Hi i read your question, and could relate to your situation, Although all the answers i read so far for you seem very sincere, and correct, it is easy for all
of us to say, "dont throw away a marriage, stay for the sake of the kids, see counseling, etc, all really is correct,
There is another side to this to, as i see it. People do get divorced, and kids do survive, and in some instances, kids know if you are not happy, they are anything but stupid,, they feel tension, coldness, indifference, anger etc, and to adjust your personality around them when you are in the company of your wife, and pretending to be ok when you are not, is not fair to any of you.
When you are living a lifestyle that is unfair to you, or her or your kids, living a lie, and if you can't be yourself or comfortable in your home, or your emotional \needs are not being met, or respected, you are wasting your life,,,,,,,
time flies especially after forty...
Did you, after twelve years of a controling life, you woke up to it and put your foot down,, and she seriously got upset,,, ?? Why did it take twelve years to realize this? OR was it after you made a "friend" ON the internet? This really does have something to do with your decison..
If you met someone on the internet, a wonderful woman, who understands, and is kind, sweet, and willing to be "ALL THE THINGS, THAT YOU SHARED WITH HER WHAT YOU WANT" I wonder why? AND how easy it is for her to be
that understanding partner you want your wife to be, right? Except that any person, or woman who has any intelligence, can become what you want or need, The tricky part of this statement is Maybe ms, internet friend sincerely is exactly what you want and need in a woman based on her reactions, and yet if you share with her your problems and needs, like you do with us YAHOO-ERS, she can objectively, understand you, give the the respect you want and miss, easily, because she is not under pressure, and has nothing to lose by being a good commuunicator, right??
When counselors talk, or psych's talk to you, they don't take sides, they put the facts together and help you see options, and if you and the person are sincere in changing some infair attitudes, and are willing to "hear you" AND "See you" and listen,, and it is not easy and no guarantees come with this either,, but it deserves a consideration,, i think you owe it to yourself and your family,, whom you created with your wife to consider this seriously,
If your wife does not agree to counseling, and insists that she is right, or is not willing to listen to the fact that you are unhappy, and nolonger want to live with her controlliing, and she does not take you seriously, and won't entertain the fact that maybe both of you have some mental adjustments, give and take and "emotional growing up to do" IN ORDER TO GROW OLD TOGETHER AS
MEANT WHEN YOU GAVE YOUR VOWS, Then i would let her know that you want more out of marriage and life, and let her know that if that is the best she
has to offer, or will offer than bye bye,
Your kids will grow up, and leave the nest and do as they want . they will not let you tell them who to be, or who to choose, and how to think and why,
this is a fact, and they also will not say, "GEE DAD, YOU ARE THE BEST, AND THANKS FOR STAYING IN A MISERABLE MARRIAGE, JUST FOR THE SAKE OF BEING A GOOD DAD, NOW, I WILL BE A GOD SON OR DAUGHTER AND NEVER LEAVE YOU, I WILL ALWAYS TAKE YOUR ADVICE BECAUSE I OWE YOU THAT,,,,,,,,,,,,THEY WILL AT BEST SAY, "i did not ask to be born, i did not ask you to pretend you are happy, I did not make you stay with mom,.. Why did you do that,,? DOES THAT MEAN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXPECT ME TO GIVE YOU SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR YOUR SACRAFICE? does that mean i can't have my own choices, and ideals etc,,?
i do hope you see my point.. I know thru my past expectations that being unhappy and not emotionally and spiritually nourished, it is like being a robot,
and time flies, and then to have a glimmer or memory of happy exciting stimulating times, it is real powerful, temptation, and that is where all of us who have been there done that, step in and say, get rid of your new "FRIEND"
that is wrong, try harder , don't throw it away, when you feel like "OH YEAH"
it is easy for you all to say,, but you are not me and dont know my pain, advice is the most generous free gift us humans give away, even when not asked,
My bottom line is that your friend on the internet, could be sincere, or not sincere, and even if it were not on the internet, and in person, could see and feel or recognize your vulnerability, and sincerely, want to be the one for you too, as she may be lonely, she may have that magic, she may even be your
"soul mate" NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE,
IT TAKES TIIME, AND RESPECT FOR TIME, AND IT TAKES WORK, LEARNING GIVE AND TAKE, AND MOST OF ALL AN EMENSE STRONG COMMITMENT to yourself and another human being to be a partner exclusively, and you do not know this person really, or her tract record, or her defects, and it is like buying a used car, you trade in one set of probelms to get a whole new set of someone elses problems,
I SUGGEST, THAT YOU IF YOU HAVE TOLD MS INTERNET, that you are married, and have family, and shared your problems with her, she of course will be kind, sweet, and become "ALL YOU HAVE SAID YOU WANTED" because so far it is make BELIEVE, or she could say, get a divorce, date a while and then call me, and we will see what happens,
IF YOU ARE MOTIVATED BY "HER WORDS" and work everything and all things seem to be real and better and hope,, You may be a victim of a true
:LOVE JUNKIE:" and become one yourself, It is always exciting at first when
a new person gives you attention,,always or you would not bother,
SO,, IF I WERE GOD, AND YOU ASK ME TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO, I WOULD SAY ,, PRAY TO THE REAL GOD, AND STEP BACK AND LOOK AT WHAT YOUR LIFE MEANS TO YOU, AND THEN SAY, Tell your internet dream woman,, (she should be telling you this too by the way) I need to get my priorities straight, and yes i am wanting you, and almost ready to run to you, but i have invested and promised in my vows to be a husband, and i must put the last and strongest effort into my marriage, and not run away from it
because of you.. i should terminate a marriage because of me and my wife, and no resolution, and that it would not be fair to you either (ms internet) IF I DID THIS ANY OTHER WAY,, especially if she wants all the things you are about to end,,,,,,,, if she wants to just party,, then again, get your affairs, and life in order, take your time (even if you are driven by hormones,) AND STAND BY THE MAN OR PERSON YOU REALLY ARE,,.. AND THEN, IF AFTER A LONG TIME OF EFFORT, COUNSELING, ETC, YOU ARE STILL GET DIVORCED, AND WHEN THE AFFAIRS AND LIVES ARE ACCEPTING that you no longer are m arried and living with wife and kids, if ms internet is still available, and willing to see you,, then ok,, but even then you dont want to rush into or out of anything, Ok this is not God speaking for God,,
Pray, if you have faith in God, and if you do not know about faith,, look into some christian groups who can befriend you , and support you,, but put God first,, WOW, THIS WAS A LONG LONG ANSWER, GOOD LUCK
2006-07-14 21:04:19
answer #10
answered by Maureen K 4