I live in Minnesota and REALLY need to earn some cash for hand-to-mouth necessities. Any suggestions?
18 answers
asked by
Business & Finance
➔ Personal Finance
Sorry, I should have expanded. I don't want to sell my body in any way, shape, or form. I am currently a mortgage broker, speak rather fluent Spanish, have had several years management experience and would only like SERIOUS answers.
I had two very close friends die in the past few months and I missed a bit of work. You can't be down on a 100% commission job and expect to survive - had I known the future I would have planned better. Please help - I'm getting behind!
08:58:30 ·
update #1
Sorry, I should have expanded. I don't want to sell my body in any way, shape, or form. I am currently a mortgage broker, speak rather fluent Spanish, have had several years management experience. I also sing, write, and play guitar in a band. Please, SERIOUS answers only, as I am posing a serious question.
I had two very close friends die in the past few months and I missed a bit of work. You can't be down on a 100% commission job and expect to survive - had I known the future I would have planned better. Please help - I'm getting behind!
08:59:21 ·
update #2
2006-07-14 08:51:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Plan for long term my friend,
Let me share my idea with you!
When you are not affordable to get whatever you want, it is a prove that you are financially insecure. Work in the private sector is good but, if you are still young try to make money with every single seconds that you have. E.g: Work at home after your working hours or during weekend. Go for the internet business, which requires less of your time and the one that will not make you feel headache with web designing, or which require IT knowledge. Second, choose the internet based company which offer you the opportunity and at the same time giving you the convenience to start the business. Third, choose the business, which does not require big money to start it.
All the above is only available from: http://www.website.ws/cybalgua
Honestly, I tried so many opportunities offered through the internet and this is the only one that really works.
PLEASE NOTE: You only will understand the whole marketing concept if you read every details & the trial period is FREE!
General Information:
COMPANY NAME: Global Domains International Inc
CORPORATE INFORMATION : Login here: http://www.freedom.ws (YOUR ACCESS CODE IS: cybalgua)
Remember, You CAN'T guarantee whether you will get many fish or not by spreading your net into the sea, but u CAN guarantee that there is no fish at all if you never spread your net into the sea.
2006-07-14 20:46:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I can't guarantee you anything...but you might be able to come close if you really put your back into it!!!
I sell lia sophia jewelry and make, on average $300 in a show...about 3 hours of work. but, we could talk about how you could do more...$100 an hour part-time is pretty hard to beat (well legally anyway). sounds like between your day/night jobs you'd have enough contacts to make it work...
Let me know if I can help! Check out my website for more info, if you like.
2006-07-14 08:59:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Speak fluent Spanish? Why not try to get a job as a translator for a court. They would probably have some kind of work for you. That is if Spanish speaking people are numerous in your area.
Maybe try selling some stuff on ebay...Got anything that I want?
2006-07-14 09:38:19
answer #4
answered by aerosmithbaby05 3
You're a mortgage broker and need to make an extra three to four grand in a month? Go close an extra half of a sale... my goodness!
2006-07-14 20:59:50
answer #5
answered by Paul McDonald 6
Hookers are legal in the desert in Las Vegas... But seriously, I almost... agree with kryzchek up above... That is not an unrealistic figure
2006-07-14 08:55:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sorry about the misfortune. Any answer that is not the correct answer for you, will just sound stupid. What about any collectibles or anything you can sell on eBay? Quick MONEY! The possibilities are endless.
2006-07-14 09:12:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You should give us some info on your background, education, experience. Do you have kids to take care of or can you work everyday, for ten hours a day.
2006-07-14 08:53:24
answer #8
answered by browneyedgirl 6
Get a job that pays you between $36,000 and $48,000 a year. It's not that hard.
2006-07-14 08:52:36
answer #9
answered by Kryzchek 4
The only thing I can think of, seriously, is Stripping.
2006-07-14 08:51:34
answer #10
answered by sobay310 3
try getting a job in a fishing boat in alaska
2006-07-14 08:50:30
answer #11
answered by ak momma 2