Cut off the flowers so it cannot produce seed (if this is feasible, it will help!). If you can, wait until after a heavy rain, then go out and start pulling. The rain will hopefully loosen up the soil which will make getting the entire root out of the ground much easier. You have to get the root though, otherwise it will just grow back.
If you were really desperate, get some roundup and go with the highest recommended rate on the label (the label is the law). Wait about two weeks, then reapply the round up. A one shot application will not suffice. (Hope there aren't any plants nearby that you would want to keep.)
Good luck
2006-07-14 09:34:26
answer #1
answered by plantmd 4
We have Russian thistle on the farm all the time. Get a Roundup type product and put a little 2-4-D in it and spray when their is no wind to reduce drift.
2006-07-14 11:13:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
sprinkle with comet or ajax all around base then water.try three or four applications over a two week peroid.
2006-07-14 11:04:41
answer #3
answered by gary_spartos 2
A start would a commercial weed killer, then Good Luck!
2006-07-14 11:04:31
answer #4
answered by GRUMPY1LUVS2EAT 5