Tough question you ask, but is shows you basically have a good heart and CAN DO IT.
Jesus asks us to love one another. He also asks us to love even those who hate us. You have to try. Start by not hating them Start by seeing them as human beings capable of love, of giving. They are like you, people with some ambition, desires, needs, desires. They want to love and be loved. They might be going about it in the wrong way, but we are all fundamentally the same.
You need also to forgive. Love will flow thereafter.
Good luck
2006-07-14 03:11:26
answer #1
answered by SmartAlec 3
To answer your first question: in my opinion it is difficult to show love to the people whom you think don't deserve it because you are judging them, and love and judgment can't occupy the same space in your heart...just like light and darkness can't. Learning about empathy and why it is a good quality to have may help you get started. You asking the question, to me, is a very beautiful start. Also, how we respond to and think about our trials and our pain influences how we treat others. Here are some things I've picked up about it:
Without trials I wouldn't be able to comfort others, empathize with them, or understand the depths of despair.
Without trials I would still think I had all the answers and would be closed off to correction and molding...unteachable.
Without trials, the darkness would never come, and I would never be given the opportunity to shine like the sun.
So when you look at people and interact with them realize that they struggle like you do, they hurt like you do, they have feelings like you do...and remember that kindness and tenderness is the language of the heart. When you try and speak this language your heart will start to thaw. And another thing that may help...when you feel those twinges of "aw, I shouldn't have said that...or done that.." listen to them. That is your heart speaking to you. The more you listen the more you will hear. Hope this helps.
2006-07-14 10:05:35
answer #2
answered by novalee 5
Why do you need them badly? Do you work in PR? Love for others should start within you, inside you. You can't fake it, you can't show love if in the first place you don't have love for those whom you think don't deserve it. So do a little paradigm shift, start thinking that all people are basically good, and you don't necessarily have to love them, just give them due respect, that's more important.
2006-07-14 09:50:08
answer #3
answered by gameplan_xtreme 4
It's a choice. You have to choose to love others. It's most important when you fel like the people don't deserve it. Just make yourself say hi to the people you don't like. It will be hard at first, but eventually you will find yourself a lot less cold towards people. <><
2006-07-14 18:35:19
answer #4
answered by ichthus607 2
when I discovered I contracted for this life for my growth it changed everything and especially how I felt about those around me. It's easy to love the lovely. It's hard to love the unlovely. But wanting too is the first step. From there it happens
2006-07-14 09:46:09
answer #5
answered by anya_mystica 4
"Judgment" is clouding your ability to love others. When you realize that we (all of us as human beings) are in this world together and have a connection you will begin to see them as part of "yourself." Granted there are parts of ourselves that we do not like, but overall we do love ourselves. Begin to see people as an extension of yourself. It is hard, but a challenge, and a good challenge. Your whole world will open up.
2006-07-14 09:49:43
answer #6
answered by a_latinalady 2
i never do that.......if he or she dont deserve it,i always listen to my heart,my inner voice.because i know my heart never let me do anything wrong.but in todays world i think we have to show our love and all if our heart says or not.because its the need of today.
2006-07-14 09:50:34
answer #7
answered by sonia sharma 2