an access tool that locates and lists articles which have appeared in journals, magazines, or newspapers that is organized by subject. A periodical index lists the author, title, name of periodical, volume, pages and date of publication. Some indexes supply abstracts that summarize the content of articles. Both indexes and abstracts are located in the reference department and are available by using print volumes, CD-ROMs, the Internet, or an online database.
An alphabetical list which refers you to articles within periodicals. The list is generally arranged by subject or author. Periodical indexes are used to locate articles by subject or author within magazines, journals, and newspapers. The indexes are bound and arranged by year. Currently, the Library subscribes to the New York Times Index in print (as well as online) and the ATLA Religion One Index. ...
A periodical index is a guide to the contents of periodicals. Some periodical indexes are general in coverage while others focus on a particular subject like agriculture, economics, or history. Periodical indexes can be arranged in numerous ways: by author, title of the article or subject. You would use a periodical index to find if there are articles about a certain topic or by a certain author. You would then have to go to the periodical itself to find the full article.
Cumulative listing of periodical articles, alphabetically by subject and by author's last name. Most periodical indexes are devoted to a specific field (ie psychology) or type of periodical (ie newspapers).
A subject index to a group of periodicals, usually issued at short intervals and cumulated (an example is the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature.)
An index to articles published in many periodicals issued at regular intervals and cumulated annually. It may also include conference proceedings, selected books, book chapters, reports, and dissertations.
a work which lists, by subject (and often author), the articles which appear in a prescribed group of periodicals. Some periodical indexes are general (eg, Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, General Science Index), and some treat specific fields (eg, Engineering Index). Provides citations and sometimes abstracts or even full-text of the articles.
An index that refers you to articles in periodicals, including newspapers.
A subject arrangement of citations (references) to the content of periodical articles, covering a limited time period. The index may be in paper or electronic format.
A listing of citations to periodical articles in a specific field or discipline, often arranged by subject and author. Many are now available online and include some full-text articles.
A publication which indexes articles or other works, ie Reader's Guide to Periodicals. Most periodical indexes are designed to help the researcher identify information by subject, title, or author.
a list of citations for articles published on various topics which is arranged alphabetically and grouped by subject or author.
A cumulative list of periodical articles in which the citations are entered by subject (or in classified arrangement) and sometimes under the author's last name.
(See INDEX).
A subject listing of what articles have been published in what magazines and journals. Some periodical indexes are general in scope and others are subject-specific.
a list of articles that appear in journals, magazines, and newspapers, usually arranged alphabetically by subject and author. They index only a specific group of periodicals for a specified time period. A periodical index will provide all the information you need ( ie citations) to locate the article (title of article, title of publication, date, page number, etc.). Many periodical indexes are now in computerized form, ie they exist as databases.
A research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of journals or magazines.
2006-07-14 16:51:48
answer #1
answered by shoppingontherun 4