some percieve that bisexuals are more likely to be closeted, and less likely to be out and supporting gay rights. They feel the whole gay community must stand together, and bisexuals are more prone to stand back and watch. 3) They feel bisexuals are not trustworthy. They have only known the feeling of being attracted to one sex. Just like heterosexuals who cannot understand gay people, they can't see how one can be interested in both sexes. They fear a bisexual will never be able to commit, never be satisfied. 4) They may be afraid that a bisexual will leave them for the opposite sex. No one likes to be dumped, no one likes to see their ex with another. But with the animosity between the gay and straight communities, they feel the bisexual is a traitor to his own kind. They feel betrayed. It's not fair, but its human nature to be resentful, jealous, untrusting, and fearful. I dont blame them. But I wish they'd see that as a hated minority, they should do their best to try to see the other perspective. At the end of the day, they're both hated sexual minorities, and have more in common than not.

2016-03-27 06:10:49 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

All I can say is it is very frustrating. I am a bi male and it seems as though we cannot be accepted by either the "straight community" or the "gay community." Straight people tell us we are confused and are just curious, or it is a phase. Gay people tell us that we are just taking a step towards being gay. As if we are taking the cowards way out.

Also, many people believe that bisexuals are not capable of being in a monogamous relationship. However, just because we are attracted to someone doesn't mean we are going to sleep with them. Love is love.

Believe me, it would almost be easier to claim one or the other just to get acceptance. But then we wouldn't be honest with ourselves and that is who we really have to please in the end isn't it?

2006-07-21 20:34:10 · answer #4 · answered by jeffsilver_25 1 · 0 0

I do notice quite a bit of animosity from others in the gay community geared towards those that are bi. Most of the time, I've been told, it's because a lot of people tend to believe bisexual people are more promiscuous because they like both men and women. I used to be bi, and it's not so. A bisexual male/female is no more prone to lots of sex than any average straight or gay person. You would think that a people exposed to discrimination would know better than that. I'm not saying all gays discriminate against bis, far from it, just like not all straight people discriminate against gays, but from my experience, and from what I've been told by other gay men and women that I know, and even by some straight people that I know, that is the common misconception about bisexual people.

2006-07-15 06:29:54 · answer #5 · answered by Agent Double EL 5 · 0 0

Ever seen the acroynm GLBT? It stands for Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgendered. All four are given equal footing. Being bisexual is a way to "have the best of both worlds" and a way to be rejected from both worlds. It's really hard to be attracted to both sexes when from both sides, we are told we are fence-sitters, lying, confused, and more. I am a proud bisexual, but when people hear that, they are confused by what it means. I'm in a monogamous relationship and will not cheat on my partner. The bisexual community has been pretty silent so not many people know about us and what it means. The short answer is we are capable of loving anyone, gender is not an issue for us.

2006-07-15 06:50:05 · answer #6 · answered by michellesm 3 · 0 0

It goes back to the myths of being bisexual. They are fearful of what they don't understand, and they don't understand being bi. Being bisexual is no more a choice then being gay, lesbian, or straight. Bi people do not have the choice to pick being attracted to women or men, they like both. That has nothing to do with being loyal to whoever they are with. Everyone has a choice to cheat or not to cheat. (Cheating is wrong and hurtful by the way.)

Because of the bad treatment from both sides many bisexuals feel or are seen as "too gay for the straight people and too straight for the lesbians" and it has been an issue for a while. But as more people are educated about being bi then this unfair treatment should stop. Many in the lesbian/gay community have started to help bi people in this fight for equal rights to love who they love.

Link to Myths & Realities About Bisexuality:

News Story About this Issue:

2006-07-15 02:37:25 · answer #7 · answered by MindStorm 6 · 0 0

i think that is a touchy subject, especially at this point in time. Gay people are constantly battling for equal rights, and one of the main things holding us back in the battle are anti gay groups, and the use an argumant that we choose to be the way we are. Now that as a lot people already know is not true. So i think a huge part of it is bi people make it look like a choice, go with whatever is easier to find. now i don't agree with that, you are who you are and its the same exact thing that gay people are fighting for, the right to live that way in equality with others.

2006-07-15 02:48:53 · answer #8 · answered by Advice Whore 1 · 0 0

People are bitter. Some are bitter because there's this thought that "well, I HAVE to be gay and persecuted, but bi people could just go with their straight attractions". Some are bitter / jaded because with females, "bi is cool" and there are a lot of girls who will makeout when drunk to get a guy interested in them. Frankly I think it's all unfortunate, and unacceptable in queer establishments. I will say (not that it makes it ok) in the situation you described your friend may very well have been percieved as straight.

2006-07-17 18:41:40 · answer #9 · answered by Atropis 5 · 0 0

i hate bi people. i dont think it exists. yes you can be attracted to both sexes, but there needs to be emotion. Most bi people I know only like to have gay sex, and then when the stigma gets too strong they go back to being straight. Really just a gay person afraid to come out. Or on the other hand its usually women, but they will call themselves bi and have sex with other women to be cool.

2006-07-15 16:29:49 · answer #10 · answered by stevepuff19 2 · 0 1

everyboby has their own opinions just like the rest of us that live on this earth and personally, i don't like bi-sexuals because they are the confused ones. and if you have ever been in a relationship with a person who is bi, 9 times out of 10, you are going to lose and i speak of experience. the person who is bi likes to pick and choose his/her people in order to be happy.

i do believe in the gay community, a bi-sexual person is a fake because their feelings are fake and when you think you are going to change their minds (by going 1 way and not 2), think again

2006-07-15 02:25:18 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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