Yes I've seen woman and even teens have this, even when they are thin. And "Sweetie" who says, "That's obvious" shouldn't have answered your question like that. MANY of the questions asked on yahoo answers seem obvious to me, too, but the answers are OBVIOUSLY not obvious to the asker.
2006-07-14 08:17:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Cellulite is not related to being overweight; average and underweight people also get cellulite. Our wrong way of life - alcohol, smoking, physical and mental overloads, - all this creates favorable conditions for cellulite appearance,
Physicians have made full-scale researches to understand if the cellulite is a hereditary disease, Tension of nervous system, stresses, nervousness influence harmfully all systems of our organism, Being constantly compressed, muscles in places of fitting weaken and their tone eventually decreases, Women who always wear shoes on heels have problems with normal functioning of blood current, Hormonal changes are considered to be the most important reason of cellulite appearance, Wrong selection of food results in the deficiency of some nutrients, lack of vitamins, of potassium, sodium, iron and many other things, necessary for correct self-regulation of the organism, The sedentary way of life becomes the reason of the great number of cases of illness development at early age. Cellulite does not go away just like that. There is this product i have been using for about a month and the appearance has improved highly. check out arbonne's vanish figure 8 2 step system.... they are really good, they are botanically formulatted and the best part is that cellulite will not fade if there is no massaging so the 1st step is a scrub that really works with microcirculation and stimulates the circulation in this area... the 2nd step is a creme and what it does is that it soothes the area. the key ingredients are guarana and what this ingredien does stimulates to loose fat... and also caffeine which is a stimualnt to loose fat also.... the best part is that your skin will feel so smooth and great... they also have a 45 day money back guarantee... so there is nothing to loose just the appearance of cellulite... ckeck it out.. i buy them online at: .. under shop online and there is nobody visiting me and i receive the products at my door step ... so you decide....
2006-07-14 15:40:14
answer #2
answered by shoppinggirl90 4
Of course you can. Working out the problem areas are probably best and ridding the cottage cheese thighs or buttocks. And drinking lots o water will help eliminate it as well. Limiting those activities is the source of cellulite.
2006-07-14 15:18:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
yes you can. I have friends that are super thin and have cellulite. It's a skin condition. It has to do with the tightness of your skin etc. That's why there are so many new skin firming lotions out there. It helps to build up the elasticity of the skin.
Hope this helps!
2006-07-14 15:17:58
answer #4
answered by Natalie R 2
yes you can. Cellulite does not just come to people who are overweight! maybe you should google it and see what it says! cellulite is when fat gets between your muscle and your skin, which can happen at any weight and body frame! I know lots of skinny people that have lots more ceelulite than bigger people! so deal with it
2006-07-14 15:16:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Cellulite is not a cuase of being is in caused by the preservatives found in most american foods. HUGE women in 3rd world countries do not have cellulite. Almost every food we eat has preservatives in it. Drink more water (not sodas and other artificial drinks) and eat less canned/boxed foods.
2006-07-14 15:18:06
answer #6
answered by green is clean 4
Cellulite is the fat cells changing form, and it has nothing to do with how much you weigh, unfortunately.
2006-07-14 15:17:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Cellulite is usually hereditary-you can tighten your skin, and lower your % of body fat which will help-but there is no real "cure".
2006-07-14 15:17:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes, even the skinny ones get it!! lol
2006-07-14 15:16:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yes- dimpling occurs at any weight
2006-07-14 15:15:56
answer #10
answered by babs 2