If you have turned your life around, this old charge need not stop you from pursuing your dream. The suggestion that you see if you can get the charge stricken from your record is a good one. If you are planning on going to college, you should talk with the advisers there about what is the best major for you to pursue. There may be possibilities you have not even considered.
2006-07-14 16:24:47
answer #1
answered by just♪wondering 7
If you live in CA you may qualify to get your record expunged. If you qualify you can petition the court to dismiss your conviction which will allow you can apply for a job and legally state that you were not convicted of the crime.
To qualify, the following must be true: (1) you
are not on probation or parole; (2) you are not
currently charged with a crime; and (3) you have
paid all fines, fees, and restitution associated
with your conviction; (4) you were NOT
sentenced to state prison.
You have to apply in the county in which you convicted.
See the following website - it may help direct you to where you can get help in your state.
Finish college - don't limit yourself or your opportunities.
2006-07-14 16:34:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
What a helpful answer, jannie! She's all set to conquer the world, now!
I would contact a legal aid service. Perhaps you can get some sources for legal aid through your college. Maybe you can get the drug charge dropped from your record. Everyone makes mistakes. You shouldn't have to pay for it for the rest of your life.
2006-07-14 16:25:34
answer #3
answered by loveblue 5
in most states, after 7 years you can petition the courts to have even a felony3 (which would be something like possession of 2 kilo of cocaine with intent to sell) stricken from your record. which means you would legally be able to say you have no felonies, and also would only come up if you got another charge similar to the one that was stricken from your record. go talk to the magistrate or judge in your county and see what you can do about getting that record wiped clean
2006-07-14 16:17:47
answer #4
answered by MstrChief55 5
Contrary to public myths, 88%+ of all employers do not require a crim check, or require them but don't do them - change fields to one that is not dealing with the care of the vulnerable and no one will care about your past.
2006-07-14 16:16:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
maybe at a call center for like sprint or cingular or any other company. Some of the reps makes good money.
2006-07-14 16:18:35
answer #6
answered by 0 3
Anything more than 10 years old should not matter, so at least you don't have that much longer to go.
2006-07-14 16:17:51
answer #7
answered by Zack J 1
keep looking and try to put something positive on your resume. Maybe you could do some volunteer work or something to show your not all bad?? good luck I know it isn't easy.
2006-07-14 16:19:00
answer #8
answered by jamorososr 2
Speak to a lawyer, he might guide you in the right direction.
2006-07-14 16:26:01
answer #9
answered by Arun M 5
get your degree in psych or addiction studies or social work and go work with juvenile offenders or drug-rehab kids. they'll take you.
2006-07-14 16:40:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous