Bin Ladden?. Sorry he didn't reside in Iraq. Why do so many people think this is the reason. The reason is definitely money and power (oil-resources). The other reasons for war are religion and land.This has been going on for many years and will go on till the end.
2006-07-19 11:11:35
answer #1
answered by cutter 1
This is not information, this is prapaganda by a typical anit-America group trying to confuse the situation. "It is all about oil and to enrich Haliburton" right? Learn to understand the realites of the world we live in, the real dangers we face and what has to be done. Human kind will always have dangers that need to be faced head on. We are not Gods and we are never going to live in a "utopian society" were all is love and peace. Life does not work like that. Saddam needed to go. Just that simple. There are true evil people and idiologies in the world and it is our duty as freedom loving people to stand strong and do what needs to be done even when it is not popular or if there is a segment of our population that turns every things we do into a sin or tries to. The same people who would never fight any oppressive force ever, under the ideal that "war is never the answer" Sometimes things have to be done and whether or not you beleive the reason for doing so, does not mean it deosn't have to be done. If you are concerned about Iraq and think we are a evil empire , oppressing the poor Muslims, then by all means speak your mind so that the rest of us , logical thinking Americans know who you are or better , if you hate all the US does, why not move to Iran, or maybe Syria where they can proceed in sawing your head off while you try to tell them how much you hate America, cause they will still saw it off. Wake up , stop wasting time on conspiracies and get on with reality before you wake up wearing a stapled on turban.
2006-07-14 14:49:02
answer #2
answered by peter b 2
Because Saddam tried to kill Bush's daddy is Kuwait and Iraq has the 2nd largest oil supply in the world. It we wanted to take out dictators we could be in Burma, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, Equatorial Guinea, or North Korea. We support many dictatorships. All of these fools saying we are in Iraq to liberate the people and bring democracy have forgotten the original lie that we went into Iraq because they were a threat to us. The democracy lie was reason given #2.
2006-07-14 14:42:22
answer #3
answered by HelloKitty 3
The reason why we are there, at the base of it all . .
They stole our planes and crashed into our buildings on our land, cut and dry. Anything else can be said, but at the end of it all - the self-rightous Bin Laden and crew started it all just because they think we are an evil nation and felt they could pick a fight with us. The scary part of this is, due to our lack of decision making and the liberal thinking in this country - we acted too late and our media is having a hay-day with it. So maybe Bin Laden and crew aren't so stupid after all.
2006-07-14 14:39:11
answer #4
answered by Nientech 3
Fronnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk!! Sorry, the horn goes off when the same question is asked more than 10 times in 48 hours.
2006-07-14 14:35:44
answer #5
answered by Mr.Wise 6
I'll answer your question with another question: "Why does the US military currently control 90% of Iraq's oil mining fields?"
2006-07-14 15:15:55
answer #6
answered by Agata 2
We are not in Iraq because of effen oil. This is another effen
Islamo-Fascist and communist lie.
2006-07-14 14:36:53
answer #7
answered by Vagabond5879 7
revenge for the insult to his daddy. while he is very well educated, I really don't think that his intelligence reaches much beyond his id (Freudian).
2006-07-14 14:43:14
answer #8
answered by Alan S 7
The Gubbernment in it's arrogance even tells us it's "OIL"... it's in the name Operation Iraqi Liberation.... OIL
2006-07-14 14:36:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2006-07-14 14:50:20
answer #10
answered by iknowtruthismine 7